The Hungarian government says that conservative Central European countries — particularly their own and nearby Poland — are being attacked by the European Union because they are “standing in the way of George Soros”, the billionaire financier and open borders activist.

The Hungarians believe that EU officials — who have met with Soros at the highest level — have adopted the so-called ‘Soros Plan’ for mass immigration into Europe more or less wholesale, including recommendations to accept an influx of some one million migrants per year, and to redistribute them throughout the bloc through a mandatory quota schemeimposed by Qualified Majority Vote.

“The Hungarian Government absolutely and resolutely rejects every point of the ‘Soros Plan’, and continues to be against allowing one million migrants into Europe every year, the demolishing of the border security fence, the 9 million forints in aid to be provided to every migrant and the mandatory resettlement quota, in addition to which it also rejects the punishment of Central European countries [by the European Union],” declared Bence Tuzsonm, Hungary’s Minister of State for Government Communication.

Hungary builds a wall; cuts illegal immigration by over 99 per cent. Lessons for President Trump…?
— Jack Montgomery ن (@JackBMontgomery) September 16, 2017
Soros spokesman Michael Vachon recently alleged that “the claim that Soros is promoting a scheme to import a million illegal immigrants into Europe is Viktor Orbán’s fantasy,” — but as Prime Minister Orbán’s spokesman Dr. Zoltán Kovács has pointed out, Soros himself did insist that “the EU has to accept at least a million asylum seekers annually for the foreseeable future” in his September 2015 manifesto on the migrant crisis.

“Hungary and Poland are standing in the way of George Soros because of the opinions they have put forward with relation to migration, and as a result he wants to achieve his result by applying pressure to both countries”, noted Tuzsonm.

Tuzsonm said that “political attacks must be launched against countries that are against immigration” in service of the Soros Plan, both through mainstream media and the organs of the European Union — which has pledged to begin ‘infringement proceedings’ against those countries which are not co-operating with its quota regime.

Pope Francis flew to Bologna, Italy, Sunday and met with a large group of migrants and refugees, calling them “warriors of hope” while insisting that nations open broader avenues for immigration.

During a full day in Bologna, Francis spent an hour meeting hundreds of migrants personally while posing with them for selfies under light drizzle. Later, the pontiff hosted a luncheon for asylum-seekers and prisoners in the St. Petronius basilica. He even donned a yellow plastic ID bracelet used by asylum-seekers to express his solidarity with them.
“Do you know what you are? You are ‘warriors of hope’!” Francis exclaimed during his address to the many migrants present, urging them not to give in to disappointment or despair.
In his address, the Pope also offered his explanation of why he believes some people in Europe oppose mass migration, building on earlier statements in which he suggested that xenophobia was fueling people’s concerns.

Regarding concrete applications of his words, the Pope said it is “necessary for more countries to adopt private and community-based welcoming programs and to open humanitarian avenues for refugees in the most difficult situations, to avoid unbearable waiting periods and lost time.”

Last week, Pope Francis launched a two-year campaign to educate people about the plight of migrants and to provoke a “shift in thinking” toward them worldwide.

“Brothers, we mustn’t be afraid to share the journey! We mustn’t be afraid to share the hope!” Francis said in his weekly General Audience in Saint Peter’s Square, in which he inaugurated the new project, titled “Share the Journey.”

Reuters reports that Daesh terrorist group has claimed responsibility for Marseille knife attack that killed two women on Sunday.
Reuters reports citing Daesh terrorist group's Amaq news agency that Daesh militants are responsible for the knife attack at a train station in Marseille in southern France.
Earlier on Sunday a man with a knife attacked people at the Gare de Marseille-Saint-Charles station. Witnesses say he cried out "Allahu Akbar" (God is Great). Two women were killed as a result of the stabbing operation. The attacker was shot dead by the security services.

$21 Trillion Missing – U.S. Government a Criminal Enterprise

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says you can add $21 trillion of missing federal money on top of the $20 trillion U.S. deficit. It’s all in a new explosive report on  Fitts explains, “This is $65,000 for every man, woman and child resident in America.  In addition, it is now more than the outstanding official debt on the U.S. balance sheet. . . . We know that the U.S. government has been run like a criminal enterprise from a financial standpoint.”

The new report was put together by Dr. Mark Skidmore at Michigan State University, and it is a detailed year-by-year study of DOD and HUD budgets between 1998 and 2015. The missing money is called “undocumentable adjustments,” but that may just be a polite name for theft, fraud and crime against “We the People.”  Fitts contends, “Here’s the critical issue because technology is leading us through tremendous change, and the people who get their hands on this technology and are able to subsidize the cost of capital are the ones that are going to win.  They have done that by basically hijacking the federal credit and using it to help centralize power under them.  So, we have to reverse that, and the Constitution is the tool to hold them accountable.  All their arguments just fall down when you realize they have just stolen an enormous amount of money from the federal government outside the law. . . . The U.S. Federal government doesn’t have information sovereignty, and it doesn’t have financial sovereignty.  So, we have to return it to that, and we have to keep that mechanism open long enough to get this money back.”

Fitts contends the Deep State swamp creatures do not want to give the money back and want to tear up the U.S. Constitution in order to keep all those trillions of stolen dollars. Fitts explains, “You want to preserve the Constitution because you want to have individual sovereignty, and you want your taxes to only go into things that have financial and national sovereignty.  So, that has to be restored.  The reason they want to tear up the Constitution is they don’t want to give the money back.  That’s a legal mechanism that requires us and gives us the power to reverse this. . . . They say we have $20 trillion in debt, and there is no money.  It’s a very different policy discussion if I can say, wait a minute, there’s $20 trillion in debt, but you stole $21 trillion . . . and we’re putting that back on the table for purposes of this policy discussion.”
In other words, “We the People” could pay off the entire federal deficit with the money that was stolen and still have $1 trillion left over.
Fitts also says, “Here’s the magic trick. You don’t need everybody to change this.  It only takes 5% to 10% of the population to completely turn this around.  It doesn’t take everybody, and that is one of the things that has got them so scared. . . . We don’t need to implode the federal government.  We need to take it back, clean it up and get it to run according to the law.”