“UK to deploy troops after attack, risk now ‘critical’: May,” Reuters, May 23, 2017:
Britain’s armed forces will be deployed to boost security, Prime Minister Theresa May said on Tuesday, as the country raised its terror threat to the highest level of “critical” after a suicide attack in Manchester that killed 22 people, including children.
May said members of the armed forces would be positioned at key sites to free up police for patrols and military personnel might be deployed at public events such as concerts and sports events as a further attack was seen as potentially imminent.
May said the independent body which sets the threat level had recommended it be raised from “severe” after a man named by police as Salman Abedi set off an improvised bomb on Monday night as crowds streamed out of a concert….

Troops are to be deployed onto Britain's streets amid fears a further terror attack 'may be imminent', the Prime Minister has announced.
Theresa May revealed the move this evening, less than 24 hours after the bomb attack at a teen concert in Manchester, which left 22 dead and 59 injured.
The Prime Minister confirmed the identity of the Manchester suicide bomber as 22-year-old Salman Abedi, a Mancunian of Libyan descent.
But intelligence agencies fear he may not have acted alone - leaving open the possibility of an active Islamist terror cell on the loose.
Britain's Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre last night raised the terror threat level to 'critical', its highest level. 
The threat level has only been raised to 'critical' twice since the system was introduced on August 1, 2006. 
Security services are trying to establish whether Salman worked alone or was part of a wider network that helped him with the bomb. 
A school friend told The Times that Abedi had returned to Libya in the past week. 
The friend said: 'He went to Libya three weeks ago and came back recently, like days ago.'

On Monday evening he placed a suitcase on the ground in the foyer of the Manchester Arena moments before it detonated, according to CCTV footage recovered by detectives.  

'The joint terrorist analysis centre has concluded that the threat level should be increased for the time being from severe to critical.
'This means that their assessment is not only that an attack remains highly likely but a further attack is imminent.'  
It means armed soldiers will patrol key sites across the country, at sporting fixtures and musical events.

Undercover SAS troopers will join regular soldiers in Operation Temperer. 

A very sad but awfully truthful 30-second reality check from a female BBC host speaking on MSNBC...

"Europe is getting used to attacks like this...we have to because we are never going to be able to totally wipe this out... as ISIS gets squeezed in Syria and Iraq we're going to see more of these kinds of attacks taking place in Europe... and Europe is starting to get used to that..."

And as the following poll from YouGov shows ,up 14 percentage points on July 2010, an almost unanimous 90 percent said that they thought it was fairly or very likely.

Salman Abedi, the suicide bomber responsible for the Manchester Arena bombing Monday night which left 22 people dead and dozens injured, was reportedly the son of Libyan immigrants and was apparently radicalised while living in one of the country’s most heavily Muslim areas — an area that had terror-related problems before.

The Telegraph reported that Abedi was the son of Libyan refugees who fled the regime of dictator Muammar Gadaffi. Gadaffi was killed by rebels in 2011 and the Telegraph cited reports that Abedi’s family had returned to Libya — but Abedi remained.
Police raided Abedi’s house in Fallowfield, South Manchester Tuesday. Fallowfield is the home of a large student population, being a short bus ride away from the main Manchester University campus, and just three miles from Manchester’s city center. 
South Manchester as a whole has a large Muslim population, often gathered in very small areas and raising questions about the risks that a lack of assimilation can bring.

A high-level North Korean detector has ominously claimed that the DPRK military has hundreds and hundreds of attack drones capable of carrying biological and chemical agents to attack Seoul within a single hour.

The individual was interviewed by Japanese newspaper Sekai Nippo under the alias Jin-myeong Han. A former diplomat to Vietnam, he defected from the DPRK in 2015. 

While an enormous amount of attention has been paid to North Korean missile tests, which have greatly increased in frequency and visibility in the past few months, Han argues that the threat of drones from Pyongyang could be just as urgent.

According to Han, the DPRK has been developing their drone delivery system since the 1990's. Han, who claims to have once served in the North Korean air force, said that he helped develop radio communication for the attack drones.

"My guess is that [North Korea] has 300 to 400 drones," he said. They are stored underground and frequently moved between sites to avoid detection by foreign reconnaissance satellites.

Following the toppling of at least five statues of the late Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez, angry mobs startled the ruling regime by burning down Chávez's childhood home, set up as a shrine to his socialist revolution by his supporters.
It surely takes the anger and bitterness in the streets to another level.  We no longer hear much in the way of restraining voices for nonviolence in that socialist hellhole.  The mob has taken over, and the monuments are beginning to topple.

It's a sign of a growing civil war, in fact, and like most such events, it could be very bloody.  In the midst of the largely nonviolent Velvet Revolutions of Eastern Europe in 1989, the sorry end of the region's worst dictator, Nicolae Ceauşescu, was the exception – dragged from his palace hideaway to some wall by angry rebel troops and summarily shot as crowds cheered.

The growing attacks on the symbols of the Chavista regime may well extend to attacks on the rulers of the Chavista regime.  It's the direction it's headed, and by their actions, the Chavistas show that they know it.

Lawyers for a Russian tech mogul suing online news site BuzzFeed for defamation will seek within the next two weeks to take sworn testimony from its editor and several reporters.

The suit stems from BuzzFeed’s decision to become the first news operation to post online a former British spy’s dossier about Russia’s alleged scheme to help Donald Trump win the presidency last fall.

A federal judge in Miami on Monday rejected BuzzFeed’s bid to move the case to New York. In a phone interview Tuesday, attorney Val Gurvits, representing a Russian web hosting company and its owner who were named in the dossier, said he would take steps to obtain depositions from BuzzFeed employees.

At least four BuzzFeed reporters would likely be questioned, Gurvits said, with the goal of determining “what steps, if any, BuzzFeed took to verify the facts” about his client, Aleksej Gubarev.
Gubarev is a venture capitalist who owns Florida-based Webzilla Inc., Cyprus-based XBT and other tech companies that collectively are involved in web hosting, online storage and Internet services.