Battle lines are being drawn - and the war has just started:

FULL DISCLOSURE: I am being threatened with the “complete destruction” of my reputation, my brand and my character by left-wing media operatives who have issued a new threat this week: “Destroy Alex Jones or we will destroy YOU.”

The warning implies that a barrage of left-wing media stories will target me personally — obviously spreading “fake news” lies — unless I agree to go public with “opposition research” targeting Jones that was previously delivered to me on a physical thumb drive.

I destroyed the thumb drive and refused to kow-tow to the insane, criminal agenda of destruction and lies now being pursued daily by the unhinged, delusional left-wing media(and its puppet masters such as George Soros).

I have no doubt I am being targeted with this threat because I previously served as a substitute host for the Alex Jones Show, from 2011 – 2013. After I left the show in 2013, I was contacted by another left-wing media source that offered to pay me $50,000 to “expose” Alex Jones.
I refused.

In various ways, I have been hounded since 2013 by left-wing criminals who are attempting to exploit my contact with Alex Jones to discredit his entire organization and silence him forever. Time and time again, I have refused to take part in their nefarious plots. I flat-out refuse to be manipulated through false fear and intimidation tactics deployed by manipulative “media spooks” who are obviously very well funded but incredibly misinformed.

I do not consider myself to be a “competitor” of InfoWars. I consider myself to be a defender of liberty, truth and healthy living. I am on “team humanity” to defend humanity against the sinister agendas of the vaccine industry, the biotech industry and the sick-minded depopulation agenda of the most dangerous globalists of all. Anyone who is on “team humanity” is my ally, not my enemy.

Now, it seems, the stakes are even higher because of the victory of President Trump, a true patriot and determined warrior who is waging an epic battle against globalist forces, the “fake news” media and the corrupt elements of the so-called “deep state.” As the publisher of, a pro-Trump REAL news website, I am being targeted as part of a left-wing media effort to discredit and destroy all Trump supporters who are prominent media innovators or personalities.

The following document, entitled Democracy Matters, Strategic Plan for Action, reveals the sinister tactics of the left-wing media to discredit and destroy any people who support Donald Trump’s vision for America.

The document states: (bold added)
In the next four years, Media Matters will continues its core mission of disarming right-wing misinformation, while leading the fight against the next generation of conservative disinformation: The proliferation of fake news and propaganda now threatening the country’s information ecosystem. Here’s what success will look like:

Serial misinformers and right-wing propagandists inhabiting everything from social media to the highest levels of government will be exposed, discredited.
* Internet and social media platforms, like Google and Facebook, will no longer uncritically and without consequence host and enrich fake news sites and propagandists.
* Toxic alt-right social media-fueled harassment campaigns that silence dissent and poison our national discourse will be punished and halted.
… Shareblue will take back social media for Democrats. We will delegitimize Donald Trump’s presidency by emboldening the opposition…
* Trump allies will be forced to step down or change course due to news pushed by Shareblue.
Media Matters will… “weaponize our research products to understand and take action against the changing media ecosystem and the extremists seeking to manipulate it…. Key alt-right figures will lose credibility and influence in response to our research and pressure.”
A $13.4 million budget will allow Media Matters to “create a 34-person research department” [to destroy the opposition].

It’s obvious from this document that a whole new effort of malicious intimidation and threats is being deployed against prominent Trump supporters who have achieved any substantial level of new media success. The goal is clear: To intimidate Trump supporters into silence, or — even better for the left-wing media — get pro-Trump publishers and journalists to turn on each other and destroy each other from within.