YouTube Begins Purging Alternative Media - Including Prophecy News Watch

**Note From Prophecy News Watch** - We are one of the sites affected by this crackdown as our youtube videos have now been demonetized.

In the last week, we've witnessed a massive crackdown on alternative media -- the likes of which are unprecedented. 

Quite literally overnight, YouTube issued a sweeping update and demonetized thousands of video in accounts across the political spectrum.

If you ask Paul Joseph Watson from, it's because they are cracking down on pro-Trump pages. Pro-Trump personalities Diamond and Silk were also hit with the demonetization purge and they also claim it's because YouTube is going after Trump supporters.

While both Watson and Diamond and Silk had their videos demonetized, the rabbit hole goes far deeper than just pro-Trump sites.

The Free Thought Project spoke to Rudkowski Friday and asked if any of his many videos that were clearly critical of Trump were demonetized. He tells us that all of them were.

Rudkowski is most certainly not a participant of the left/right paradigm, nor is he a Trump supporter, but he was hit as well.

Obviously that is not the case since it looks like they hit me first and my channel is clearly very critical of Donald Trump for the real reasons that the MSM would never touch.

It's not just We Are Change and pro-Trump folks either. The folks over at World Socialist Web Site -- a far left organization with a clearly advertised agenda -- is also being hit.

According to a scathing report from, they aren't alone either. Google, YouTube's owner, has reportedly undertaken a similar attack on alternative viewpoints. As wsws reports,

Those who've been paying attention predicted this crackdown and watched it come to a head at the beginning of this month when the Anti-Defamation League applauded Google and YouTube for taking on hate speech and extremist content while having the ADL be the ones who decide what gets flagged.

For those that don't know, last year, the ADL labeled the cartoon, Pepe the frog, a symbol of hate. This irrational behavior is hardly indicative of a third party who ostensibly possesses the skills to determine what people should and shouldn't see online.

Given these recent moves, we can infer that what is likely happening is far more insidious than pro-Trump censorship or pro-left censorship. 

While the ADL is likely using their newfound authority to silence those with whom they disagree politically -- by labeling them extremists -- this new censorship appears to go after anyone who challenges the establishment.

Sadly, only those who get their information from these alternative sources who are unafraid of challenging the oligarchy will even know this is happening.

It takes years of hard work to build a platform that is able to break through the static shoved out by the mainstream media and reach people still plugged into the matrix. 

However, once they see the establishment for what it is, this cannot be unseen. The powers that be know this and appear to be moving in to stop it.

Imagine if you never came across alternative media that challenged your thought process and made you question the government. Imagine where you'd be right now without that information. 

Now, imagine that information is snubbed out forever. Is that a world you want to live in?

We didn't think so

While we may disagree on different issues, if any one group is allowed to be silenced, it is only a matter of time until everyone else is silenced too.

What makes freedom work is the ability for contrasting ideas to be presented -- even if you find them repugnant. 

When we stop the dissemination of ideas, only one idea prevails and it is certainly not freedom.

FIREFOX browsers will soon block “fake news” flagged by George Soros-linked left-wing groups by:  – Natural News

What’s become abundantly clear over the past few months is that liberals are now jumping on the anti-fake news bandwagon and using it as an excuse to censor political speech that doesn’t align with their radical agenda. 

This strategy is perhaps most prominent on social media and various websites across the Internet, including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, and is implemented by teams of leftists and extremists like George Soros who show zero regards for the freedom of speech outlined in the First Amendment. It’s as if the ability to control what information is spread across the Internet and what information gets suppressed is more important than the United States Constitution, which completely contradicts everything that our country was founded upon.

It appears that the most recent Internet-based assault on the First Amendment comes from the popular web browser Mozilla Firefox, which just days ago announced that it would be launching an effort to combat what it considers to be “fake news” and misinformation.

According to Business Insider, Mozilla said that it was launching a Mozilla Information Trust Initiative, or MITI. The web browser explained that it is going to be “investing in people, programs and projects” to “disrupt misinformation online.”

Mozilla went on to say that the “internet’s ability to power democratic society suffers greatly” as a result of fabricated stories like “Pope endorsing Donald Trump for the U.S. presidency” or “Dead FBI agent killed in a mysterious fire with information on former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.” While both of these articles turned out not to be true, it is still a wonder why Mozilla believes it has the authority to censor stories like these in the first place.

“You only have to look at the number of initiatives that have risen up to address this challenge [of fake news], either by tech companies or other organizations to see how worrying this phenomenon is to so many,” said Mozilla’s innovation director Katharina Borchert in a recent interview with AFP.

What many of these websites and Internet-based companies don’t understand is that the United States Constitution is the law of the land, and no person or group of people is above it. The freedom of speech is an inalienable right, meaning that man didn’t give it to us and man can’t take it away either. 

Mozilla makes the argument that the spread of fake news on the Internet causes our democratic society to suffer, but in reality, it’s the suppression of these news articles that is the real threat. The truth is that each time an article or a website gets censored by companies like Mozilla, liberty erodes and America takes one step closer to an authoritarian state.

As the United States begins to look more and more like George Orwell’s famous book 1984, the American people are desperately trying to hold on to as much of their individual liberty as they possibly can. Censorship has become all too common, and if we don’t put an end to it and stand up for the Constitution, it’s only going to get worse.