Iran's Revolutionary Guard Sends Formal Message To US Military: Leave Syria Or Else

Well informed sources have said the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp Brigadier General Haj Qassem Soleimani sent a formal verbal message, via Russia, to the head of the US forces command in Syria, advising him to pull out all US forces to the last soldier “or the doors of hell will open up”.
“My message to the US military command: when the battle against ISIS will end, no American soldier will be tolerated in Syria. I advise you to leave by your own will or you will be forced to it,” said Soleimani to a Russian officer. Soleimani asked the Russian officer to make known the Iranian intentions towards the US: that they will be considered as forces of occupation if these decide to stay in northeast Syria where Kurds and Arab tribes cohabit together.
The Russians are not necessarily against the US presence and can adapt to this after defining the demarcation lines to avoid any clash, but Iran has a clear position and has decided not to abandon the Syrian President alone to face the US forces, if these stay behind.
Soleimani’s message to the US clearly indicated the promise of ‘surprise measures’ against the US:  "You shall face soldiers and forces you have not experienced before in Syria and you will leave the country sooner or later."
Russia conveyed to the US that Iran will stay in Syria as long as President Assad desires, and he insists on liberating the entire territory from all forces without exception. Russia confirmed to the US its intention to refrain from offering any air support to Iran and its allies in the case of attacks on US forces. From the Russian perspective, the Iran-US dispute is not its concern nor on its agenda.
CIA Director Mike Pompeo said last week that he had sent a letter to Soleimani expressing his concern about Iran’s intention to attack American interests and “will hold Soleimani and Iran accountable for any attack in Iraq.”
Mohammad Mohammadi Golpayegani, a senior aid to the Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei confirmed Pompeo’s attempt to send a letter but said  “Soleimani refused to read it or to take it because he has nothing further to add.”
Sources in the area believe it is not unlikely that Kurdish groups – operating in al-Hasaka (Syria's northeastern province) and who are faithful to the government of Damascus – are willing to spearhead attacks against the US forces. Many of these groups remained loyal to Syria: they reject any occupation forces on its land or the partition of the country.
Meanwhile, Al-Hasaka 2018 is being widely compared to 1983 Beirut where hundreds of US Marines and French paratroopers were killed following double suicide attacks by Islamists in the Lebanese civil war. The multinational forces became hostile rather than peacekeepers and were pushed to hastily exit Lebanon as a consequence of this attack. The future could well mirror these past events.

Europe exterminated its Jews, and in their place, imported millions of Jew-haters who hate them, too.
Jews are fleeing Europe in droves because of Islamic Jew-hatred.
But it will not end with the Jews.
Once the Jews are gone from Europe, devout Muslims will turn against the Europeans who have courted them so assiduously, and been so solicitous of them, and aided them in every way they could.
Federica Mogherini probably thinks that she is winning their favor by pandering in this way.
She isn’t.
And she will find that out, once it is too late.
“EU vows push to make Jerusalem capital for Palestinians too,” Reuters, December 7, 2017 (thanks to Mark):

BRUSSELS – The EU’s top diplomat pledged on Thursday to reinvigorate diplomacy with Russia, the United States, Jordan and others to ensure Palestinians have a capital in Jerusalem after US President Donald Trump recognized the city as Israel’s capital.
The European Union, a member of the Middle East Quartet along with the United States, the United Nations and Russia, believes it has a duty to make its voice heard as the Palestinians’ biggest aid donor and Israel’s top trade partner.
“The European Union has a clear and united position. We believe the only realistic solution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine is based on two states and with Jerusalem as the capital of both,” EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini told a news conference.
She said she would meet Jordan’s foreign minister on Friday, while she and EU foreign ministers would discuss Jerusalem with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Brussels on Monday.
“The European Union will engage even more with the parties and with our regional and international partners. We will keep working with the Middle East Quartet, possibly in an enlarged format,” said Mogherini, citing Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, as well as Norway. “We remain convinced that the role of the United States… is crucial,” she said.
Mogherini, who also spoke to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, threw her weight behind Jordan’s King Abdullah, saying he was “a very wise man” that everyone should listen to as the custodian of the Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem….
The EU is also perceived by some in Israel as being too pro-Palestinian, partly because of the EU’s long-held opposition to Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, diplomats say.