U.N. Human Rights Council remains mum on Venezuela, despite more than 100 deaths and abuses by President Maduro

What a travesty. Despite Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s bloody repression of opposition protests that has resulted in more than 100 dead, thousands of wounded and hundreds of political prisoners over the past three months, the United Nations Human Rights Council, UNHRC, has not uttered a single word about Venezuela’s human rights crisis.
The Geneva-based UNHRC, whose job is to “uphold the highest standards” of human rights across the world, has not issued one single resolution about Venezuela, nor convened any urgent session to discuss the crisis there, nor called for any inquiry into the deaths of protesters by armed government-backed mobs.
There is a reason for that inaction, of course. About half of the council’s 47 member countries are dictatorships — including Cuba, China, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Venezuela — who defend one another against charges of human-rights violations. In fact, the UNHRC is a mutual protection society for the world’s worst dictatorships.
“The council is entitled to call an emergency session on Venezuela any day, and given what is happening on the streets there, they should have done that,” says Hillel Neuer, head of U.N. Watch, a Geneva-based advocacy group. “But they have never called for an emergency session on Venezuela.
“They should have created a commission of inquiry on what is happening there, and they have not done that either. On the contrary, Venezuela was recently re-elected to the council.” 
Neither the United States nor other democracies represented at the council presented any motions to the council condemning Venezuela’s human rights abuses.

[Sorry - I just couldn't resist this one]

Mr. Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, High Commissioner
Office of the United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC)
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Palais Wilson
52 rue des Pâquis
CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland
ISIS High Command
Somewhere along the Syria-Iraq border
Complaint that ANTIFA is culturally appropriating our uniforms and tactics

Dear Mr. Al Hussein:
As you may know, there is a new category of outrage that “social justice warriors” the world over are fighting to stop: “cultural appropriation.”  Loosely defined, this outrage occurs whenever a person, group or organization begins adopting the habits and mannerisms that originate elsewhere. Learn more here and here.
In this vein, we are writing to file a formal complaint with the UNHRC’s Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, regarding a matter that we consider most serious: the fact that the recently-organized, global “ANTIFA” movement has:
(1) Culturally appropriated what is clearly ISIS’s trademark black uniforms
(2) Culturally appropriated the terror-tactics we employ while wearing these uniforms
For proof, consider:
The ISIS terrorist uniform: The following is the uniform that ISIS carefully designed for our mujahadeen to wear, while in the course of carrying out their official duties. Note the opaque black fabric, which covers the entire torso, arms and legs, and similar material used to cover the head and face, with the exception of the eyes. Images such as these, of our mujahadeen carrying out their official duties in these uniforms — terrorizing, bullying, destroying, raping, murdering — have been broadcast throughout the world, for well over five years:

The ANTIFA terrorist uniform: This uniform has become standardized by ANTIFA throughout the world, as most recently demonstrated in Hamburg, Germany, where these culturally-appropriating punks injured 200 police officers, and caused hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage:

Now, if you were to see one or the other of these groups marching down your street, would you be able to determine, at a glance, if they are with ISIS, or ANTIFA?
We trust you see the problem: ANTIFA is culturally appropriating ISIS uniforms.
Based on this proof, we hereby request that the UNHRC’s CESCR begin an immediate investigation into this matter, and, if you concur that ANTIFA is culturally appropriating ISIS, that you use all means at your disposal to put a stop to it. You could start by visiting this ANTIFA website, which contains links to many of its affiliates throughout the world.
ISIS High Command
PS: You might mention to the ANTIFA punks that in quite a few aspects, we are at war with the very same people, organizations and ideas, and, in fact, Western civilization itself. So, if you could arrange a sit-down over tea with us, and them, it might serve all of our interests, and provide a holistic, inclusive resolution to our complaint. Thanks!