George Soros: Western Society Must Fall Before One World Govt Can Be Established’s really not a secret who runs the TransPacific Partnership. It’s really not a secret who runs the IMF, and the World Bank. It’s also really not secret who runs the United Nations. These days, the globalists are so over the top and in our faces about what they’re doing, sometimes information is learned that can later appear to have been kept secret, but that’s normally more the result of the public’s limited access to programs inside certain institutions, rather than a deliberate effort to conceal information.   

The insanity of it all, is that the global elite have brainwashed the masses, largely with the assistance of the globalist run mainstream media, to disregard what their own eyes and ears tell them. For example, George Soros admits the he’s been the financial backing to the refugee “crisis” that has brought Europe to it’s knees, and he admits that he’s funding the far-left group Black Lives Matter here in the U.S., but yet anyone that brings up either, is somehow branded a “conspiracy theorist??” Can anyone explain that to me?!?! 

To make matters worse, not only has much of what “conspiracy theorists” claim to be true already been committed to writing and published by the elite (try actually READING in Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030), but there are huge amounts of what  “conspiracy theorists” are warning about that have already been voted into binding legislation too. Furthermore, those who are carrying out such acts claim to be operating under some imagined diplomatic immunity, making them free from prosecution. 

As Alex rightfully points out, Soros & Co. aren’t “secret” about much of ANYTHING these days. People have become SO ignorant, that no one even bats an eyelash when a globalist thug freely speaks about his intention to use the U.N.’s migrant counsel as a weapon to undermine national homogeneity. That is utterly insane. He should be locked up. We live in a time when the head of the U.N.’s migrant counsel is openly sharing his intent to use his authority to deliberately undermine the sovereignty of countries, for no other reason than that their population is naturally indigenous, or potentially more predisposed to being white. What?!?!

It absolutely shocks the conscious, that in a day and age when information is available at the click of a button, that there could still be so many of the smug condescending types, who like to laugh, point fingers, and yell “conspiracy theory,” when issues this serious are discussed. Seriously? It’s almost as if a level of weapons grade stupidity, ignorance, or perhaps both, somehow got released into the atmosphere or something, because who could possibly be THAT clueless? Yet, here were are….

 Leaked documents from left-wing financier George Soros’s Open Society Foundations continue to reveal the extent to which the group has influenced the political response to Europe’s refugee crisis. Internal documents show OSF used $600,000 in reserve funding in March 2016 to bring pro-refugee positions into the “political mainstream.”

According to OSF documents, half of the $600,000 would go towards lobbying efforts. All $600,000 came from OSF’s “Europe Reserve Fund.”

A summary of the proposal notes that “the proposed reserve fund allocation will allow for additional resources to be allocated towards countering xenophobic attitudes in Europe, move parts of the political mainstream towards more pro-refugee positions, and build constituencies around a more progressive approach to migration and asylum.”

As originally reported by The Daily Caller, a leaked OSF memo from May 2016 argues that Europe’s refugee crisis should be accepted as a “new normal,” and that the refugee crisis means “new opportunities” for Soros’s organization to influence immigration policies on a global scale.

During recent weeks, there have been quite a few Soros related hacks, as well as the leaking of sensitive Soros files obtained during those hacks. I include links to several of the stories below. 

In a recent post titled, NWO Deliberately Causing More Global Chaos. Why? Because Global Problems Require Global Solutions, I discus one of the leaks that “should” be of particular concern to Americans. The leak involved details of another radical far-left group started by Soros, otherwise known as Demos, and among other things, two of the group’s goals are: 

1) “To implement UN Agendas-21 and Agenda 2030, which seeks to eradicate National sovereignty to the United Nations in favor of a globally controlled centralized government,which includes the diaphanous agenda of climate change; and
2) The complete globalization of America’s culture in order to balkanize and effectively destroy the very nature of what American culture is, as they are now also doing, throughout Europe, in deleting European culture.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) isn’t really a free trade deal, it’s a way for global oligarchs to consolidate, grow and protect their enormous wealth. The investor-state dispute settlement system (ISDS) is perhaps the most nefarious and objectionable aspect of the deal, with this shadowy court system being used to accomplish the following for the super rich and powerful:
The whole thing is absolutely disgusting and epitomizes all that is wrong and unethical about the world today. As such, stopping the TPP from passage is probably the most important near-term challenge ahead for all of us who want to make the world a better place (or at least prevent it from getting much, much worse).

According to US Defense Department officials, the USS Firebolt was forced to change course by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps in the Persian Gulf.

The Navy’s coastal patrol ship was operating in the Gulf on Sunday when it was allegedly approached by an Iranian attack craft that came within 100 yard of the US vessels. The Iranian craft sailed in front of the Firebolt, forcing the ship to divert its course.
One Pentagon official, speaking on condition of anonymity, described the move as "unsafe and unprofessional due to lack of communications and the close-range harassing maneuvering."
Six other Iranian ships “harassed” the Firebolt before it was forced to change course. While crew members reportedly attempted to make radio contact three times, they received no response.
This is at least the fifth reported incident of its kind in less than a month. The USS Nitze was intercepted by four Iranian vessels while sailing through the Strait of Hormuz last month. Following this encounter, similar incidents occurred with the USS Squall, USS Stout, and USS Tempest.
The Pentagon described each encounter as "unsafe."

What a mess! In the crazy Syrian war, US-backed and armed groups are fighting other US-backed rebel groups. How can this be?
It is so because the Obama White House had stirred up war in Syria but then lost control of the process. When the US has a strong president, he can usually keep the military and intelligence agencies on a tight leash.
But the Obama administration has had a weak secretary of defense and a bunch of lady strategists who are the worst military commanders since Louis XV, who put his mistress, Madame de Pompadour, in charge of French military forces during the Seven Year’s War. The French were routed by the Prussians. France’s foe, Frederick the Great of Prussia, named one of his dogs, ‘la Pompadour.’
As a result, the two arms of offensive US strategic power, the Pentagon and CIA, went separate ways in Syria. Growing competition between the US military and militarized CIA broke into the open in Syria.
Fed up with the astounding incompetence of the White House, the US military launched and supported its own rebel groups in Syria, while CIA did the same.
Fighting soon after erupted in Syria and Iraq between the US-backed groups. US Special Forces joined the fighting in Syria, Iraq and most lately, Libya.

The well-publicized atrocities, like mass murders and decapitations, greatly embarrassed Washington, making it harder to portray their jihadi wildmen as liberators. The only thing exceptional about US policy in Syria was its astounding incompetence.
Few can keep track of the 1,000 groups of jihadis that keep changing their names and shifting alliances. Throw in Turkomans, Yzidis, Armenians, Nestorians, Druze, Circassians, Alawis, Assyrians and Palestinians. Oh yes, and the Alevis.

Meanwhile, ISIS was inflicting mayhem on Syria and Iraq. But who really is ISIS? A few thousand twenty-something hooligans with little knowledge of Islam but a burning desire to dynamite the existing order and a sharp media sense. The leadership of these turbaned anarchists appears to have formed in US prison camps in Afghanistan.
The US, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey armed and financed ISIS as a weapon to unleash on Syria, which was an ally of Iran that refused to take orders from the Western powers. The west bears heavy responsibility for the deaths of 450,000 Syrians, at least half the nation of 23 million becoming refugees, and destruction of this once lovely country.
At some point, ISIS shook off its western tutors and literally ran amok. But the US has not yet made a concerted attempt to crush ISIS because of its continuing usefulness in Syria and in the US, where ISIS has become the favorite whipping boy of politicians.
So, Turkey, a key American ally, is now battling CIA-backed Kurdish groups in Syria. Eighty percent of Turks believe the recent failed coup in Turkey was mounted by the US – not the White House, but by the Pentagon which has always been joined at the hip to Turkey’s military.
This major Turkish-Kurdish crisis was perfectly predictable, but the obtuse junior warriors of the Obama administration failed to grasp this point.
Now the Russians have entered the fray in an effort to prevent their ally, Bashar Assad, from being overthrow by western powers. Also perfectly predictable. Russia claimed to be bombing ISIS but in fact is targeting US-backed groups. Washington is outraged that the wicked Russians are doing in the Mideast what the US has done for decades.

The Obama administration disclosed to Congress on Tuesday that it transferred a total of $1.7  billion in cash through Swiss banks to Iran around the time American hostages were released this year, about four times the amount originally disclosed to the public, sources told Circa.
A source directly familiar with the briefing, who spoke only on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to reporters, said the money was sent to Iran via Swiss banks on three dates; Jan, 17, Jan. 19 and Jan. 22.

The payments coincided with the release of a handful of American prisoners from Iran, including a Washington Post reporter.