Chris Chibnall, the creator of hit drama Broadchurch, has admitted he shed a tear whilst writing tonight's episode, which will see us say goodbye to the series for good as it isn’t just the end of the third series, but the show as a whole.

“Sitting down to write the final episode was very emotional and I admit I actually had a bit of a weep doing it. Obviously it is a very emotional story we are telling and there are lots of complex shades of emotion. There is the resolution to the story of the attack on Trish, which goes to a lot of dark places, but there is also the small matter of saying goodbye to the show and all these characters.” he told The Sun.

“There is pressure with every script, but I am really proud of the final episode. Hopefully there are some surprises, but I also hope it is satisfying. I think there is a sense of completion and lots of nods to where we started in series one.”

And the secrets of Broadchurch are so secure that not even Chris' family know the identity of Trish Winterman's attacker...

“Even my family don’t know! My wife and eldest son are watching it week by week on TV and I get into trouble from them. I got a punch in the arm when they saw Mark trying to kill himself in episode six. But I love that they don’t know, as it means I can experience it with them each week and see first-hand how the audience are reacting."

The secrecy surrounding the drama may well have been one of the key ingredients for the success of the show with even the cast kept in the dark over the perpetrator until they received their very last scripts for the finale.

“There was an early conversation with the guilty party, but David and Olivia didn’t know and neither did Julie (Hesmondhalgh, who plays Trish),” says Chris.

“You could count on your one hand those who knew – it was basically me, the executive producer, the producer and the director.”

And Chris admits that he did have some second thoughts on his decision to end the show after three series.

“I felt like a bit of an idiot,” he confesses. “I was like: ‘Why am I saying goodbye to David and Olivia and all these brilliant people?’ But I didn’t have another story to tell in this world and I think it’s nice to go out on such strong form.

"There seems to be a real groundswell of affection for the show this year, which I hadn’t really expected.”

But sadly for the millions of Broadchurch viewers Chris told today's Good Morning Britain that it is most definitely the last we'll see of Miller, Hardy and the rest of the community of Broadchurch...

Asked if he could see a Cold Feet style comeback he said:
 “I don’t think so. It’s the end of the story tonight. “I hope it’s a satisfying end – there are a lot of things going to happen tonight. We only have an hour to clear up the whole show.”

Watch the Broadchurch finale tonight on ITV at 9pm and on TV3 at 10pm