After U.S. veto, U.N. General Assembly to meet on Jerusalem status 

The 193-member United Nations General Assembly will hold a rare emergency special session on Thursday at the request of Arab and Muslim states on U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Palestinian U.N. envoy Riyad Mansour said the General Assembly would vote on a draft resolution calling for Trump’s declaration to be withdrawn, which was vetoed by the United States in the 15-member U.N. Security Council on Monday.

The remaining 14 Security Council members voted in favor of the Egyptian-drafted resolution, which did not specifically mention the United States or Trump but which expressed “deep regret at recent decisions concerning the status of Jerusalem.” 
Mansour said on Monday he hoped there would be “overwhelming support” in the General Assembly for the resolution. Such a vote is non-binding, but carries political weight.

Under a 1950 resolution, an emergency special session can be called for the General Assembly to consider a matter “with a view to making appropriate recommendations to members for collective measures” if the Security Council fails to act.

Only 10 such sessions have been convened, and the last time the General Assembly met in such a session was in 2009 on occupied East Jerusalem and Palestinian territories. Thursday’s meeting will be a resumption of that session.

Trump abruptly reversed decades of U.S. policy this month when he recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, generating outrage from Palestinians and the Arab world and concern among Washington’s western allies.

Trump also plans to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. The draft U.N. resolution calls upon all countries to refrain from establishing diplomatic missions in Jerusalem.

Mayors from seven major French cities overwhelmed by the flow of migrants, have written a joint letter to Paris published in LeMonde on Saturday, begging the government to step in and help. 
According to the letter, the cities of Lille, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Grenoble, Rennes, Toulousa and Nantes are taking in "several thousand" refugees per month, which the mayors say is causing a social emergency as they are "backed up against a wall" and "completely saturated" by a seemingly endless flood of asylum seekers. 

The year 2017 ends with a massive rise in the demand for asylum and the arrival of newcomers puts extreme tension - particularly with the onset of the cold wave - of the classic public and institutional policies. In a proportion never before known, the mechanisms allocated to housing asylum seekers, led by the State, often with the support of our communities, are indeed completely saturated, despite the steady increase the number of places ... The evidence is there, before our eyes, in our streets, in homes and shelters: there is urgency. 

Every month, several thousand people arrive in our cities. Integrating those recognized as refugees and helping those who have lost their right of asylum who still remain in our territory is a major issue. -Le Monde (translated)

The mayors point to a lack of shelters, and call on Paris to establish a "solidarity network" between the cities of France dedicated to addressing the flow of migrants, as well as an "enlarged meeting with the state at the highest level," which the mayors say must act quickly by assuming its sovereign powers to "finance these developed actions and propose a clarified framework of work with the communities for a real plan of reception of the migrants." 

In response to the letter, the French Interior Ministry proposed a resettlement scheme which would result in the relocation of some 20,000 housing units, "broken down regionally" to ensure "distribution balanced" refugees and mobilization of donors.  reports AFP

As anyone who listened to the French Presidential debates gathered, France knows it's got a massive problem with migrants. In October, after a 29 year old undocumented Tunisian man stabbed two women to death in the Southern city of Marseille, French President Emmanuel Macron revealed a new policy whereby illegal immigrants who commit crimes in France will face deportation.
Even without new legislation we can take tougher measures and expel illegal immigrants if they commit a crime, whatever it may be,  Macron said.
France has been heavily affected by the migrant crisis. After an October 2016 relocation of some 6,000 migrants from the Calais "Jungle" camp across Europe, new asylum seekers continue to pour into the country and set up makeshift camps. Many migrants are sleeping on the streets of Paris, begging for money and angering local residents and sparking sanitary concerns. Last week, a group of Parisian protesters threatened to go on a hunger strike if police didn't relocate approximately 100 Syrian and Afghan migrants from a northern Paris neighborhood.