The first article below is just one take on this coming deception - it may or may not come close to the truth. We know this will be a deception, and we know this story is popping up almost daily now. It appears that something will break relatively soon as the momentum seems to be growing. One has to wonder if project bluebeam will be part of this story. The idea that the DOD and CIA would come under the "frontman" of Blink-182 in this project is bizarre if not laughable. Add the fact that he is also involved with John Podesta in this endeavor is even more interesting.

UFOs, Tesla, DeLonge, ETs, Covert Ops

This is a “what if” story. But it’s also based on decades of experience analyzing propaganda and cover stories.
It’s based on the knowledge that military and intelligence operatives are trained to lie, and they like to lie, and they get up in the morning, licking their chops, because they know they’re going to lie during another day in paradise.
Is Tesla and his breakthrough science the hidden element in UFO research? Is he being buried under a welter of cover stories? In any event, cover stories ARE being floated in great numbers.
Nikola Tesla and other outlier scientists were researching anti-gravity in the 20th century. Upon his death, Tesla’s research papers were stolen by the government and never released.
What has the US government been doing at secret research facilities since World War 2— such as the famed Lockheed Skunkworks in Palmdale, California—and whose technology have they been using?
Have they been advancing Tesla’s (and other outlier scientists’) work? They would certainly try.

Would this US research be pointed toward building military craft capable of extraordinary speeds and maneuverability? Certainly.
Could this technology, at the root, have other applications—such as new modes of energy production that would eliminate the need for an oil economy? Possibly.
That would be a key reason for secrecy. Absolute secrecy.
If secrecy was the goal, extensive cover stories would have been developed and pushed—to this day.
And what better way to disseminate those stories than through government insiders, who feed information to UFO spokespeople?
“The UFOs are ET alien.”
I’m not saying this notion must be entirely false—I’m saying it can be USED to bury the root truth.

If secret technological advances—from science and scientists here on Earth—in the areas of energy, transportation, and space travel—would a cause a revolution in society—because a vast abundance of energy would be available for all—how would this fact be managed by oligarchs who rule through scarcity, war, and destruction?
One: float the story that advanced tech comes from ETs.
Two: wrap the ET story up in speculative fairy-tale mythologies, thus creating an occasion for scorn and mockery.
Three: via guilt by association, reject the entire idea that advanced secret technology exists, because it is married to comic book tales of ETs.
Note: the above step-operation works, whether or not ETs exist and have visited Earth.
Read this:

“For example, a new concept of spacecraft and aerospace flight arises from the possibility of the electromagnetic control of the gravitational mass. The novel spacecraft called Gravitational Spacecraft possibly will change the paradigm of space flight and transportation in general. Here, its operation principles and flight possibilities…will be described. Also it will be shown that other devices based on gravity control, such as the Gravitational Motor and the Quantum Transceivers, can be used in the spacecraft, respectively, for Energy Generation and Telecommunications.” (“The Gravitational Spacecraft” (full paper), Fran De Aquino, Maranhao State University, Brazil, December 3, 2013, from the Electric Space Craft Journal 27)
I’m not asserting these statements are true. I’m merely illustrating one of hundreds of articles and papers that have appeared on the subject of advanced technologies outside the realm of conventional science.
Since the beginning of the 20th century, and even earlier, researchers have been studying and writing about such technologies. It would be a mistake to think that military tech centers have blithely ignored this body of literature.
As they deride it, they examine it, and they use what they can.
In secret.
In secret, because they want to protect what they learn from their military enemies. And also because technology which could crack too many barriers and overturn the control of society must be kept in darkness.
Tesla, 1892: “Throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic! If static our hopes are in vain; if kinetic — and this we know it is, for certain — then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.”
Suppose there are two entire bodies of scientific research: the one we know about, which is displayed in published studies, media articles, and press releases from governments and corporations; and a second body, which is separate and secret and more advanced, conducted in government and corporate facilities shielded from view. This would create a significant problem. How is the second body protected and denied?
That problem falls into the lap of disinformation specialists. A long-range program must be developed. It must contain many vectors.
Unidentified Flying Objects exist. Whatever their origin(s), they appear in the skies. They execute maneuvers at speeds that are “impossible.” Their actions prove that advanced technology exists.
So, One, the UFOs need to be explained. And Two, they provide an occasion for disinformation.
Who will present that official disinfo? Why, officials, of course.
Where will they come from? The intelligence establishment. The military establishment. Because those departments and people “have been investigating the aerial phenomena.”
Over the years, these high-level officials will, while remaining in the shadows, pass along “secrets” to independent UFO researchers. The names of these military/intelligence officials will occasionally surface. Rumors about them will abound.
Every tidbit they offer to UFO researchers will be accepted and adored like a superior Christmas gift under the tree.
In no case will the leakers say, “We’ve developed astounding technology based on the work of Earth scientists, and we’re keeping this tech secret.”
Of all the leaks, that won’t be one of them.
Instead, the implication will be: we here on Earth couldn’t have developed such engineering capability. Out of the question.
Finally, in 2017, a whole group of elite ex-intelligence and military officials will step forward, together, as a “team” connected to a fledging Academy in the private sector. Its spokesman will be Tom DeLonge, a rock musician.
These ex-officials will confirm that remarkable UFOs exist, and the technology they exhibit surpasses anything known about on Earth.
Again, the engineering “could not have been developed by and from Earth scientists (working in secret).”

What does exist is “a highly exotic program to analyze off-planet UFOs.”
Over time, this latter assertion will be met with scorn. And mainstream journalists will wonder aloud about the Academy, the rock musician, and the bizarre gathering of ex-government officials around the musician.
Mainstream reporters will (as Daniel Liszt, the independent Dark Journalist EThas already pointed out) realize how strange it is, for example, that “recovered materials from UFOs” are being kept in a Las Vegas warehouse, under the control of billionaire, Robert Bigelow, instead of at the nearby Area 51 labs.
Other anomalies will surface. The whole UFO Disclosure episode will take on a woo-woo quality.
It’s called “blown cover as cover.” You admit secrets, thus appearing to blow your cover, but at the same time you’re hiding the deeper truth.

“Look, boys, we need to explain these UFOs whizzing around. We need to exclude ourselves as the primary secret engineers of these craft. So we paint ourselves as the somewhat befuddled and amazed recipients of technology from ET civilizations. That’s all we are. We’re trying to figure out what we’ve been handed on a silver platter. We don’t know what we’re doing. We’re children playing with adult machines. We’re, in a sense, victims. See? This plays into the whole op about humans as weak, incapable, and certainly unable to achieve genuinely heroic feats. Now, we’re not going to admit to the ET scenario out in the open. No. Officially, we don’t know anything about that. But we are going to give the green light to a few of our own guys to step forward and push the ET story. They’ll do it in a way that avoids any kind of blame directed at them or us. They’ll just throw up their hands and say the technology behind these UFOs is light years beyond anything that exists on Earth. They’ll say the universe is so big there must be other life out there. They’ll leave the rest to the imagination. And then, maybe, just maybe, they’ll say YES, these flying craft ARE ET, as if they can’t hold back the truth any longer, as if they’ve been painted into a corner and have to confess. At that point, the press will go after them. The press will call them fabulists and fakers and wild exaggerators. And once again (we’ve done this before), the house of cards will fall apart. The press and the government and the public will shake their heads and move away from the UFO story and advanced secret technology to other things…”

Consider this recent statement Tom DeLonge made about his new Academy:
“Hello, my name is Tom DeLonge from the Blink-182. I have brought together an elite team from CIA, DOD and the FMR Director of Advanced Programs at Lockheed Martin’s SkunkWorks. We are aiming to build this ElectroMagnetic Vehicle to Travel INSTANTANEOUSLY through Space, Air and Water BY ENGINEERING THE FABRIC OF SPACE-TIME. Our company is called To The Stars… and you can invest in our plan to revolutionize the world with technology that can change life as we know it.” [emphasis is mine]
How likely is it that these “elite team members” have gathered around DeLonge with confidence that he is the right person to disclose the truth about UFOs?
They certainly knew his views before they joined up. Why did they pick him?
What are the “Vegas odds” on this venture succeeding with the press and public?
Isn’t it likely the operation was put together in order to fail?
In order to bring a new level of scorn down on the heads of UFO disclosers in general?
I’ll give you an analogy. Suppose you were an important mainstream vaccine researcher, and after long and hard reflection, you decided you were going to step forward and blow the whistle on the enormous dangers of vaccination. You notice there is a civilian out there who is making quite a stir about the issue. He, too, is against vaccination—BECAUSE, HE SAYS, HUMAN DISEASE IS REALLY BEING CAUSED BY VIRUSES FROM OUTER SPACE, AND NO VACCINES CAN PROTECT THE HUMAN FAMILY AGAINST THAT THREAT.
Would you sign on with him? Would you allow him to front for the vaccine issue and represent you?
Would you sign on with him? Would you allow him to front for the vaccine issue and represent you?
On the other hand, if you were that vaccine researcher, and you were SENT out, on purpose, to present anti-vaccine views, with the express purpose of making those views appear ridiculous, and you could eventually walk away and obtain a plum job in the private sector or win a series of grants, and everyone would forget about your brief misadventure in the “anti-vaccine movement,” you would certainly seek out this person who talks endlessly about viruses from outer space, and you would make a temporary deal. You would, for a short time, be “the leaker.” As a working disinformation pro, you would take one for the team. The real team: the medical cartel.
UFOs exist.
They’re real.
They exhibit very advanced tech.
They’re designed to work.
But the elite propaganda about them is designed to fail.

Rockstar’s company heads up reverse-engineering of alien technology, former top-level U.S. government, and private sector personnel on board.
Blink-182 frontman and C.E.O. of the California-based company To The Stars Acadamy of Arts & Science has been working with top-level aerospace industry professionals and political figures to reverse-engineer and ultimately disclose advanced alien technologies which have been recovered and kept secret by the U.S. government for nearly a century.
That’s right, former senior members of the U.S. Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the private aerospace sector have all come together and have been contracted by DeLonge for a seven-year-long multi-pronged project which the multi-talented entrepreneur maintains could ultimately “propel humanity forward” in a major way.
According to the famed rockstar turned techie, To The Stars Acadamy of Arts & Science is a “public benefit corporation” and is the first “transparent partnership” of its kind between the fields of aerospace engineering, science, and cinematic entertainment.
Head of Advanced Programs and Technology at TTS and former Lockheed Martin Skunk Works Program Director for Advanced Systems Stephen Justice is involved with the project and agrees it presents mankind with “an opportunity to reach beyond the normal boundaries of aerospace” which Justice feels may, one day, result in the creation of “revolutionary” new products which could change the world for the better.
DeLonge has recently been the center of attention in the UFO community after his Oct. 26 appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience where he spilled the beans about what he has been doing behind the scenes.
Early on the broadcast, Delonge explained to Rogan that the original concept behind “To The Stars” was for it to be a science fiction media outlet, much like a Disney of sorts, but said that the company has since “evolved” into something far greater.
The rock star turned public benefit mogul said everything changed for him on Feb. 25, 2016, when he flew out to “Pentagon City” to met up with top-level government officials. The high-profile meeting came about after DeLonge exchanged a series of emails with former President Barack H. Obama’s advisor John Podesta in January of 2016, as verified by Wikileaks.
As it turns out, DeLonge’s contact with Podesta is what appears to have led to his subsequent invite to speak with other top-level professionals who are notable insiders of the intel and aerospace community but the question remains, were these people using DeLonge as they did Bill Moore, the co-author of The Roswell Incident as a means to progress their agenda?
“People think that places like the C.I.A., and the D.I.A., and all of these intelligence organizations have some sort of monopoly on information, they don’t,” DeLonge explained to Rogan. “They get their information from the real world too.”
DeLonge said that information regarding the UFO phenomenon and advanced alien technologies has been hidden from the public and mucked up by disinformation programs since the 1940’s but said that officials are now trying to figure out how to slowly release the information to where the public can eventually accept the fact that aliens have been visiting our planet for millions of years.
“So I put out this book, Sekret Machines, and this book deals with secret international finance, private industry, a secret space program and other things,” he explained. “I believe that there is a reason why the cold war never got hot — it’s because we were working with Russia on this specific issue.”
As all of this progressed and Delonge’s life started to feel more like an action spy thriller then a reality he was summoned to Colorado where he met with a general and a colonel along with several other military personnel connected with the National Reconnaissance Office who greenlighted the project and DeLonge’s proceeding appearances on Coast To Coast AM and other nationally syndicated radio programs.
It was DeLonge’s mention of this “international force” and the Wikileaks dump of his emails with John Podesta that eventually put him on the radar and got him a good three-day-long “interrogation” inside of a hotel room by a six-man team that was dispatched from a “certain agency” within the U.S. government.
“There is a concerted international effort to deal with this stuff and that was in my book,” he said. “No one has put together what we are doing about it. […] In my book it is my belief that we have made incredible strides creating [international] assets to deal with this stuff [the threat of alien life].”
“It’s not all hunky-dory,” he said, in reference to the dark side of things (i.e. abductions, cattle mutilations, etc.) DeLonge says that he now refers to UFOs as “Advanced Arieal Threats.”
The young C.E.O. explained to Rogan that trying to figure all of this out is the key to the future. Such technology, like “warping spacetime around an object,” is groundbreaking, he explained, before he got into talking about “shooting a single electron” and “radiating it with terahertz.”

“I don’t want to pretend I know much about it,” he said. “I just know that the earlier tests were with radio waves, like RF, and they need to do terahertz. […] By shooting terahertz at it the piece of metal can lose mass.”
DeLonge said that his team plans on conducting experiments which could lead to the development of making metal weightless in the future like a piece of metal retrieved from the crash of 1948.
The young C.E.O. told Rogan to “watch” what his publically traded company does in the coming years. “That’s all I’m going to say,” he said.
In mid-December 2017, just over a month and a half after DeLonge’s appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience, like clockwork, the Pentagon released information publically on their Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program (AATIP) in which the U.S. government allocated $22 million for study, validating DeLonge’s prior accusations and use of the lingo.
The recently leaked U.S. Navy F/A-18F fighter jet infrared gunsight footage showing appears to be a UFO was reportedly captured in 2004.
However, it is important to note that John Lear, a highly-decorated and highly-skilled pilot and son of the inventor of the “Lear Jet” has said publicly that he believes the audio in the video, the conversation between the pilots, is likely not real which brings into question the authenticity of the video.
Lear said that pilots simply don’t use words like “dude” and “bro”  and never address the wind’s direction as ‘going somewhere’ because ‘wind always comes from somewhere.’ Not to mention that there is too much ‘wind noise.’

Is the new Pentagon UFO disclosure program a trick or is it real?