The Rise Of The Deep State: How They Got Their Power To Manipulate For Ultimate Control

While many in the United States firmly believe that the government just isn’t working, it is.  But it’s only working for the powerful and rich elites in the government and the media who have a desire to cling to their oppressive control of others and the money many are willing to allow them to steal.

The fight has never been between the republicans and the democrats. 
As Americans choose sides, their rights and freedoms are sold to the highest bidder. According to Intellectual Takeoutthe fight is between “us” and the deep state; not those on the right and those on the left.  More and more often we are seeing bureaucrats, lobbyists, and elected officials of both parties circle the wagons in an effort to prevent any true reforms of the government. They constantly write laws they exclude themselves from,  come up with inventive ways to tax us to our breaking point and destroy the healthcare system.  And this is all by design.
According to Joost Meerloo in his seminal book The Rape of the Mind, the author discusses the psychology of brainwashing that’s allowing every American to succumb to tyranny right before their eyes and not only not realize it, but beg for more oppression.  “The burning psychological question is whether man will eventually master his institutions so that these will serve him and not rule him,” said Meerloo in his discussion of the Deep State or the “administrative machine” published in 1956.
Meerlo describes the rise of the deep state as:

“… The development of a kind of bureaucratic absolutism is not limited, however, to totalitarian countries. A mild form of professional absolutism is evident in every country in the mediating class of civil servants who bridge the gap between man and his rulers. Such a bureaucracy may be used to help or to harm the citizens it should serve.

It is important to realize that a peculiar, silent form of battle goes on in all of the countries of the world — under every form of government — a battle between the common man and the government apparatus he himself has created. In many places we can see that this governing tool, which was originally meant to serve and assist man, has gradually obtained more power than it was intended to have.

… Governmental techniques are no different from any other psychological strategy; the deadening hold of regimentation can take mental possession of those dedicated to it, if they are not alert. And this is the intrinsic danger of the various agencies that mediate between the common man and his government. It is a tragic aspect of life that man has to place another fallible man between himself and the attainment of his highest ideals.”

Meerlo goes on to say that the power of simply being in government will corrupt:
Being a high civil servant subjects man to a dangerous temptation, simply because he is a part of the ruling apparatus. He finds himself caught in the strategy complex. The magic of becoming an executive and a strategist provokes long-repressed feelings of omnipotence. A strategist feels like a chess player. He wants to manipulate the world by remote control. Now he can keep others waiting, as he was forced to wait himself in his salad days, and thus he can feel himself superior.

But what we are seeing now is not only the corruption of the government.
We are witnessing the deep state pulling the strings of every politician and fight to keep their power and moneyThe members of the Deep State are fighting for not only their jobs and their power but their sense of being. It is an ego boost to control entire populations. But what meaning do they have in life if they were shown that they are in fact dispensable, that they and their departments can be eliminated? In the end, their egos depend upon the maintenance and growth of the power and prestige.
Over many decades, the very government so many still trust to keep them safe has put in place compulsive orders, red tape, and regulations while expanding exponentially to enforce what it creates and stealing more tax money to cover the rising costs. All the while, its roots drive deeper and deeper into the very government many still fight to protect. Even the politicians who we send to D.C. thinking that they represent us are ensnared in the game. They begin to play by the rules set forth by the Deep State; indeed, our elected officials even become dependent upon the Deep State.
So the question is, how do we combat the deep state and get our freedom back?

News reports forewarn a nation descending toward chaos. Forces have obviously been set in motion that threaten to tear America apart. This instigation is purposeful, I have no doubt, and is spawned by Satan.
Saul Alinsky’s blueprint to bring about chaos so the one-world-order builders’ perfect, utopian plan can eventually rise from the ashes of this republic is well underway. George Soros and all the other globalists elite have little trouble finding minions of the human source to carry out the carnage. Lucifer’s demonic minions throw fuel of hatred on the fires of anarchy, and we see the incendiary results in our hourly headlines.
A 1979 Hollywood production, remade in 1980, 1985, and 2015, I believe, gives a fictionalized look at the real world to come when God the Holy Spirit removes from acting as restrainer on the already half-crazed minds of earth dwellers.
Mad Max is the disturbing foreshadowing of things to come when the Body of Christ—the Church—is removed in the Rapture.
Although made in Australia, the movie was Americanized in that the Aussie accents were dubbed over in the American-English accent in order to give the sense of the carnage taking place in the U.S. The storyline, set in the near future, portrayed a world gone mad with evil. The dystopian film presented in graphic terms people’s unrestrained actions against their fellow human beings.
Of course, the creators of the film had no idea that Bible prophecy presents just such a scenario—at least, I don’t think that entered their thinking.
We find the real story of things to come in this regard in the following Scripture.
And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now [restrains] will [restrain], until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. (2 Thessalonians 6–8)
When God the Holy Spirit withdraws from restraining wickedness perpetrated by fallen mankind, the world will become instantly worse than the fictional world of Mad Max. The present hostilities and chaos being churned by the would-be masters—both human and demonic—will swiftly result in destructiveness beyond description. We are indeed currently enduring a prelude to planetary madness.
But the Creator has not left us in a state of hopelessness despite the rioting and insanity going on in our nation and world. The Lord has provided a way to escape the carnage so vividly described in Revelation by John the apostle while exiled on Patmos two thousand years ago.
I wrote the following for our book, The Departure: God’s Next Catastrophic Intervention Into Earth’s History:

First, the Departure

Before God’s wrath falls, in the twinkling of an eye (an atomos of time), millions of Christians—those born again by believing in the shed blood of Christ on the cross two millennia ago for salvation—will vanish from the earth’s surface. The departure—the Rapture—will bring planet-rending disturbances to an already reeling world of nonbelievers.
God has been patient in allowing the world to see the Tribulation storm alerts. He has shown mercy and grace, as there is no prophecy given that must be fulfilled in order for the Rapture to happen. The departure can take place at any moment.
Getting out the warnings is the duty of spiritual meteorologists. This is a commission each author in The Departure: God’s Next Catastrophic Intervention into Earth’s History takes most seriously. We prayerfully hope many, upon reading the book, will take to heart the call of the only Lord and God of all Creation, who prompted the apostle Peter to write: “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).
This is the only way to be saved from the sin that separates the sinner from the Heavenly Father. This is the only way to be secure from the approaching Tribulation storm.
If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10: 9–10)
We join with the prophet John, who wrote, “He which testifieth these things saith, ‘Surely I come quickly.’ Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20).

Evangelist Anne Graham Lotz, founder of AnGeL Ministries, has issued a heartfelt prayer over Texas and the damage in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, asking God questions about why He allowed such a catastrophe to happen.
"As I watch and read the news coverage coming out of the Gulf Coast, my anguish is deeper than words. My tears seem to flow in a torrent that matches the record rainfall," Lotz wrote on Facebook Thursday.
"My spirit is crying out, 'No. No! No!' How can this be? How can You allow Hurricane Harvey to sit over Texas? To slam into Louisiana? To ruin property and destroy lives? Why?" she asked.
Over 40 people have been killed in incidents related to the storm, with tragic stories emerging of Christian mothers dying while saving their children in floodwaters.
Lotz, who is the daughter of evangelist Billy Graham, filled her prayer with biblical references and inspiration, and declared:
"I will stand at my watch and look to see how You will answer me. In the silence, I seem to hear Your soft whisper echoing what You have said to me at critical times before: when my son was diagnosed with life-threatening cancer. When I found my husband unresponsive in our pool. When unwanted, unplanned, unexpected, and unexplained crises have erupted, Your answer seems to be the same: Trust Me when you don't understand," she said, referring to several dark moments in her life.

"As I reflect on the One whom I am asked to trust, my soul finds rest. You are my Great High Priest who understands. You are well acquainted with grief. Suffering. You understand by personal experience what it feels like to leave Home and be stripped of everything. You, too, were homeless with nowhere to lay Your head," she continued.

Lotz asked God to look over the homeless people stripped of everything by the disaster, and thanked Him for the first responders who have been risking their own safety to help others.
"O God, You have been our help in ages past. You are our hope for years to come. And You alone are our shelter from this stormy blast. Our refuge and our strength. You are our Good Shepherd who will lead us safely through this Valley of the Shadow that has fallen over a weary land," she added, urging people to share their own prayers for Texas.
Max Lucado, senior pastor of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas, said in a blog post earlier this week that Jesus Christ warned that disasters will come before His return.
"It is not to me to declare the day the Lord will return," Lucado wrote. "But we know this much: it's the beginning of the end and the beginning of new beginnings. Calamities and catastrophes must occur before the birth of the new world. In the meantime — practice what they teach in Lamaze classes — take some deep breaths and hold the hand of the one who loves you."

President Donald Trump is facing the worst crisis of his presidency, and he has just discovered that it all leads back to evil billionaire George Soros. For weeks, we have heard the Democrats and Trump-hating media call for his impeachment over bogus allegations about Russia. Now, Trump has discovered the real threat as Soros plots a violent revolution to overthrow him, and patriotic Americans are ready to defend our duly elected president. 

George Soros backed major revolutions, called color revolutions, all over Europe in the 1990s, and now, he has set his sites on the United States. Crazy, right? Well, before you dismiss it as a nutty conspiracy, you need to look further into everything that has been going on behind the scenes with Soros, the Democratic National Committee, and Ukraine.