Pope Francis urges Christians to back Agenda 2030

Pope Francis has published a papal document urging Christians to adopt climate change and environmental propaganda as a core part of their faith.

  • Pope: "God gave us a bountiful garden, but we have turned it into a polluted wasteland of debris, desolation and filth." 
  • Document released to coincide with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.
  • Pope document mirrors Paris Accord on Agenda 2030 reform and false World Meteorological Organization (WMO) data.
  • Pope on Paris Accord: "It is up to citizens to insist that this happen, and indeed to advocate for even more ambitious goals."
  • Bishop Brian Farrell, head of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity: "It is obviously a rare thing to add to the acts of mercy, but things change. This shows the movement of the church through time." 
  • "We need new calls for responsibility."
(ROME, ITALY) Pope Francis called on Thursday for concerted action against environmental degradation and climate change, renewing a fierce attack on consumerism and financial greed which, he said, were threatening the planet.
A year after publishing the first papal document dedicated to the environment, the pope urged Christians to make the defense of nature a core part of their faith, adding it to the seven "works of mercy" they are meant to perform.
"God gave us a bountiful garden, but we have turned it into a polluted wasteland of debris, desolation and filth," Francis said in a document released to coincide with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.
World leaders agreed in Paris last December to commit to limiting greenhouse-gas emissions in an effort to stabilize rising temperatures, while the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said in July the earth was warming faster than expected and on track for its hottest year ever.
Francis welcomed the Paris accord, but urged voters everywhere to make sure their governments did not backtrack.
"It is up to citizens to insist that this happen, and indeed to advocate for even more ambitious goals," he said.
He asked the world's one billion Roman Catholic to embrace a green agenda, saying defense of the environment should be added to the works of mercy, which provide believers with guiding principles and duties that they are meant to follow.

In his message for the “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation” Thursday, Pope Francis said that human-induced global warming, as well as a loss of biodiversity are “sins” against God, which must be atoned for by planting trees, avoiding the use of plastic and paper and “separating refuse.”
“Global warming continues, due in part to human activity,” Francis said, adding that “2015 was the warmest year on record, and 2016 will likely be warmer still.”
“This is leading to ever more severe droughts, floods, fires and extreme weather events. Climate change is also contributing to the heart-rending refugee crisis. The world’s poor, though least responsible for climate change, are most vulnerable and already suffering its impact,” he wrote.
Repeatedly citing the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, who has “courageously and prophetically continued to point out our sins against creation,” Francis made his own a new list of such environmental sins, which include pollution, global warming and deforestation.
For human beings to “destroy the biological diversity of God’s creation,” to “degrade the integrity of the earth by causing changes in its climate,” to “contaminate the earth’s waters, its land, its air, and its life–these are sins,” he wrote.
Summing up, the Pope stated that “to commit a crime against the natural world is a sin against ourselves and a sin against God.”
Lamenting “the devastation of the environment,” Francis said that “God gave us a bountiful garden, but we have turned it into a polluted wasteland of debris, desolation and filth.”
Now is the time to “acknowledge our sins against creation,” the Pope said. “Inasmuch as we all generate small ecological damage,” we are called to acknowledge “our contribution, smaller or greater, to the disfigurement and destruction of creation.”
“Let us repent of the harm we are doing to our common home,” he added.
In his message, the Pope also applauded “a growing global political consensus” regarding the environment, praising the adoption of “Sustainable Development Goals” as well as last December’s Paris Agreement on climate change, “which set the demanding yet fundamental goal of halting the rise of the global temperature.”

Earlier this year we reported that Texas game wardens on the southern border have been issued radiation detectors due to concerns that a nuclear or radiological device could be smuggled into the United States through the porous Mexican border.
It appears that the Department of Homeland Security is also taking the potential for a nuclear-based weapon of mass destruction seriously. According to a new report from NextGov the government has ordered some $20 million worth of wearable intelligent nuclear detection (WIND) units in an effort to boost domestic security:

Last year, DHS made a broad agency announcement soliciting proposals for so-called Wearable Intelligent Nuclear Detection, or WIND, technology. Employees would wear the products to ensure nuclear devices weren’t secretly being transported in areas like marine vessels, metro systems, or other public areas, according to DHS.

DHS was specifically searching for “advanced technology demonstrations,” which are for “mature prototype capable of providing reliable performance measurements in a challenging and realistic, albeit simulated, operational environment,” the BAA said.

DHS’ Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, whose mission is to protect the U.S. from nuclear devices, was specifically searching for a modular wearable system that could sense, localize and identify nuclear particles, including gamma rays and neutrons.

With DHS actively looking for ways to detect nuclear radiation it appears that an attack on the United States is now a serious possibility.
Of course, no threat has been announced to the public and chances are that should one exist the American people won’t know until it’s too late. 

Hardly a day goes by without some “news” about the Russian “threat,” and in the past twenty-four hours the hate-on-Russia campaign seems to have picked up speed. After learning from Hillary Clinton that Vladimir Putin is not only responsible for the Trump campaign, but also for the “global nationalist movement” that yanked the British out of the European Union, mainstream media are telling us that Russian interlopers are supposedly invading our electoral process by hacking into voter databases. The Washington Post “reports”:
“Hackers targeted voter registration systems in Illinois and Arizona, and the FBI alerted Arizona officials in June that Russian hackers were behind the assault on the election system in that state.
“The bureau told Arizona officials that the threat was ‘credible’ and severe, ranking as ‘an 8 on a scale of 1 to 10,’ said Matt Roberts, a spokesman for the secretary of state’s office.
“As a result, Secretary of State Michele Reagan shut down the state voter registration system for almost a week.”
So the Russkies are invading the American polity, launching a cybernetic assault on the very basis of our democracy? Really? Well, no, as becomes apparent when the reader gets down in the weeds and exercises his critical faculties, if such exist. Because by the time we arrive at paragraph five of this “news” story, we learn that:
“It turned out that the hackers did not succeed in compromising the state system or even any county system, but rather had managed to steal the user name and password for one Gila County elections official.”
Oh, but never mind that nothing much happened and no data was altered, because:
“Nonetheless, the revelation comes amid news that the FBI is investigating suspected foreign hacks of state election computer systems, and earlier this month warned states to be on the alert for intrusions.”
“Russian” hackers have now been magically transformed into “suspected foreign hacks”:  we aren’t supposed to notice this shift in attribution because, after all, the FBI is supposedly putting its imprimatur on this conspiracy theory. Except they aren’t: nowhere in the story does the FBI confirm that the Russians or any foreign actors are behind this.
In Illinois, election officials – who just happen to be Democrats – report a similarly minor intrusion, which one Kyle Thomas, director of voting and registration systems for the State Board of Elections, describes as “a highly sophisticated attack most likely from a foreign (international) entity.” How does he know that? Well, he doesn’t. As we read on, we are told that “The bureau has told Illinois officials that they’re looking at possible foreign government agencies as well as criminal hackers.”
In other words, it could’ve been a couple of teenagers sitting in a cyber-cafĂ© in Shanghai.
Is there a shred of evidence the Russians were behind any of this, as reporter Ellen Nakashima states in her opening paragraph? The answer to that question is an unequivocal no.

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was a neo-conservative think tank that operated between 1997 and 2006. It openly advocated for the total global military domination by the United States. PNAC members held the highest-level positions in the George W. Bush administration, including Robert Kagan (husband of Victoria Nuland) , Dick Cheney, Ronald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and others.
PNAC is noteworthy for its focus on Iraq, a preoccupation that began before Bush became president and predates the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 (Which begs the question – how authentic was 9/11?)
In this outtake, Vladimir Putin talks about arming terrorists in one Middle Eastern country, yet fighting against them in another – “Where is the logic?” – he asks. However, if you look at it from the perspective that the intention was never to rehabilitate, but to destabilise – then it is all very logical indeed.
If it suddenly seems to you that all of this is happening deliberately – that’s because it is. At the end of the clip, I have included the infamous 2007 speech by ex-NATO General Wesley Clark, on the US plan “to take down 7 countries in 5 years.” They may not have met their deadline, but we are now assured that Clark was not making it up.