Terrorist Provocations in Gaza may lead to Full Scale War

The sudden escalation in rocket fire from Gaza has the potential of spiraling into a wider conflict. It is believed that those responsible for the uptick do not belong to Hamas but are taking their orders from other terrorist groups that roam Gaza, such as the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Still, Hamas controls the borders and they could put a stop to the mischief if they wanted. That is why Israel holds Hamas, Gaza’s governing authority, responsible for all rocket fire and that is why Israel often directs its retaliatory fire at Hamas installations.

In addition to rocket fire, Islamic terrorist groups have been busy digging tunnels in an effort to infiltrate Israel for the purpose of carrying out mega attacks involving mass shootings and kidnappings. On December 10, Israel Defense Force intelligence and engineering units uncovered a Hamas tunnel that penetrated hundreds of yards into Israeli territory. The tunnel was destroyed in a controlled blast. Six weeks ago, the IDF destroyed a PIJ tunnel killing 14 terrorists including 12 PIJ members and 2 Hamas operatives attached to a naval commando unit.

In the meantime the IDF is carefully monitoring the situation. Its Iron Dome crews are on a high state of readiness. Combat engineers have deployed new technologies and techniques to defeat the tunnel menace as evidenced by the recent discovery and destruction of Hamas and PIJ tunnels. In fact, in the past two years, several dozen seasoned tunnel diggers and experienced terrorist commanders have been killed while digging tunnels. The IDF has succeeded in transforming tunnels into giant terrorist burial chambers and the terrorists are cognizant of this. In addition, the construction of an anti-tunnel barrier surrounding Gaza’s periphery continues apace. The subterranean barrier is also said to be equipped with sophisticated sensors that can detect tunneling activity. The IDF expects to uncover more tunnels as progress on the tunnel barrier continues.
Hamas should understand that it is playing with fire by testing Israel’s patience. It played that game in 2009, 2012 and then again in 2014 and paid a steep price. It appears that Hamas may have forgotten the beatings it took during those campaigns. It may be time for the IDF to once again, “mow the lawn;” a reference to periodic Israeli military action aimed at establishing deterrence, degrading the enemy and reminding him why messing with Israel doesn’t pay.

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman says Tel Aviv will no longer allow a game of "ping-pong" rocket exchanges to take place with Hamas. 
“In the next few months all existing tunnels will be blown up and destroyed” by new technologies invented by Israel, Lieberman said during an interview with RTVI, adding that Israel is aiming to put an end to the "ping-pong” of rocket exchanges.
His comments come amid increased tensions between Israel and Palestinians - who are supported by Hamas - after US President Donald Trump's official recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

According to Lieberman, Hamas is solely responsible for the escalating violence in the Gaza Strip and argues that a large-scale attack from Hamas is inevitable, stating that "should Hamas be faced with the alternative of losing power or attacking Israel, without a doubt, Hamas will choose another conflict with Israel."

The defense minister also claims that Turkey has been tacitly supporting Hamas, and that "we should revisit all our ties" with Ankara, to sever any dependence from Turkey and to discontinue a proposed gas project with Ankara which would give a "key to our whole gas pipeline" and Israel's energy security to Erdogan - a situation which would have "far-reaching consequences."

Lieberman also believes that the previous rapprochement with Turkey was a mistake, as Turkey cannot be trusted. He said he does not “believe a single word from Erdogan,” who has been issuing threats and uses all possible pretexts - such as Trump’s Jerusalem decision - for open hostility towards Israel.

Tensions between Israel and Hamas have particularly escalated following Trump's Jerusalem decision, with the Palestinian militant group calling for a third intifada, or uprising. "The Hamas movement has called on the Palestinian people to face the Israeli occupation and adopt the blessed intifada option against it and against the American decision on Jerusalem," Hamas spokesperson Abdullatif Al Qanoua told RT

The Israeli army bombed Hamas targets in Gaza in response to missile fire Sunday night.

Three missiles were fired from Gaza towards Israel. One exploded in the Ashkelon beach area, damaging the external wall of a house and a family car. A second exploded in open area, causing no damage or injury. A third missile landed inside the Gaza Strip.
According to Tamir Idan, head of the Sdot Negev Regional Council, sirens sounded in communities near the Gaza border prior before the missiles landed. “We expect and demand that the security forces issue a strong response, and clarify to the terrorists that the State of Israeli will not allow the fire to continue. We will not accept a situation in which emergency becomes routine,” Idan added.

The Israel Defense Forces said overnight strikes targeted a Hamas training compound in the northern Gaza Strip, destroying three structures and other “terror infrastructure” belonging to Hamas. Israel holds Hamas responsible for all hostile acts emanating from the Gaza Strip.