Iran Won’t Stop Till It Reaches Jerusalem

It can be easy to allow the frequent Iranian diatribes against Israel to become cliché. Especially when headlines such as “Iran’s Supreme Leader Backs Holy Intifada to Destroy ‘Cancer’ Israel” or “Israel Is a ‘Cancerous Tumor,’ ‘Fake Nation’” appear so regularly in the news, as they did this week. This type of rhetoric from the Iranian regime has been used so often and for so long that we might be lulled into believing they are mere words. After all, after years of such hateful threats, Israel still exists.

However, every so often, it’s good to remember: This is not just rhetoric: the Iranians really do believe what they say. This is not mere hyperbole; the regime does believe in the destruction of the Jewish state. It really does believe that Israel is a cancerous tumor that it must literally remove from the Middle East. It really does believe that Israel needs to be wiped off the map. The only reason this has not happened already is not because Tehran lacks the will, it only lacks the means.

Here is what Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in the opening speech to the sixth international conference in support of the Palestinian intifada, an event that began on Tuesday in Tehran.

Bear in mind that this isn’t just a regular conference giving support to Palestinian statehood in some future peace deal with the Israelis, but rather a conference that specifically promotes the intifada, an unambiguously violent Palestinian uprising against the Jewish state, after which Israel would cease to exist. This isn’t a peace conference, but a literal DEATH-TO-ISRAEL CONFERENCE, and one whose speakers included all the top brass in Iran, including its three most powerful men: “moderate” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Iranian parliament speaker Ali Larijani, and the aforementioned supreme leader.

Khamenei then called on all Muslims across the Middle East to refocus on Jerusalem as the unifying factor between them all. He also noted the international community is moving toward a confrontation with Israel.

In concluding his speech, Khamenei called upon Allah to help those supporting the violent uprising against the Jews:

I ask God the Benevolent to help all you succeed in serving the issue of Palestine as the most important issue in the world of Islam and as the pivot of unity for all Muslims and all liberated individuals in the world.

Again, Jerusalem and the Jews are the real targets of the current Iranian regime. And given the dedicated majority support Khamenei receives at home, as well as the loyalty of the armed services, there will be no regime change any time soon in Tehran.

This Islamic kingdom is marching across the Middle East and has its eye on taking Jerusalem from the Jews, whose nation was also prophesied in the Bible. This regime is dedicated to the cause described above by its leader. Even though it’s hard for Western minds to fathom, Iran really will not stop until it has conquered Jerusalem.

It may shock readers to learn that the UN Human Rights Council has passed more anti-Israel resolutions than it has passed against all other countries combined?

Take a look around at the rest of the world. The Syrian civil war has been raging since 2011 with close to 500,000 deaths by various estimates. Hizb’allah has built up an arsenal of 150,000 rockets in Southern Lebanon, which is in flagrant violations of UN resolution 1701. ISIS is terrorizing and murdering people in the Middle East and is responsible for numerous terror attacks in Europe and elsewhere. North Korea continues its rogue behavior, with numerous provocative missile launches. Iran is a threat to the entire Middle East, especially Israel. It launches missiles with “Israel must be wiped out” painted on them. It’s also the single largest state sponsor of terrorism.

In perspective, these are but a few of the highly significant issues plaguing much of the world. Yet the UN seems to have a permanent case of tunnel vision when it comes to Israel.

Keep in mind that Israel is a mere 8,000 square miles in size, or roughly the size of New Jersey. Its total population, including over 1 million Arabs, is just over 8,000,000. The Jewish population of Israel is approximately 6.5 million. Contrast that against the world population of 7.5 billion, Jewish Israel represents less than one tenth of one percent of the entire world.

For example let’s take a close look at most anti-Israel body within the organization -- the UN Human Rights Council. Since 2006 when the United Nations Commission on Human Rights changed its name to the United Nations Human Rights Council, it has passed no less than 60 resolutions against Israel. That’s a sustained average of almost one every other month during the past 10 years. In 2016 alone, no less than 20 were passed, including an Incredible 10 on a single day! A total of four were passed against the rest of the world in 2016. This seems almost absurd, until you break down the UNHRC.

There are 47 member nations that comprise the UNHRC. Keep in mind the focus of it is “human rights.” Yet look at some of its members -- China, Cuba, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Qatar, Burundi, Bangladesh, UAE, etc. Shouldn’t members be beacons of protecting human rights? Yet these countries are some of its worst offenders.

Back to the question of why the UNHRC has been so ardently anti-Israel for many years; once you understand how the UNHRC is structured with the Muslim nations in control, it becomes clear why they ignore many other obvious problematic areas, and devote so much attention to Israel. It sits smack dab in the heart of the Middle East, and has been a thorn in the side of the Arab Muslim world since the moment it was reborn in 1948. The existence of a sovereign Jewish state on land which most of the Muslim world considers holy, especially Jerusalem, represents a huge obstacle to their goal of ‘liberating’ all of Israel in favor of “Palestine.”

Keep in mind another body of the UN, UNESCO, is in the business of revising history by passing resolutions calling obvious Jewish holy sites such as the Cave of the Patriarchs, the Temple Mount, and the Western Wall Muslim holy sites.

Recently the UN Security Council passed a resolution naming Israeli “settlements” as the main obstacle to peace.
The United Nations as an organization is charged with upholding dignity and security for all the nations of the world. Yet, is it acting with equal vigilance enforcing these noble principle when it comes to Israel? The answer is a resounding no! Since the U.S. has a mere one vote in a small region of the UNHRC, it seems there’s little hope for change in its obsession with condemning Israel.

A vicious wave of anti-Semitism is hitting the United States
  • Just since the first of the year, nearly 70 Jewish Community Centers (JCCs) have received bomb threats.
  • Jewish cemeteries have been vandalized around the country — in St. Louis alone in recent days, more than 100 headstones in a Jewish cemetery were destroyed.
  • Anti-Semitic attacks on American college campuses have nearly doubled, according to ADL.

Jewish, Christian and Muslim leaders are speaking out, as they should. So are the President, senior administration officials and Members of Congress, denouncing these attacks and calling for action to protect the Jewish people.

Over the weekend, in a show of solidarity with the suffering of the Jewish people, Vice President Mike Pence — a devout Evangelical Christian — took his family and advisors to the Dachau concentration camp in Germany.

“Today, 11 Jewish community centers received phoned-in bomb threats,” reported the JCC Association of North America.

“This comes in the aftermath of three waves of bomb threats in January (Jan. 9, Jan. 18, and Jan. 31), resulting in, through today, 69 incidents at 54 JCCs in 27 states and one Canadian province in total,” the JCCANA reported.

Such hate-driven attacks against Jewish people (or Muslims, or Christians, or atheists or anyone else) are ugly and despicable. Let’s be faithful in praying for them to stop, but let’s also look for ways to take a stand against such hatred, and stand with — and care for — those who are suffering right now.

Vice President Mike Pence assured the Republican Jewish Coalition that he and President Donald Trump will work tirelessly on foreign and domestic issues important to the group, such as enacting business-friendly policies at home and supporting Israel abroad.

“If the world knows nothing else, the world will know this: America stands with Israel,” Pence told the group Friday night. The Republican administration is “assessing” whether to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, he said, and has put Iran “on notice.”

Liberal protesters became enraged when a Louisiana town hall with Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy opened with a prayer earlier this week, screaming at the chaplain as he tried to lead the crowd in prayer.
The protesters, who were there with a local chapter of anti-Trump group Indivisible, can be heard groaning and shouting as the chaplain says, “In God we trust.” One man can be heard saying, “Pray on your own time!” Others shouted incredulously, “Prayer? Prayer?”
Video of the event, first reported by The Washington Free Beacon, reveals one woman shouting the name “Lucifer” while the chaplain invokes God’s name. Other, non-protesting attendees can be heard trying to shush the protesters.
Protesters can be heard shouting about “separation of church and state” throughout the prayer. They became especially furious when the chaplain closed the prayer “in Jesus’s name.”