Pentagon’s Syria Strike Spurred North Korea to Prep for US Missile Attack

Following last month’s missile attack on a Syrian government airfield ordered by US President Donald Trump, North Korea is making preparations for a similar attack from Washington. Pyongyang is reportedly repairing walls so its gallery positions will be shielded against air raids.

A barrage of 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles was launched at the Ash Sha’irat airfield on April 7, justified by US allegations that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime used chemical weapons against Syrian citizens, despite lacking proof. Jiro Ishimaru of Asia Press noted that "North Korea seems to be very aware of the US attack on Syria."

Troops from the Korean People’s Army have been instructed to build walls made of sacks filled with sand, removing existing walls made of stone, which are considered a liability as the fragments that would spread after being hit with projectiles could cause casualties. 

Washington and Pyongyang have increasingly traded barbs and shows of force in the past few months, especially since the US joined Japan and South Korea near the Korean Peninsula for trilateral military drills.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) was infuriated by dispatch of a US Navy carrier strike group led by the USS Carl Vinson to the peninsula, later joined by the USS Michigan, a nuclear-powered submarine armed with Tomahawk missiles of its own.

One month ago, when we first discussed that in addition to the CVN-70 Carl Vinson aircraft carrier group, the US was deploying two more carriers toward the Korean peninsula, some took the Yonhap-sourced report skeptically: after all, what's the incremental symbolic impact of having two aircraft carriers next to North Korea when just one would more than suffice. One month later, and the report has been proven half right: according to CNN, in addition to the first US carrier already on location, the US Navy is moving the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier to the Korean Peninsula where it will conduct dual-carrier training exercises with the USS Carl Vinson.

After completing its maintenance period in Yokosuka, Japan, the USS Ronald Reagan, just as we first reported a month ago, departed for the Korean Peninsula on Tuesday, according to the Navy. 

"Coming out of a long in-port maintenance period we have to ensure that Ronald Reagan and the remainder of the strike group are integrated properly as we move forward," Rear Adm. Charles Williams said in a press release.  Once it arrives in the region, the carrier will conduct a variety of training exercises but primarily focus on certifying its ability to safely launch and recover aircraft, the service said. In other words, traing for combat missions involved the North Korean capital.

American soldiers stationed in South Korea have completed the ‘Warrior Strike 7’ exercise, which includes a ship-to-shore air assault from a South Korean warship, according to the US Army.
The exercise took place at Camp Stanley in Euijeongbu, South Korea, and the Rodriguez Live Fire Complex near the border with North Korea, according to a Tuesday Facebook post by the 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division.
The post also stated that the drill involved ship-to-shore air assault from the South Korean naval vessel Dokdo.

A separate Facebook post by the 2nd Infantry Division, cited by Yonhap news agency, said the exercise is “designed to enhance the battalions’ skills in counter-WMD operations.”
According to Yonhap, US soldiers aboard a helicopter practiced an infiltration into a mock facility of the enemy, in order to strengthen their capability to destroy a mock WMD in a timely manner. South Korean servicemen also reportedly took part in the drill.

The joint drills come amid increased tensions between the US and North Korea, with Pyongyang launching a medium-range ballistic missile on Sunday. North Korea said the launch confirmed the “tactical specifications and technical characteristics” of the rocket, which it claims is capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

European nations on the edges of Europe have taken the full brunt of the migrant flood to Europe.
The fault lies in the fact that the EU leadership never had the guts to turn the boats back to Turkey or the North African coast when the invasion began in earnest several years ago.  Additionally the invasion of Europe from N. Africa accelerated when several European countries, with the Obama Administration’s help (Hillary!), destabilized Libya.
So the people of Poland elected a government that has steadfastly said, this is not our problem! Why should we welcome the mostly Muslim migrants when statistics show that doing so results in increased turmoil and violence (and expense for taxpayers!)?  See map here.

Here is the latest news on efforts to pressure Poland and Hungary. 

Always remember that it was a Polish king who saved Europe from a Muslim takeover in 1683!  Maybe the Poles have a long memory (unlike the French who also once in history turned back the invasion).

Poland’s Prime Minister has claimed the country “cannot accept refugees” as the EU threatens legal action against nations failing to comply with quotas.
Alongside Hungary and Austria, it is one of only three countries not to have relocated a single refugee, “in breach of their legal obligations” and commitments.

“This cannot be the responsibility of just a few member states – this must be shared be all,” said Dimitris Avramopoulos, the European Commissioner for migration.
But Prime Minister Beata Szydło told a press conference there had been no formal agreement to compulsory quotas, which Hungary and Poland voted against.
“A critical attitude towards the mechanism of migrant relocation is becoming increasingly widespread in the European Union,” she claimed, according to a translation by state broadcaster Poland Radio.
“Poland cannot accept refugees.”