Washington Plays Nuclear Chicken Now With China as Well as Russia

It seems it’s not enough that US Defense Secretary Ash Carter and his generals engage in games of nuclear chicken with Russia by provocations in Ukraine, NATO maneuvers on Russia’s borders and activation of highly-dangerous ballistic missile defense installations on Russia’s perimeter. 

In the past months the Obama Administration has clearly also escalated tensions in the seas surrounding the Peoples’ Republic of China—East China Sea with Japan and South China Sea with the Philippines—tensions which potentially could provoke a catastrophe. While both provocative operations could give the Pentagon budget a boost in times of budget austerity, they could easily detonate a preemptive nuclear strike by either China or Russia or by both. In the 21st Century such primitive behavior by the Obama Pentagon is not only inexcusable. It’s mad.

Earlier I discussed in great detail the carefully-planned Washington provocation of China in the strategic South China Sea islands disputes, where the Obama Administration encouraged a Philippine government—then under US-crony Benigno Aquino—to escalate tensions over the barren Spratly Islands by unilaterally going ahead with arbitration in The Hague despite the fact it was not agreed to be arbitrated by Beijing, violation of the very definition of arbitration. It was a deliberately planned Washington ploy to provoke Beijing into rash reaction. To date, to its credit, China has instead pursued a series of diplomatic initiatives with ASEAN, as well as dialogue with a new, more reasonable Manila government under President Rodrigo Duterte, to defuse the manipulated US propaganda Hague decision.

In recent weeks however, Washington has demonstrated that it has firmly fixed China to its missile radar as Asia-Pacific Public Enemy Number One, putting China now in pretty much the same boat as Russia is for NATO in western Europe. The Pentagon has dramatically escalated tensions in the region, using Washington’s strong influence over the regimes of Japan, South Korea, and a newly-elected regime in Taiwan to turn them from trade partners of China to hostile foes.

In early August Japan’s national broadcaster NHK reported that the country is actively pushing forward and adopting the US’s Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system. Japan would become the second country in East Asia to deploy THAAD after South Korea.

Since 2012 when Obama’s Asia Pivot military shift began in earnest, Washington has prodded Tokyo to impose state claim over the uninhabited Diaoyo Islands (Senkaku in Japanese), which China claims had been Chinese since 1534 and illegally handed by the US occupation after World War II to Japan in violation of the Potsdam Agreement.

The Global Times noted, “Miyako sits at the mouth of the Miyako Strait, an international waterway which is also a major route for the Chinese navy to enter the Pacific Ocean. If the new missile is deployed at Miyako, it could threaten all Chinese ships in the waters of the Diaoyu Islands.”

That Washington is playing with thermonuclear fire in drawing Japan and South Korea into its China-Russia military encirclement strategy became even clearer in reported remarks of Japan right-wing Prime Minister Abe to US Admiral Harry Harris, Commander of the US Pacific Command. According to the report, Abe, referring to efforts of President Obama to make a US “No First Use” of nuclear weapons official US policy, something not now the case, Abe protested. He told the Admiral, “Japan, in particular, believes that if Obama declares a ‘no first use’ policy, deterrence against countries such as North Korea will suffer and the risks of conflict will rise.”

The potential thermonuclear cocktail of THAAD deployments across Japan and now South Korea and its navy, combined with expansion of the US ballistic missile defense deployments there, and a right-wing rearmed Japan under an Abe regime rejecting “no first use,” is a cocktail that one should neither stir nor shake but rather dismantle before it is irreversible and confronts China and Russia with the only option of survival, namely, nuclear preemptive strike.

That is what is insane about the US Full Spectrum Dominance policy in place since 1992 when US Defense Secretary Dick Cheney and his assistant, Deputy Secretary Paul Wolfowitz drafted the Wolfowitz Doctrine.

Vladimir Putin and the Russians have patiently pointed this out since the 2007 Putin Wehrkunde Munich speech, where he bluntly and clearly opposed the US ballistic missile deployment in Poland and across European NATO, then proclaimed by Washington allegedly to defend European NATO allies against “rogue missile attacks from Iran or North Korea.” It’s worth re-quoting a section from that February, 2007 Munich speech of Putin’s, remarks even more ominously prescient of future Washington actuality today more than nine years after and developments that bring that reality far, far closer:

NATO has put its frontline forces on our borders…It is obvious that NATO expansion does not have any relation with the modernization of the Alliance itself or with ensuring security in Europe. On the contrary, it represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust. And we have the right to ask: against whom is this expansion intended? And what happened to the assurances our western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact?

“Plans to expand certain elements of the anti-missile defence system to Europe cannot help but disturb us. Who needs the next step of what would be, in this case, an inevitable arms race? I deeply doubt that Europeans themselves do. Missile weapons with a range of about five to eight thousand kilometres that really pose a threat to Europe do not exist in any of the so-called problem countries. And in the near future and prospects, this will not happen and is not even foreseeable. And any hypothetical launch of, for example, a North Korean rocket to American territory through western Europe obviously contradicts the laws of ballistics. As we say in Russia, it would be like using the right hand to reach the left ear.

Now a policy-bankrupt Washington has moved to do precisely the same military encirclement with missile “defense” against China and against Russia’s strategically-vital Far East. If someone in Washington was trying deliberately to firm up a strategic military alliance between Beijing and Moscow to parallel their unprecedented economic alliance, then they are doing brilliantly. It is not so brilliant for mankind or the prospects for world peaceful economic development of our planet to blindly march toward mutual annihilation.

Even if I were to overlook the obvious hypocrisy of the Pope in his repeated messages which were very thinly veiled propaganda for globalist initiatives, there are some very disturbing things about this particular Pope that I cannot come to grips with as a Christian.
It was difficult for me to stomach his duplicity with regard to his comments. For example, he told the people and the government of the United States that we should take in even more immigrants, I was left wondering how many immigrants is the Vatican taking in? When the Pope announced support for the radical agenda to punish First World countries by forcing them to send billions of dollars to the Third World to punish nations like America for committing crimes against the climate. Additionally, I have had scores of Catholics write to me and express extreme disappointment that the message of Jesus was not championed by the Pope in his recently concluded message, I had to agree with them. However, when this Pope began to elevate the religion of Islam on an equal par with Christianity, I began to legitimately question his motives.
Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God? Before you stop laughing at the ridiculousness of the question, please know that the Pope believes that there is one universal God for all religions. The Pope is leading the Christian world head first into the creation of a new religion, Chrislam, which is the blending of Islam and Christianity. Are you rubbing your eyes in disbelief? Please consider that while the Pope was at New York’s St Patrick Cathedral, he began his address with the declaration that there is one universal God for Islam and Christianity. You may listen to his remarks here. You may read key excerpts below:
“…the tragedy that they suffered in Mecca. In this moment, I give assurances of my prayers. I unite myself with you all. A prayer to almighty god, all merciful…”

In the Islamic religion, Allah is known as the “all-merciful one”. Then the Pope proceeded to make the following controversial statement:

“I then greet and cordially thank you all, dear friends belonging to other religious traditions; first of all the Muslims, who worship the one God, living and merciful, and call upon Him in prayer…”

It is clear that the Pope believes that Islam and Christianity worships the same exact God, hence the term, Chrislam.

On June 6, 2015, were you aware that the Pope allowed members of the Islamic faith to pray at the Vatican and he further broadcasted the event? More Chrislam.
Does it bother anyone else that this Pope is so inline with the United Nations on such issues as climate change and immigration. He further supports the United Nations agenda (21) for education as well which is is dedicated to the destruction of Christianity.
Chrislam is merely a transition piece to ready the world for its one and final religion, GAIA and education is the tool for the implementation of this agenda (21).