U.S., Jordanian Forces Build Up On Syria, Jordan Border; Possible Invasion On The Horizon

Weeks after a cross-border invasion of Syria by U.S. forces under the guise of rescuing moderate terrorists from the grips of extremist terrorists in southern Syria, there are signs that a much bigger invasion is set to take place in the near future.

Damascus is now on high alert after footage gathered from a drone revealed the presence of around 400 U.S. and Jordanian military vehicles at a Jordanian military base located near the Syrian desert. The base is located east of az-Zarqa, which is 43 km away from the Syrian border. Tanks were also spotted and were reported to be M60s.
You may view some of the pictures taken by the drone at al-Masdar News by following this link.

It is suspected that the foreign military convoys may launch an incursion into Syria in order to assist the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA) based near the al-Tanf border crossing.

FSA allied forces have already entered Deir ez-Zour and Sweida numerous times in 2017 and have come close to Palmyra and Damascus, threatening combat with the Syrian military. If U.S. forces attempt to aid the FSA, such a move could lead to direct combat between Syrian and American military forces.

Earlier this week, Syrian Foreign Minister, Walid Muallem, stated that “We are not in confrontation with Jordan, but if the Jordanian forces invade our territories without coordination with us, we will consider them the enemy forces,”
The Syrian military has already launched a major offensive on the Damascus-Baghdad highway in order to break FSA rebels away from the al-Tanf border crossing and to link up with Iraqi forces on the border.
A report by al-Masdar cited an unnamed intelligence source who stated, “We have intelligence reports revealing the build-up of US and Jordanian forces near the border.
Jordanian and U.S. forces have also begun a massive military training exercise known as Eager Lion that involved about 7,400 troops from 20 nations. As Middle East Eye reports,

Bill Hickman, the US deputy commander for the US army in the region, said this year’s “Eager Lion” exercises, the seventh since the first held in 2011, are “the largest and most complex to date”.
The exercises come amid reports that Iran had offered to send troops to the southern areas of Syria to support the government of Bashar al-Assad in response to a reported buildup of US backed-forces near Jordan’s border.

Such military training exercises can be used as cover for troop placement and even for actual cover for actual deployment.

As far back as June 29, 2015 and according to a report by the Financial Times, the Jordanians plan to implement a “buffer zone” on the southern border with Syria, stretching across the provinces of Deraa and Suwayda. The “buffer zone” would most likely include the city of Deraa and, like the Turkish/American desired incarnation, a “militarized zone” to “separate the buffer area from government forces.”While the Jordanian military would obviously be involved, the zone was largely to be manned by terrorists receiving support from the United States and the West.
The plan to destroy Syria using Jordan as a staging ground has been in the works since at least 1983, when it was written in CIA documents that using Iraq in the east, Turkey in the North, Israel in the south, and Jordan in the southeast would be one possible method of breaking Hafez al-Assad. Later, it was discussed by financier think tank, Brookings Institution, that Syria and Bashar al-Assad could be broken using an identical strategy (with ISIS instead of Iraq) and creating a “multi-front war” that would prevent Assad’s forces from responding adequately.

Hamas co-founder Mahmoud al-Zahar clarified Wednesday that his terror group’s new political program, which some interpreted as accepting the idea of a Palestinian state on the 1967 lines, would not preclude Hamas from seeking to liberate all of historic Palestine, including Israel.
“If we liberate Palestine though the resistance until the 1967 borders, we will go directly to liberate the rest of Palestine and the territories of 1948, and there will be no negotiations,” Zahar said at a conference in Gaza addressing international reactions to the new policy document, according to the Hamas-linked al-Resalah news site.
Zahar was likely responding to hardline critics of Hamas’s new program, such as the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group.
“As partners with our Hamas brothers in the struggle for liberation, we feel concern over the document,” Islamic Jihad’s deputy leader, Ziad al-Nakhala, said Saturday.
“We are opposed to Hamas’s acceptance of a state within the 1967 borders and we think this is a concession which damages our aims,” he said in a statement on Islamic Jihad’s website.
On Wednesday Zahar stressed that Hamas was not walking back its original principals, asserting, “If Hamas liberated 99.9% of the land of Palestine, it will not give up on the rest.”

He added: “We cannot religiously, morally or nationally give up on one inch of the land of Palestine.”
Hamas, which is recognized as a terrorist organization by Israel, the US and the EU, adopted the new document on May 1 in an attempt to improve its standing in the international community.
The document, however, contains glaring contradictions.
It accepts the idea of a Palestinian state in territories captured by Israel in the Six Day War of 1967 but simultaneously reiterates the imperative to destroy Israel. It also dismisses the establishment of the State of Israel as “illegal,” asserting a Palestinian claim to the entire Land of Israel, and a so-called right of return for all descendants of refugees. It also reserves the right to wage “resistance and jihad for the liberation of Palestine.”
Israel has dismissed the new document as an attempt to “fool the world.”