Twitter Goes Full Totalitarian With New Purge

Today was the official start of the great Twitter purge of 2017. The buildup has already left conservative accounts either banned or unverified for perceived hate speech (while many Antifa and Islam accounts remain). But according to the social media giant’s own rules, even if users associate with certain groups it doesn’t like off of Twitter, they risk punishment and censorship.

Twitter is throwing the babies out with the bath water. The account for the anti-Islamic terrorist, pro-Brexit group in the UK, Britain First, has been banned. You may remember that President Trump created some controversy this month when he retweeted several of Britain First’s video evidence of bad Muslim behavior. Britain First’s Jayda Fransen and Paul Golding have also been banned.
Twitter is actively looking for user images, profiles, and descriptions which might be considered “hateful.” But in addition, the tech company is looking to what users might be doing when they’re not on Twitter:
You also may not affiliate with organizations that - whether by their own statements or activity both on and off the platform - use or promote violence against civilians to further their causes.

Who gets to decide what is abusive will remain a mystery. But being that Twitter is a leftist corporation, they will be closely monitoring all content leaning to the Right most of all.

But that’s not all; Twitter has announced that, “At times, we may prevent certain content from trending.”
That’s a lot of power to wield. 
In anticipation of the Twitter purge, some users have switched to using Gab — a competitive social media outlet which states it “champions free speech, individual liberty, and the free flow of information online. All are welcome.”

According to Recode, that makes them “alt-right friendly.” So, then, when the Left says “all are welcome,” they don’t actually mean it. Got it.

Twitter, your one-stop source for totalitarianism. Leftists more than welcome.