BAM: Nikki Haley tells UN where to stick attempt to ‘nullify’ Trump on Jerusalem

As Twitchy told you yesterday, the United Nations prepared a resolution to “nullify” President Trump’s decision for the U.S. to formally recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The problem for the U.N. is that the U.S. has veto power, and used it today:
— RT (@RT_com) December 18, 2017

Nice try, U.N.
 The bureaucrats at the U.N. would tell everybody what to do if they were allowed to do so.

Trump Admin Defends Israel, Christianity and Judaism - Vetoes UN Resolution on Jerusalem

In May 2011 Barack Obama urged Israel to hand over half of Jerusalem, the Wailing Wall, The Temple Mount, Old Jerusalem, the tomb of Jesus Christ, and the Via Dolorosa to radical Islamic organizations.

In December 2013, Barack Obama again urged Israel to hand over holiest sites of Christendom and Judaism to Islamist groups.

On Christmas Day 2016, in a final despicable act against Christians and Jews, Barack Obama effectively signed over Christendom’s and Judaism’s holiest sites to radical Muslim groups.

Barack Obama refused to veto a Security Council resolution condemning settlement construction in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. This resolution effectively turns over the Old City to Palestinian groupsThe Palestinians are led by Hamas terrorists in Gaza and Fatah Islamists in the West Bank. Obama thought this was a good move.
Jewish leaders were very upset with the move.
And the holiest sites of Christendom, according to the UN and Obama, are no longer Israeli land.
Obama gave all of this away.

Earlier this month the Trump administration declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel. 

Trump also announced the US will move its embassy to Jerusalem.
Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama made the same promise but did not follow through with move once they were elected.
The Muslim world erupted in outrage with President Trump’s announcement.
Today the United States vetoed a UN resolution condemning President Trump’s recognition as Jerusalem as Jewish capital.