Meet the terrorist behind the next women’s march

Here’s the left’s next great idea for bringing down President Trump: another women’s march. Which means another public instance of Trump haters shouting slogans to one another and mistaking it for constructive politics. What progressives need to defeat Trump is outreach, but all they have is outrage.

Instead of milling around Washington, organizers have in mind a “general strike” called the Day without a Woman. In a manifesto published in The Guardian on Feb. 6, the brains behind the movement are calling for a “new wave of militant feminist struggle.” That’s right: militant, not peaceful.
The document was co-authored by, among others, Rasmea Yousef Odeh, a convicted terrorist. Odeh, a Palestinian, was convicted in Israel in 1970 for her part in two terrorist bombings, one of which killed two students while they were shopping for groceries. She spent 10 years in prison for her crimes. She then managed to become a US citizen in 2004 by lying about her past (great detective work, INS: Next time, use Google) but was subsequently convicted, in 2014, of immigration fraud for the falsehoods. However, she won the right to a new trial (set for this spring) by claiming she had been suffering from PTSD at the time she lied on her application. Oh, and in her time as a citizen, she worked for a while as an ObamaCare navigator.

You can see why she’s a hero to the left. Another co-author, Angela Davis, is a Stalinist professor and longtime supporter of the Black Panthers. Davis is best known for being acquitted in a 1972 trial after three guns she bought were used in a courtroom shootout that resulted in the death of a judge. She celebrated by going to Cuba.

A third co-author, Tithi Bhattacharya, praised Maoism in an essay for the International Socialist Review, noting that Maoists are “on the terrorist list of the US State Department, Canada, and the European Union,” which she called an indication that “Maoists are back in the news and by all accounts they are fighting against all the right people.” You know you’re dealing with extremism when someone admits to hating Canada.

The bristling tone of the manifesto and its call for a “militant” uprising are yet another indicator that liberals are increasingly willing to justify violence in the name of opposing Trump. After the Berkeley campus erupted in flames and violence to protest the planned appearance of Milo Yiannopoulos, many progressive activists took to Twitter to cheer them on. Hollywood stars Debra Messing and Sarah Silverman both tweeted their support, with Messing saying, “RESISTANCE WORKS” and Silverman ranting: “WAKE UP & JOIN THE RESISTANCE. ONCE THE MILITARY IS W US FASCISTS GET OVERTHROWN. MAD KING & HIS HANDLERS GO BYE BYE.”

Anti-Trump activism seems to have little to do with the political arts required to win elections — finding common ground, forging alliances, making friends. Instead all of these demonstrations are about denouncing enemies, and making yourself feel better about the November defeat by gathering publicly with those who share your rage. This sort of thinking leads to such self-defeating acts as interrupting traffic in places like New York City (where Trump got 18 percent of the vote) or San Francisco (9 percent).

If you want to persuade working-class Trump voters in Wisconsin to join your cause, annoying rich liberal Democrats trying to get to work a thousand miles away is a strange way to go about it.

“Pizzagate” is the term given to speculations and assertions that there is a pedophile network connecting Democratic Party élites and two Washington, D.C. pizzerias, Besta Pizza and Comet Ping Pong. The latter is a pizzeria with a Disneyish façade owned by a homosexual named James Alefantis, who is a former boyfriend of David Brock, a powerful Democratic Party operative and Clinton loyalist. Oddly, for a pizzeria owner, Alefantis is considered the 49th most powerful person in D.C. and has made four visits to the Obama White House.

The word “pizza” in Pizzagate isn’t just a reference to Comet Ping Pong pizzeria but stems from the many cryptic references to “pizza” and other food items (“hotdogs”; “pasta”; “tempting” “cheeses”; “yummy” “sauces”) in a collection of curious emails sent by and to John Podesta, a longtime Democratic Party operative who was Bill Clinton’s White House chief of staff, Obama’s White House counselor and, most recently, chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. This is the same John Podesta whose emails, published by WikiLeaks, reveal his and his brother Tony’s enthrallment with a cannibalism painting and their involvement with satanic performance-artist Marina Abramovic’s “spirit cooking” bodily-fluids dinners.

Three weeks ago, in a wholly unverified and unverifiable interview with the administrator of a website called Victurus Libertas, the alleged “FBI insider” who first broached the subject of Pizzagate on the chat forum 4chan last July, predicted the imminent (“next week”) “high level” arrests of “3 dozen pedophile politicians, some who are quite well known.” The unnamed “FBI insider” even gave the initials of some of the big-name D.C. politicians who are “being investigated” — BF (Barney Frank?), MB (Michael Bloomberg?), TK (Tim Kaine?), DF (Diane Feinstein?), JM (John McCain?), LG (Lindsey Graham?). Along with the politicians, the “insider” said “journalists, pundits, money men, lobbyists” would also be arrested in the impending FBI dragnet, and that “Many are being tracked down and are about to be exposed, arrested, drained. Some may off themselves when they realize they risk prison, ruination, loss of power, etc.”

Two things happened in recent days, however, which give us some hope that arrests actually may be forthcoming in Pizzagate that the MSM so loudly protest is “debunked” fake news. (See “Failure of American Journalism: Pizzagate and the muzzling of Ben Swann”)

By the way, it is interesting that a year before he died of a “heart attack,”in addition to calling John Podesta a “world class underage sex slave op cover-upper,” the late Andrew Breitbart had also tweeted that the liberal MSM protect, aid and abet pedophile sex trafficking.

Four days ago, on February 21, President Trump had a meeting with human trafficking experts, after which he said in a short, dramatic press conference that the issue of sex trafficking has been on the radar of the federal government “for some time,” but that since he took office, the investigation has become “much more focused”. Trump vowed that he will direct the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies to devote more resources and personnel so as to bring the “full force and weight of our government” to put an end to the “horrific, really horrific crimes taking place.”

Recall that three weeks ago, the new Trump administration’s Department of Homeland Security released a very curious PSA on human trafficking which prominently featured a pizzeria.
What you may not know is that Trump has long inveighed against pedophilia. In a tweet on October 8, 2012, Donald Trump said something must be done about the sex trafficking of “missing children” and that pedophiles should be put to death after a “fast trial”.

Below is a transcript of President Trump’s announcement on human trafficking, followed by a video of his press conference (h/t

“I want to make it clear today that my administration will focus on ending the absolutely horrific practice of human trafficking and I am prepared to bring the full force and weight of our government at the federal level in order to solve this horrific problem that is getting worse.
Human trafficking is a dire problem, both domestically and internationally, and is one that’s made really a challenge. And it’s really made possible to a large extent, more of a modern phenomenon, by what’s taking place on the Internet, as you probably know.
Solving the human trafficking epidemic, which is what it is, is a priority for my administration. We’re going to help out a lot. ‘Solve’ is a wonderful word, a beautiful word, but I can tell you, we’re going to help a lot.”
Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney certainly understood President Trump’s words as a crackdown on Pizzagate. She wrote in a tweet on February 23, 2017:

“Forewarning: this brings down Dems and Repubs! He needs to go straight all the way because this goes to the top!”

Are the above recent events signs that the Trump administration will take decisive action on Pizzagate?
We can only hope — and pray — that the powerful D.C. users and abusers of  innocent children be brought to justice.