Soros Responds to Resistance in Hungary

George Soros and the Soros Foundation have been under a great deal of pressure globally for their involvement in violent revolutions in a host of countries which have been funded and orchestrated by Soros and his people. He’s been behind a host of revolutionary movements that have changed the shape of geopolitics in many regions, shifting the world closer to a total globalist state. The Arab Spring and the communist revolution in Venezuela are two outstanding international examples.

He was found guilty of massive insider trading in France in 2002 and has been accused of a host of crimes in other nations including Russia. Vladimir Putin has declared Soros an international criminal who is wanted dead or alive.

Here in the United States, too few people even know who George Soros is- much less that his is the bankroll behind the coordinated actions of Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and the P***y Hat March. But the peoples of other nations are not so well shielded from the truth about Soros, his background, and his agenda. In these countries, where populations are better informed about Soros, he has responded in a way that shows that he considered their public outcries a meaningful threat.

Hungary is one such country, where the people are not as deeply propagandized as we are here by the mainstream media. Indeed, there had been a groundswell of popular resistance to Soros and his initiatives to which he has personally responded.

The relationship between Hungary’s Prime Minister, Viktor Orban and Soros has been deteriorating over the past year. Tensions between the two peaked in October when Orban mailed a questionnaire to 8 million Hungarian voters with questions about the billionaire financier.

Bloomberg reported that the Prime Minister “instructed his intelligence services to map what he described as the networks run by the billionaire financier’s ‘empire’ targeting his country.”

These intelligence agencies have been tasked to recon and report on any organized efforts within Hungary by Soros backed groups to get the E.U. to “punish” Hungary by pursuing an agenda that would dilute the Hungarian population with foreign migrants. According to the Associated Press, Hungarian citizens involved in Soros backed revolutionary efforts will not receive special protection.

Ordinarily, Soros does not make any public response to the actions of his political opponents, but he felt it necessary to respond to Orban. Not surprisingly, Soros, who is infamous for his cooperation with the Nazis during his teenage years, accused Prime Minister Orban of being a racist, and anti-Semite. The rebuttal contains denials of Orban’s contention that Soros intends to destroy Hungary and uses accusations of bigotry to back them up. It read:

‘On October 9, the Hungarian government sent a national consultation to all of the eight million eligible Hungarian voters to solicit their opinions about the so-called “Soros Plan.” Statements in the consultation contain distortions and lies, deliberately misleading Hungarians about George Soros’s attitude toward migrants and refugees. The Hungarian government also wrongly claims that George Soros is controlling the E.U. The truth is, decisions on how to address the migration issue are made by institutions and member states of the E.U, including the Hungarian government.

With Hungary’s education and healthcare systems experiencing hardship and corruption, the government sought to create an outside enemy as a distraction. The government choose George Soros to be this enemy, launching an enormous anti-Soros campaign which cost tens of millions of taxpayer euros, encouraging anti-Muslim sentiment, employing anti-Semitic themes reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s. This is part of an ongoing propaganda campaign that has been underway since 2015 including the “Stop Brussels” consultation in 2017 and the referendum that portrayed migrants and refugees as villains in 2016.’

The statements, published on George Soros’ website, go on to list a number of claims made by Orban’s government and plainly call them false before moving on to the next item. The site offers little as evidence against the claims of the Orban “consultation” except to say they are wrong, and the product of racism.
We don’t know how familiar the Hungarian people are with this tiresome shaming tactic, but American conservatives will not find it unique in the least.

Nevertheless, the Hungarian people appear to support Orban’s anti-Soros sentiments indicating that the toppler of governments may not achieve his aims there.

The European Union (EU) has warned Poland not to pass any legislation banning abortion in cases where unborn children are living with severe congenital disabilities.On November 15, the European Parliament (EP) adopted a resolution initiating the formal process for rebuking an EU Member State found to be in “serious breach” of their obligations under the Treaty on European Union (TEU).

The EP alleges that Poland may be in violation of core EU principles with respect to human rights and democratic values. While the EP’s resolution primarily addresses the independence of the judiciary, it also condemns Poland for considering pro-life legislation that would protect the unborn children living with disabilities.

The resolution also calls on Poland to repeal a recent law signed by Polish President Andrzej Duda prohibiting the over-the-counter sale of the morning-after pill without a prescription. Previously, girls as young as 15 were able to obtain the morning-after pill over the counter. The EP’s resolution further calls on the Polish Government to provide free contraception to everyone at the taxpayer’s expense.

The EP further criticized the decision of the Polish Government to cut funding for liberal “women’s rights” organizations, such as the pro-abortion organization BABA Lubuskie Center for Women’s Rights. Left-wing observers have noted with alarm that funds that, under previous administrations, would have been given to pro-abortion groups have instead been awarded to Catholic organizations more in line with Polish traditional and family values.

Over 90 percent of Poland is Catholic and an overwhelming majority of Poles are opposed to legalized abortion.
The EP’s resolution instructs the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs to produce a report detailing Poland’s alleged violations of the TEU. It is anticipated that the report commissioned by the European Parliament will serve as the basis for a “reasoned proposal” which will likely be used as justification to invoke Article 7(1) procedures under the TEU.
The EP resolution on Poland preemptively condemns any proposal to ban abortion of the unborn living with disabilities, despite the fact that no such bill has yet been introduced in the Polish parliament. The resolution “Strongly criticises any legislative proposal that would prohibit abortion in cases of severe or fatal foetal impairment.”

“Two and a half centuries after being carved up by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia, Poland again faces a threat to its future as an independent nation,” says Population Research Institute President Steven Mosher, “Only this time the danger is not only that its territory would be incorporated into a larger European state, but also that it might be forced to deny its own religious culture as a nation of faithful, practicing Catholics.”