Leftist Revolutions Have No Limits

The Left couldn’t care less about this particular issue, just as they couldn’t care less about any of their purported “issues.”  As David Horowitz often points out, Marxists believe “the issue is never the issue; the issue is always revolution.” The American Left shares this impulse. They use an issue, then move on to the next. Yesterday’s oppressed factory worker is today’s racist redneck hick. Workers lost their value to the left so the Left moved on.  
This explains why after the Leftist activists pushed for and won gay marriage, they more or less shrugged off the murder of 50 gays in Orlando by an Islamic terrorist. It didn’t advance the revolution. They’d moved on to the shiny new penny, transgender rights. When that fight is over, rest assured, they will move on to the rights of pedophiles or to whatever ostracized group they believe will help them to advance the anger and dissent that fuels their revolution.  

Even in the comments below Rabbi Boteach’s video, Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) are already coming out against Abraham Lincoln. And, on cue, there has been vandalism at the Lincoln Memorial and calls to remove the statue of Theodore Roosevelt from the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. Very soon there will be a push to scrub the entire American Revolution and all of the Founding Fathers. Thomas Jefferson will be first, but George Washington won’t be far behind.

Overriding all of this is the push to declare all of conservatism illegal. All religions not part of the cult of Leftism are deemed hate speech. Any support of the United States as a discrete country is hateful, bigoted, and evil. You supporting your own existence or political power is racism, nationalism, and white supremacy.
The Left has no limits. It’s vital to understand that.

No battle they pick is ever really over the stated issue. Each is merely a step towards the goal of eradicating Western Civilization. They’ve set up a self reinforcing system of rewards, whereby SJWs outbid each other to come up with new ways to be offended. Thus it’s become an ever more radical movement. It’s not about the monuments.

Of course, engaging in the glorification of slavery is bad. But is that still happening across our society? Do any but a small group of fringy losers wish to do this?

If we tear them down now, should we not then tear down the pyramids? Trust me, no vestige of Western Civilization could not be destroyed on the same premise. Every castle in Europe occupied by a despot, every church, every document, every classic work of literature would be vulnerable. In a world where a few degrees of separation join all things, guilt by association can be used to criticize anything and anyone. All will be just a degree or two away from something that can be demonized.

Look what’s happening to football; to the definition of family and gender; to every holiday. Anything can be destroyed if the standard is that it can be related to something bad in any way. Guess what that includes? Everything. SJWs in South Africa are going after Isaac Newton and gravity as “western colonial science.”Get it? Nothing is off limits. Not. A. Single. Thing.

This is about enshrining the Left as The One True Religion. They will replace everything with their own cultish iconography. They will likewise replace all ideas with their own. The fight over the Google memo is identical to this fight. It’s about declaring all things non-leftist outside the scope of legitimate debate including debate and reason themselves. This is not about the Confederacy. That’s yet another in a long, long, long list of fronts. It’s about the existence of anything outside of Leftism. It’s about eliminating debate and installing a global Religion of Leftism. And make no mistake, that religion plans on replacing monuments, books, science and facts, liberty, the concept of natural rights, the rule of law, free speech, Christianity, the United States as a sovereign entity, Europe, and all of Western Civilization. In fact, if you defend any of those things, you are a nationalist which, we are now supposed to believe, is just code for white supremacist and bigot. You must go. You must be replaced.

Supremacist ideologies, by definition, brook no opposition. You are in the group or you’re not. This is no different. And the Left has done this before, many times. Pol Pot, the French Revolution, Mao, Lenin. The push to erase history and start over as a means of revolution is not new by any means. And if you think they have some limit, look to these past revolutions to see that they simply do not. The ideology is self-reinforcing towards runaway radicalism. That’s how Spain ended up digging up nuns to mock religionThe only thing that stops the runaway revolution is pushback prior to its takeover or burnout long after it takes over and fails. It has no internal limits. Limits such as historically recognized morals, established religions, the constitution or even culture, tradition or biology, are all seen as impediments. Moral relativism is the unmooring from these to allow for revolution. Leftist targets are not chosen to promote some moral imperative. They are chosen because they are competition or can be connected to one, even if falsely.

So while I agree with the rabbi and have zero interest in defending Nazis or the Confederacy, I know that this has almost nothing to do with those things to the Left. These are the same powerless 50 Nazis that have existed in America for my whole life. They are just convenient foils for the Left’s current strategy. The Left is filled with strawmen—they paint all of us as privileged, bigoted oppressors. Finding the occasional real-life Klansman or Nazi is great for the Left and they will use it to pretend all their other strawmen are likewise real. Understand that Marxism does not study policy and governance the way that conservatives and libertarians do. They study propaganda, power, and revolutions. They are masters of it. Which is why repeated failure at governance never deters the next revolution.

Leftism—The One True Religion. That’s their goal. 

A Vermont man says he was stabbed outside his home by a group of five masked men armed with box cutters on Tuesday, after being labeled a “Nazi sympathizer” for denouncing attempts to ruin the life of a Unite the Right rally attendee — even though he himself strongly disavows white supremacy.
The victim, Sam Wormer, who identifies as neither right or left, is so concerned about the divide in the country that even after being attacked he wasn’t sure that his story should be told. Leftist friends of his confirmed to Big League Politics that he frequently sticks up for “marginalized members of the community.”
Ryan Roy, 28, appeared in the Vice News episode on the events over the weekend in Charlottesville. He was promptly doxed on Twitter and a social media campaign made sure that he was fired from his job at Pizzeria Uno. Additionally, the internet mob called child protective services in an effort to have his young baby removed from his care.

In an interview with Burlington Free Press, Wormer, his former friend and classmate, stated that he was “completely shocked” to see footage of Roy at the rally. The following comments are what he and his friends say would become the alleged “justification” for being stabbed by five masked assailants and labeled a “Nazi sympathizer.”

“He would attend anti-war rallies. He was very left — like anti-Republican, very progressive, very liberal, very anti-Christian,” Wormer recalled of Roy. 
The paper reported that Wormer also remembered Roy being part of the “fringe crowd” and as someone who would always stick up for people who were being bullied. Another man who knew Roy confirmed this to Big League Politics — and added that he is also an “ex goth.”
The paper added that “Wormer strongly disagreed with Roy’s views but did not support efforts to get Roy fired or to call the Vermont Department for Children and Families in an attempt to remove his child. Wormer said such efforts would lead to more anger.”
“Taking away somebody’s job and livelihood — I mean, that’s just adding fuel to the fire,” Wormer said. “I don’t think any good is going to come of this on anybody’s side.”
This attempt at showing the humanity in someone without agreeing with their ideas in any way would lead to Wormer’s stabbing.
In another comment about Roy’s attendance in Charlottesville, Wormer had stated: “Seeing him reduced to marching with these assclowns chanting their idiotic rhetoric breaks my heart.”
The backlash was swift. Wormer said that by Monday evening he was already receiving threats for his comments. He added that despite the intimidation attempts, he believes in “critical thinking and proper discourse, not a witch hunt.”

The following day, Wormer wrote a status update saying, “Wow i really cant believe what a neo nazi i am rn. Thanks. All my efforts in life have been sufficiently ruined. Thanks guys at least the moral high ground favors you. I love it.”
Two hours later he would post a photo of his open wound.
“All I did was say the truth as far as I knew it and an attempt upon my life was made.  That’s screwed up,” Wormer told Big League Politics.
On Tuesday evening, Wormer says that he arrived at his home to find the masked assailants waiting for him. He explained that the men called him a “Nazi” and a “fascist” during the attack — despite his comments explicitly denouncing Roy’s views. He added that “if that blade went any deeper I’d be a cold corpse in the ground.”

“Dont know who it was, they were masked waiting outside my house,” Wormer wrote on Facebook. He also urged his friends to “find them [please].”
Instead of concern, some of his friends immediately questioned his defense of Roy as a person. 
“Dude dont get involve with tha racist shit…wat wrong with u dawg???” a friend asked on the post, rather than immediately checking if he was okay.
As of early Wednesday morning, Wormer’s attackers remained at large. He told Big League that he was too focused on his wound to attempt to figure out their identities, but believed they were driving a dark colored sedan.