Sleepwalking Towards Armageddon: The Nightmare Continues Six Years Later While The Mainstream Media Remains Silent

As nuclear expert Dr. Helen Caldicott recently stated of Fukushima"highly radioactive water is still pouring into the ocean every day and will likely continue doing so until the end of time". Calling the hopes of cleaning up the mess that's been made 'a fantasy', the stories and videos we examine in this ANP story prove to us we're sleepwalking towards extinction. The 'mass animal deaths' painstakingly kept track of by End Times Prophecy continue with at least '117 known mass death events' in 43 countries in 2017 alone. According to End Times 

2016 brought 556 KNOWN 'mass death events' spread over 81 countries. In 2015 there were 828 known 'mass death events' spread over 96 countries. In 2014 there were 651 known 'mass death events' spread over 76 countries. In 2013 there were 798 known mass death events in 93 countries. In 2012 there were 465 'mass death events' documented across 67 countries while in 2011, the year of the disaster, hundreds of mass death events also happened across the planet. 

Dr. Caldicott, author of the book "Sleepwalking To Armageddon", also warns us that if another massive earthquake over 7.0 magnitude strikes Fukushima, we could witness not only the 'end of Japan' but the need for parts of the Northern hemisphere to be evacuated after recent photos of Fukushima #2 showed structural damage and a massive hole. In the final video below, Pastor Paul Begley tells us all about that latest story. 

As Dane Wigington over at his Geoengineering Watch Blog recently reported,"the triple meltdown nuclear volcanoes at Fukushimacontinue to dump unimaginable amounts of radiation into the atmosphere and oceans". If the mainstream media doesn't report upon the mass deaths due to Fukushima and this still unfolding tragedy, does that mean it never happened?  

As we learn in this brand new story from ENENews, every day since the tragedy now over 6 years ago, the Pacific Ocean has been completely pummeled while the mainstream media has nearly completely ignored the death and destruction that radiation from Fukushima has brought to the Pacific Ocean and the West coast of America.

As Mike Adams over at Natural News reported back in February, the mainstream media blackout over “unimaginable” radiation levels detected at Fukushima is akin to a suicide death wish. 

It is at moments like this that I seriously feel like humanity has become a planet-wide suicide cult run by incompetent morons. If they all want to drink the Kool-Aid, that’s their choice, but I would prefer they don’t take me with them. For my part, I would actually like to live on a planet that isn’t contaminated and condemned by plutonium-239, cesium-137 and strontium-90. 

According to the insanely stupid mainstream media, that somehow makes me crazy. But you and I both know that conforming to the stupidity of the delusional masses has never been a measure of sanity.

And while a complete investigation of the radioactive fallout at Fukushima remains impossible due to one robot after another 'dying', we see in this brand new story from ENENews why we should all be concerned about Fukushima as fish leaking pus and covered in lesions have been found all up and down the US West Coast according to fishermen, deformed, starving and dying. But of course, if the msm doesn't report upon it, it's just 'fake news', right? Just ask the fish and sea life. 

Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium – Local Environmental Observer Network, Feb 8, 2017 (emphasis added): Goodnews Bay, Alaska; Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) with lesions — Observation: While on the Goodnews River fishing in early February, (winter) a local resident pulled in a trout and immediately noticed, what looked like pus coming out of a Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma). Is this something that is a natural/unnatural event? Can we consume the fish or is there a recommendation and/or advisory about eating fish with pus coming out of it?

ANTHC – LEO Network, Nov 28, 2016: Chefornak, Alaska; White Fish (C. nelsonii) with Saprolegnia Fungus — ObservationPus found on white fish (Coregonus nelsonii) from Chakchak, Alaska. More than 75% of white fish caught with under ice net had pus on them. We checked total of 4 nets and we caught 52 total white fish. Only 12 fish had no pus on them. Other people were seeing the same pus on the fish. I’ve never seen these kind of pus since I started setting nets about 8 years ago. I don’t think people are eating the fish. Some white fish had pus all over their body… LEO says: … [If] you observe several fish with the same condition, we would begin to question if there is an environmental or other cause. In this instance with so many fish showing evidence of illness, environmental conditions are a possible factor that can contribute to this condition. NOTE: LEO is interested in the observations of members to help better understand the scale of this event… Alaska Department of Fish and Game Consult: (2016-12-02) Ted Meyers, Fish Pathologist… “The prevalence for the fungal infection is high but if due to poor or otherwise stressful environmental conditions it is likely that many of the fish in the population will be affected… I do not recommend eating any of these fish…”