Top insider exposes ‘Luciferian’ origin of globalist empire

What is going on? What perverted ideology animates those who control our global destiny?
Global insider Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, who was worked at the highest levels on Wall Street, at the United Nations, at elite universities like Yale and Oxford and served on the executive board of the World Economic Forum, has a disturbing answer. It’s “Luciferianism.” And Malloch described the ideology and its influence on world leaders in a recent interview on Infowars.
“The E.U. is part, of course, of the globalist empire, the New World Order, and I think many of its origins are in fact quite evil,” Malloch explained. “And I think that we should talk about that.”

Malloch, reportedly President Donald Trump’s first pick to be the U.S. ambassador to the E.U., condemned the “unconditional surrender Germany is demanding of Britain” during the Brexit negotiations. “It’s basically a German takeover of Europe, making Europe into its own puppet state, with its crony capitalism and its own fake currency, the Euro,” thundered Malloch.
But beyond the policy implications, Malloch sees a disturbing ideology, Luciferianism, which motivates many global elites.
“Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer,” he explained. “That tradition has been informed by Gnosticism, by Satanism, and it usually refers to Lucifer not as ‘the devil’ per se but as some kind of liberator, some kind of guardian, some kind of guiding spirit. In fact, as the true god as opposed to Jehovah.”
Malloch identified many people in the E.U. hierarchy and in the Democrat Party as aligned with this belief. He explained how Lucifer is seen as a symbol of independence and of true human progress.
“Turning away from God and turning to Lucifer in order to enlighten yourself,” he summarized the creed.
Malloch said the leaked emails of John Podesta, as revealed by Wikileaks, contain powerful evidence there is something sick and wrong in America’s political class. 
The emails contain bizarre references to the occult and possible allusions to child abuse using coded language.
“They prove he is involved, very deeply involved, as a committed Luciferian,” Malloch intoned. “Among other things is the invitation by Marina Abramovic to what is called a ‘spirit cooking’ ritual, which I think is the most revealing. 
“This is a ritual in which participants use the vilest human body fluids in order to summon spiritual energies for assistance and favor. To any sane person, this sounds completely ludicrous. But to a Luciferian, this is the practice of enlightenment. This is something that initiates them. It’s something that they understand.
“The whole idea is to be possessed by Lucifer himself. And these practices of a Luciferian religion, of an anti-Christianity, I would argue are the absolute inversion of Christianity.”
Malloch further contended cannibalism and pedophilia are “common practices amongst Luciferians.”

“They obviously have to feel very annoyed by any people, any person, any community, any nation that turns their hearts back to God, and there’s increasing evidence that lots of people in Russia are doing that,” Malloch said. “Obviously, that was impossible during the 70 years of heinous Communism. So they are falling back on these traditions, their old religion, the Eastern Orthodoxy in Russia. But if you look at the pure statistics around the world, about 85 percent of people believe in God in different spiritual traditions, in different sacred texts … Luciferians detest this, and particularly detest the Christian tradition, because Lucifer is the fallen angel away from Christ.”
Malloch, an insider who has been termed a “global Sherpa” because of his ability to navigate the worldwide networks of elite power, says all of this evidence should lead Americans to question just what kind of an elite rules them.
“It’s beyond detestable,” said Malloch. “It’s actually radical evil. We have to expose this, where it exists, to the degree it exists, the fact that it is at the top of our government, that fact that it is at the top of international organizations.”
Malloch referenced the infamous and influential leftist “community organizer” Saul Alinsky and his dedication of his book “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer.
As Alinsky wrote:
“Lest we forget at least an over the shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins – or which is which), the very first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer.”