The Reality of the Cruel Communist Life

I can sleep better at night now that the specter of global communism has temporarily dissipated from our America with the election and confirmation by the Electoral College of our 45th president, Donald Trump.
One cannot imagine my temporary relief and inner peace, not having to hear Hillary’s hectoring voice, giving us lectures on social justice, equality, racism, bigotry, and white privilege, while banking billions of other people’s money.
Her voice reminded me of Elena Ceausescu, the “mother,” co-creator and conspirator of our communist misery and exploitation we had to endure for decades. She and her husband brought an entire nation to its knees with a Stalinist police state that was state of the art at the time.

On a really cold day like today, 22 degrees Fahrenheit, I remember my gloveless fingers turning red in the frigid air but holding on tight to my precious loaf of bread called "franzela." I had waited in line for a long time to buy it and nobody let me ahead of the line because I was a child, it was a fight for survival.
No crayons, coloring books, or puppies to comfort and shield me from the harsh reality. I was fighting, in a small way, for our daily existence. There was no safe space for me to crawl into except my mother’s arms. And she was too busy to give hugs to her scared and cold little girl who did not understand that other people, in faraway lands, lived much better lives even in their darkest days. There was no time or place for pampering, we had to become hardened and learn fast how to survive.
We did not need a “safe space” from reality, reality was surrounding and suffocating us, there was no other place to go. If we had the easy and coddled life of precious American snowflakes, full of awards, rewards, and undeserved and unearned praises, we would have never wanted to escape to an imagined “safe space.”
As a six-year old, if I did not lose the money along the way, and if I found bread at the communist corner store, I ate a good portion of the crust on the way home, knowing that mom would be mad and there would be consequences. But I was so hungry and the loaf was still warm from the oven. That loaf of bread had to last a few days with mom’s soup made from bones bought at the communist butcher shop and stripped bare of any meat. We were only entitled to 2.5 kg of meat per month, with rationing cards.
Look around you, at the abundant grocery stores, your warm homes, with water, electricity, natural gas, stove, microwave, dishwasher, refrigerator, and plenty of food. You have indoor plumbing, bathrooms, a washing machine, the latest devices money can buy, TV, a myriad of channels for entertainment, warm clothes, multiple pairs of shoes, a warm bed, and lots of books and toys.
What are you really missing in your lives, in your standard of living? Who is exploiting you and controlling your minds? Your college professors and community organizers are filling your minds with imagined racism, bigotry, and intolerance you harp about non-stop, while looting and destroying other people’s property in the process of demonstrating your lunacy. Count your blessings before you wish for socialism and communism!

When I first started teaching full time in the 80s at a preparatory school for college in the south, I used to tell my classes stories of what life was like under socialism/communism; it was not the failed multicultural socialism you admire in western Europe. It was the socialism in Eastern Europe, behind the Iron Curtain.
When students asked questions, I told them frankly how it felt to be exploited by communism, to have your spirit destroyed, to be kept hungry, cold, and without hope for any future; what it was like to be stripped of all personal possessions, land, home, and individuality, to be stuck in tiny cinder block apartments, to be jailed because you had something extra in your home that was not reported to the all-mighty Communist Party that had every right to confiscate what you owned and distribute it amongst themselves as a reward for their “purity of Marxist thought.” And there was no law or justice to protect and defend us. And we had no guns because they had been confiscated as well.

When students joked, “yeah, you had to walk uphill barefoot in the snow to get to school,” I realized quickly that students had been so thoroughly brainwashed that they laughed and giggled at my stories, so I stopped telling them anything. The reality of the cruel communist life was just a joke to them.
It was impossible to educate people who had been so methodically programmed by their activist socialist teachers before me. Logic would have dictated that they would have asked themselves, if socialism was so great, why were all these people leaving their countries and their loved ones behind, everything they’ve ever known and loved, often at great risk if they defected, to come to the United States, to the west? And why are not Americans flocking to move to the then USSR, Cuba, China, or North Korea, their utopian paradise?
Why are all these “refugees” from the Middle East coming to the United States, into small and conservative communities around the country, if we are such a racist, intolerant, and bigoted country? Do they enjoy our generous welfare system offered to them on a silver platter, a ridiculous system that does not require anything of them in return, not even assimilation?
If you don’t fight to preserve your country, if you don’t stop listening to the brainwashing from schools and the MSM, how long is it going to be, young know-it-alls, before these “refugees” colonize you and your “social justice” narrative? They are already on their way colonizing and Islamizing Europe.

Cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago, as well as the States of California and New York, intend to flood these “funds” with tens of millions of dollars – money which none of them have.
The Buffalo News writes that, “The Cuomo administration described the new fund as a first-in-the-nation program to provide emergency legal representation to immigrants – regardless of whether the person is in the country illegally or not. 
It will be run through the state’s Office for New Americans in partnership with some colleges, law firms and advocacy groups.” Office for New Americans? Really. I have friends in New York, and they’ll be thrilled to know that their tax money is being spent in such a responsible and legal manner.
Leftist hack Governor Cuomo has yet to announce how much this folly will cost, but it’s likely to be north of $10 million. Others, though, have begun to assign a dollar figure to their illegal projects.
Thus far, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel has received approval of $1.3 million for his city’s defense fund. Recall on CBS’s 60 minutes that Emmanuel defiantly stated that, “Chicago has in the past been a sanctuary city. ... It always will be a sanctuary city.”

This is the same city that is up to its neck in debt; yet, they can funnel over a million dollars (so far) to protect illegal aliens. Chicago is currently running a $137.6 million budget shortfall. And that is above and beyond the $18.6 billion owed to the municipal workers fund and the $15.2 billion owed to the three other retirement accounts combined.
"Los Angeles elected officials said Monday that they are working with private foundations to set up a $10 million fund, while some California state lawmakers have proposed spending tens of millions of dollars to provide lawyers to immigrants facing deportation,” reports ABC News.
That’s great news for illegals. Not being citizens, I suppose they don’t have to concern themselves with the city of Los Angeles’s current budget shortfall of $170 million and their pension liability, estimated to be $35 billion.
The city of San Francisco, like the others, has a massive operating deficit and debt, but has added another $1.5 million to fund already setup.
At a recent Chicago city council meeting, Nicholas Sposato said: “I'm not a hater,” but at “Any given day, 1,000 homeless veterans are out there. What are we doing for them?”
Nothing, Nicholas – absolutely nothing. They are too busy further bankrupting their cities and States in an effort to cultivate the next potential block of democrat voters.

Police have arrested seven people suspected of intending to carry out a Christmas Day terror plot in Melbourne, Australia, Friday morning.
Some of these suspects — although Australian-born — have Lebanese and Egyptian backgrounds, according to police, and were likely inspired by the Islamic State to plan the “significant” attack, The Sydney Morning Herald reports.
Melbourne Police Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton said the suspects, all in their twenties, were likely planning to set explosives at three major landmarks: Federation Square, Flinders St. Station and St. Paul’s Cathedral on Christmas Day.

“These individuals have been persons of interest for some period of time,” Ashton said. “They’re people we have been concerned about for a period of time.”
“If this had gone under guard, this would have been a significant attack,” Ashton added.
As part of a joint operation between Victoria police, federal police and the Australian Security Intelligence Organization, police conducted raids Friday morning, at which point they discovered an improvised explosive device under construction.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull referred to the foiled terror plot as one of one of “the most substantial terrorist plots” ever uncovered in Australia.

The days of post-World War II pacifism in Japan are more or less over.
The Japanese government has announced it will bolster its coast guard capabilities to defend disputed islands in the East China Sea. China also claims and regularly patrols these islands. The coast guard budget is expected to reach a record of 210 billion yen (approximately $1.8 billion), adding eight new ships and more than 200 law enforcement officials.
Japan’s government also just approved a record defense budget of 5.1 trillion yen (approximately $44 billion), with a focus on China and North Korea. The budget is set to include six new submarines equipped with improved sensor technology, which is to be used to deter the challenges presented by the Chinese. The increased funds will also go toward an upgraded missile defense system.
Japan has supposedly been investing in a submarine program since the 1950s and analysts consider the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force’s submarine fleet to be one of its core strengths.
However, it remains to be seen how long Japan will be able to use the term “self-defense” as a justification for advancing its military capabilities. Earlier this month, China accused Japan of interfering with Chinese military aircraft and launching jamming shells, endangering the safety of Chinese aircraft and crew.