A climatologist at Georgia Institute of Technology resigned from her post because she could no longer navigate the stifling political orthodoxy on climate change.
Former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech Judith Curry announced her resignation in a blog post on Tuesday. While he resignation is technically "a retirement event," and she is "cashing out" to get her pension, Curry explained that "the deeper reasons have to do with my growing disenchantment with universities, the academic field of climate science and scientists."
Curry is known for her scientifically astute explanations of the uncertainties in climate science. Indeed, she has been attacked as "anti-science" by other researchers who repeat the rote "scientific consensus" that man-made global warming is a catastrophic threat to humanity. In a cruel sort of irony, the universities — ostensibly the bastion of academic freedom — have become unsafe for those who, using good scientific methods, are skeptical of the received wisdom on climate change.
"A deciding factor was that I no longer know what to say to students and postdocs regarding how to navigate the CRAZINESS in the field of climate science," Curry wrote. "Research and other professional activities are professionally rewarded only if they are channeled in certain directions approved by a politicized academic establishment — funding, ease of getting your papers published, getting hired in prestigious positions, appointments to prestigious committees and boards, professional recognition, etc." (emphasis added)
Curry frankly admitted that "how young scientists are to navigate all this is beyond me, and it often becomes a battle of scientific integrity versus career suicide (I have worked through these issues with a number of skeptical young scientists)."
It is truly saddening that professional scientists have to navigate these political issues to avoid professional failure. There are clear differences between scientific positions and political opinions.
"Personal opinions about the science and political opinions about policies that are sort of related to your research expertise are just that — personal and political opinions," Curry declared. "Selling such opinions as contributing to a scientific consensus is very much worse than a joke."
It may be worse than a joke, but liberal political orthodoxy demands it. No matter how many climate alarmist predictions fail, they keep pushing the same ideology, with the same agenda — increased government regulations. The solution is always the same, and it involves handing over power to the government.
The struggles of scientists like Curry illustrate just how dangerous this ideology is— to scientific integrity, as well as personal freedom.
For hardcore warmists, it is increasingly becoming a huge challenge to explain the glaring lack of warming so far this century.
The IPCC climate models for the temperature development have been way too high with their estimation as the comparison of the model calculations to the real, observed development recorded by satellite for January 2001 to Juni 2016.
The Global Warming Speedometer for January 2001 to June 2016 shows observed warming on the HadCRUT4 and NCEI surface temperature datasets as below IPCC’s least prediction in 1990 and somewhat on the low side of its 1995 and 2001 predictions, while the satellite datasets show less warming than all IPCC predictions from 1990 to 2001. Later IPCC predictions are too recent to be reliably testable. Source: Is the Reuters “news” agency committing fraud?“
North Atlantic is cooling
Things also do not bode well for the global warming alarmists in the Atlantic as well, as Kenneth Richard pointed out here yesterday: “North Atlantic Cooling Has Plunged Below 1950s (And 1800s) Levels – And Scientists Project More Cooling“.
The sun enters period of cool activity
Solar activity is also now at a low point as the current cycle winds down. meanwhile a majority of scientists are confident the next cycle will also be a weak one. Periods of weak solar cycles are associated with periods of global cooling.
Greenland on record ice mass rampage
And although Arctic temperatures have been well above normal this winter, Greenland’s surface ice mass continues at its rampage record level:
Greenland ice mas is now some 100 gigatons (cubic km) above normal.
Intense cold across Europe and North America
Currently Europe is being gripped by an intense cold wave, one that has sent temperatures in Germany to as low as -27°C this morning.
USA is also bracing for a cold wave — one that is going to intensify and send temperatures far below normal over the coming days.
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