Proof: The Entire Trump-Russia Probe Is A Complete SHAM, Robert Mueller Isn't Even Investigating Ties To Russia

Another day, another piece of evidence that points to the now transparently obvious fact that the FBI’s counterintelligence probe being led by deep state operative and Clinton supporter Robert Mueller is nothing more than a complete sham that isn’t even actually investigating whether or not Trump colluded with Russia to win the election.
That’s right, the supposedly extremely important probe into Russian attempts at fixing the U.S. election isn’t actually looking into connections between Trump campaign officials and Russia (because there are none) but rather they are using a form of financial terrorism to bankrupt Trump associates with white-collar crime investigations that have absolutely no connection to the 2016 election, much less Russia.
This is not up for debate as this shocking fact has now been openly admitted in the mainstream media through an article by The Daily Beast’s Betsy Woodruff, a reporter who in the past has had key information leaked to her with the specific aim of taking out a democratically elected president.
The article details the fact that Mueller is likely to indict short-lived Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort once again and of course his supposed crimes have literally nothing to do with Russia.
In other words, this is a clear cut operation to take out President Trump by any means necessary.
Woodruff reports:
It’s been seven months since Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein ordered Bob Mueller to take over the FBI’s counterintelligence probe into possible links between the Kremlin and people associated with the Trump campaign. Trump’s lawyers have long said they expected the probe to stay focused and end quickly. 
Instead, Mueller has assembled a team of prosecutors with expertise in handling financial investigations and white-collar crime, and obtained guilty pleas for crimes that weren’t committed during the election year.
And, most importantly, he’s sent a thinly veiled warning to the White House: No one’s finances are off limits. If 2017 had the president’s inner circle sweating, 2018 could feel like a sauna.
So there you have it. This is not about Russia hacking the US election but rather about attempting to tie up former Trump associates with charges that have nothing to do with the election or even Trump in general with the hope that they will eventually turn on the president.
Woodruff also noted in her report that Mueller is attempting to “grind” Manafort down in order to turn him. This is clear cut corruption at its finest folks.
And no one may feel more heat than Paul Manafort. In Washington legal circles, there’s a broad expectation that Mueller will file what’s called a superseding indictment of Manafort and Rick Gates, his erstwhile business partner—and alleged partner in crime. Gates and Manafort both pleaded not guilty when Mueller’s team filed their indictment on Oct. 30. Legal experts say there may be more charges to come.
“I would expect a superseding indictment to come down relatively soon,” said Jonathan Turley, a professor at George Washington University’s law school.
“There was much in the narrative of the indictment that referenced crimes not charged,” he added. “Prosecutors will often issue a superseding indictment as the grand jury continues its work. There’s also a tactical reason for this, that superseding indictments tend to grind defendants a bit more over time.”
A superseding indictment would essentially replace the current indictment of Manafort. And in that current indictment, Mueller’s team hinted there was more to come. In particular, they hinted at potential tax charges for Manafort’s foreign financial transactions. 
Federal prosecutors can bring charges against any American who has money in a foreign bank account and doesn’t check a box on their tax forms disclosing it. The Manafort/Gates indictment describes financial behavior that may be liable for that kind of prosecution. And that’s an indicator that Mueller’s team may be preparing to formally charge both men with violating tax laws.
The proof is in the pudding and the mainstream has now openly admitted that the Mueller probe isn’t even looking into connections between Trump and Russia.
At this point it would be the height of insanity for Trump to allow Robert Mueller to continue this deep state operation against him.

George Rasley, CHQ Editor | 12/27/17

You would never know it from the virtual blackout imposed by the establishment news media, but a federal judge presiding over the trial of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, his sons Ryan and Ammon Bundy and their associate Ryan Payne has exposed just how lawless and corrupt our government has become – and how if you get on the wrong side of the faceless bureaucrats of the Deep State they will do whatever it takes to destroy your family and put you in prison.

In the latest in a string of failed prosecutions in Nevada and Oregon against those who have opposed federal control of vast swaths of land in the American West, Chief U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro in Las Vegas declared a mistrial in the Nevada case against the Bundys and Payne.

Earlier, jurors acquitted the two Bundy sons of taking over a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon for more than a month in early 2016 amid calls for the U.S. government to turn over public land to local control.

In the Nevada case, Judge Navarro faulted federal prosecutors for failing to turn over all evidence to defense attorneys, including records about the conduct of FBI and Bureau of Land Management agents during the standoff.

“The government is obligated to disclose all evidence that might be favorable” to the defense, the judge said according to reporting by the Associated Press.

“A mistrial is a very bad result for the government,” Ian Bartrum, a University of Nevada, Las Vegas, law professor who has followed the case closely told the AP.

Bartrum had cast the trial as a test of whether the federal government could enforce its own land policy in Western states where it owns or controls vast expanses.

“It looks even worse because it isn't the sort of jury nullification we've seen before, but actual incompetence (or worse) by the prosecution,” Bartrum said in an email reported by AP. “It certainly erodes a lot of confidence in the federal government's motives.”

We are inclined to view this not as incompetence, but as what Professor Bartrum euphemistically called “or worse,” in fact a lot worse.

Judge Navarro methodically listed the prosecution's six separate violations of the Brady law, which requires turning over evidence potentially favorable to the defense. The judge further ruled that each violation was willful according to reporting by Maxine Bernstein of

"At the heart of this case is the question, Is the government an entity you can trust? Certainly if you're the prosecution in this case, you needed to do everything you can to show the government can be trusted,'' Kevin Sali, a Portland criminal defense lawyer told Bernstein.

The judge's rebuke of Nevada's Acting U.S. Attorney Steven Myhre, the lead, and two seasoned veteran Assistant U.S. attorneys, Daniel Schiess and Nadia Ahmed, was remarkable in and of itself noted Bernstein.

When a judge makes a finding of misconduct by a prosecutor, the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Professional Responsibility investigates and determines if discipline is warranted, which can range from a reprimand to a suspension reports Bernstein.

That scrutiny is underway. Ian D. Prior, deputy director of public affairs in the Justice Department, announced that U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions "takes this issue very seriously."

Sessions "has personally directed that an expert in the department's discovery obligations be deployed to examine the case and advise as to next steps,'' Prior said according to Bernstein’s reporting.

We think that Attorney General Sessions should look into the persecution of the Bundy family a lot deeper than just the latest example of prosecutorial misconduct.

As we documented in our article “Was Bundy Ranch Attack A Harry Reid Inspired Hit?” former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s son, Rory Reid, represents a giant Chinese energy firm, ENN Energy Group that wants to use federal land, grazed by the Cliven Bundy family, as part of its effort to build a $5 billion solar farm and panel-building plant in the southern Nevada desert.

In addition to representing ENN Energy Group, Rory Reid also happens to be the former chairman of the Clark County (Nevada) Commission who persuaded the commission to sell 9,000 acres of county land to ENN on the promise it would provide jobs for the area. Reuters reported back in 2012 that part of the land ENN wants to use was purchased from Clark County at well below appraised value.

In addition to the county acreage, the federal Bureau of Land Management at one time was looking at BLM property under dispute with the Cliven Bundy family. During the original Bundy ranch confrontation, the BLM was headed by Obama appointee former Harry Reid senior policy adviser Neil Kornz.

Got that?

Neil Kornz, the government bureaucrat who originally sent armed thugs to provoke a potentially deadly confrontation with the Bundy family was a Harry Reid crony.

No one was killed in the original Bundy ranch standoff, but the same cannot be said for the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation. Arizona cowboy, father of 11 and one of the spokesmen for the group, Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, was killed by state police officers at a roadblock manned by the Oregon state police and FBI.
Less than two months after the shooting, the FBI acknowledged that a federal agent was under investigation for firing shots and four other members of his FBI team were under investigation for covering up the gunshots. The agent, W. Joseph Astarita, was indicted on five counts of lying and obstruction of justice.

At the time of the original Bundy ranch standoff then-Senator Harry Reid told Reno's KRNV TV, "Well, it's not over. We can't have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it. So, it's not over.”

As Judge Navarro’s ruling and the indictment of Astarita demonstrate, it is not the American people who regularly violate the law and just walk away – it is corrupt government officials like Harry Reid, Rory Reid, Neil Kornz, Acting U.S. Attorney Steven Myhre, Assistant U.S. attorneys, Daniel Schiess and Nadia Ahmed, FBI Agent W. Joseph Astarita and others who have lawlessly used their government power to target Cliven Bundy and his family.