The "iron and clay" mixture  of the revived Roman Empire,  indeed isn't remaining united just as we would expect from Daniel 2. Somehow these changes will lead to the 10 kings phase in development:

Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party soars ahead in polls

DUTCH right-wing Freedom Party has soared ahead to lead the polls ahead of the parliamentary elections.

The party, led by the controversial Geert Wilders, would beat prime minister Mark Rutte’s ruling conservative liberals if elections were held today. 
The Freedom Party (PVV) can count on 29 seats out of the 150-seat chamber, according to the latest IPSOS poll, making it the largest party in the Netherlands. 
In the space of one month the popularity of the PVV has surged with an increase of six seats.

Pollsters said the PVV’s populist stance has attracted voters. 
The data suggests Eurosceptic Mr Wilders could become the Netherlands’ next prime minister, potentially spelling the end of Dutch membership of the 
Frustrations have grown with the current coalition government and an ongoing court trial involving Mr Wilders has boosted his support. 
In the space of one month the popularity of the PVV has surged with an increase of six seats.

Pollsters said the PVV’s populist stance has attracted voters. 
The data suggests Eurosceptic Mr Wilders could become the Netherlands’ next prime minister, potentially spelling the end of Dutch membership of the 
Frustrations have grown with the current coalition government and an ongoing court trial involving Mr Wilders has boosted his support. 

Mr Wilders, who is riding a wave of populist sentiment sweeping the crumbling bloc has called for mosques and Islamic schools to be closed. 
His manifesto all calls for a ban on the Koran and declared he wants “no more immigrants from Islamic countries”.
The poll comes as Mr Wilders celebrated a victory for his party in the Dutch parliament.

As physical currency around the world is increasingly phased out, the era where “cash is king” seems to be coming to an end. Countries like Indiaand South Korea have chosen to limit access to physical money by law, and others are beginning to test digital blockchains for their central banks.

The war on cash isn’t going to be waged overnight, and showdowns will continue in any country where citizens turn to alternatives like precious metals or decentralized cryptocurrencies. Although this transition may feel like a natural progression into the digital age, the real motivation to go cashless is downright sinister.

The unprecedented collusion between governments and central banks that occurred in 2008 led to bailoutszero percent interest rates and quantitative easing on a scale never before seen in history. Those decisions, which were made under duress and in closed-door meetings, set the stage for this inevitable demise of paper money.

The 7.8 magnitude quake struck about 70km (43 miles) off Kirakira, according to the US Geological Survey.
It said it had occurred at about 17:40 GMT (04:40 Friday local time), followed by many aftershocks.
Phones and electricity went down in some areas. There were no reports of casualties.
In Malaita, an island close to the epicentre, there were reports of collapsed buildings but the extent of the damage was still unknown, Solomon Islands National Disaster Management Office director, Loti Yates, told Reuters news agency.
A helicopter has been sent to assess the situation in Malaita, which is home to about a quarter of the Solomon Islands population of 600,000, he added.
People in many regions moved to higher ground, and users on social media said some places were evacuated.
Minor sea level fluctuations may continue in the next few hours, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said. Social media reports suggested a wave of around 20cm in the capital, Honiara.

A magnitude-6.5 earthquake struck off the coast of Humboldt County Thursday morning, followed by aftershocks.

For the most part, the aftershocks have been insignificant. There have been no reports of damage or injuries.
Bay Area earthquake tracker here.

The USGS sent out a tweet confirming the quake, roughly 100 miles out in the ocean, west of Ferndale.

Ferndale residents were rocked after the quake, which hit 97 miles off the coast along the Mendocino Fault Line.

"Well, I was cooking for a customer, and we got a big jolt and he goes earthquake and I said, 'Yeah, it's a good one.' And I was next to the sink and I had it full of dishes and you could hear the dishes at the bottom of the sink clink together, clink, clink, clink, clink,, and the floor was rolling," Poppa Joe's Café employee Patricia Galbraith said.