Another coronal hole on the Sun ejecting solar wind at 1.3 million mph could cause an active volcano to blow causing a year without summer

It could be hours away or it could be weeks away, but the Bali governor claims it is imminent and when it blows depending on the size of the eruption, Mount Agung could cause a global cooling, freezing people to death, global crop failures and food shortages across the planet.

Global temperatures could decrease by 0.4–0.7 °C (0.7–1.3 °F).
This would result in major food shortages across the Northern Hemisphere.

The year 1816 is known as the Year Without a Summer also the Poverty Year, the Summer that Never Was, Year There Was No Summer after Mount Tambora erupted in the Dutch East-Indies see Wikipedia link below.

Warnings that a volcano on the Indonesian tourist island of Bali will erupt have sparked an exodus of nearly 100,000 people that is likely to continue to swell, the country's disaster agency said Tuesday. Authorities have ordered the evacuation of villagers living within a high danger zone that in places extends 12 kilometres (7.5 miles) from Mount Agung's crater.

The region is being rattled daily by hundreds of tremors from the mountain, which volcanologists say indicates a high chance of an eruption.
Mount Agung last erupted in 1963, killing about 1,100 people.

Evacuees are taking shelter at more than 370 sites across the island that include temporary camps, sport centres, village halls and the houses of friends and relatives.

Villager Wayan Merta said he was among the first to evacuate last week because of his village, Selat, is just 6 kilometres (4 miles) from the summit.
"We have already sold our cattle because we thought it was better than leaving them there for nothing," he said.
"My feeling is the mountain will erupt," he said.

Thousands of people have been evacuated from islands surrounding Kadovar Island off the South Pacific nation's north coast since a volcano there began erupting on January 5, spouting ash. Flights nearby have been cancelled due to the risk posed by ash plumes and ships were warned to stay away from the island.

Steve Saunders, principal geodetic surveyor at the Rabaul Volcano Observatory in Papua New Guinea, said seismic activity had recently increased beneath the volcano.
"The reason we're getting activity is probably because new magma is moving up from deeper down," Saunders told Australian Broadcasting Corp.
Prime Minister Peter O'Neill has said relevant state resources were being made available to support evacuations and he warned northern coastal communities to be alert for possible tsunamis. Kadovar is offshore to the north of New Guinea, the larger island that includes Papua New Guinea's capital, Port Moresby.

Aikari Muri, the International Red Cross' disaster risk management logistics officer for Papua New Guinea, said the military had used two boats to completely evacuate the 600 Kadovar residents to the mainland.
He could not say whether the evacuations of nearby islands had been completed.
Papua New Guinea sits on the "Ring of Fire," a line of seismic faults encircling the Pacific that has frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

On Monday, January 15 at 4:11 a.m. the cameras of the National Seismology Network (RSN) recorded the moment of an eruption at the Turrialba Volcano that lasted for 14 minutes.

"Although the visibility was scarce, the surveillance camera of the National Seismology Network located closest to the active crater was able to partially capture the process.

It wasn't possible to estimate the height of the eruptive column", states the information posted by Dr. Mauricio Mora from the RSN.

The latest report from the National University's Volcanology and Seismology Research Institute (OVSICORI) states that in the past 24 hours the activity in the Turrialba Volcano has been low except in the early hours of this Tuesday when seismic activity was registered between 4 and 4:30 a.m., which coincides with the emanations of ash that were dispersed to the southwest of the volcano.
The Rincon de la Vieja Volcano in Guanacaste also registered some low seismic activity as well as the Tenorio Volcano, area that has recently been affected by an earthquake swarm which caused last week the change of coloration of the Rio Celeste River, however, OVSICORI confirms the latest activity hasn't affected the river color again.

Last week the Tenorio volcano in Costa Rica was put on alert when a seismic swarm was recorded after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Honduras on Monday.

The seismic swarm recorded the day after the massive quake hit on the eastern flank of the Tenorio volcano.