There’s a lot of people worried the sheer scale and totality of the FBI and DOJ corruption will be buried by the Swamp scum.  I’m not one of them.  As a ninja level cynic who has spent so much time investigating the deep weeds of DC corruption, this time I can see a difference.

The Bigger media voices will eventually catch up to the story.  Right now the scale of the story is so large, and the consequences so damaging to the Republic, they are scared to call it out… but that won’t last too much longer.  Unless they are genuinely all paid political operatives of the UniParty, by the end of this month the sunlight will be so intense their worries about losing invites to the best cocktail parties will be overcome by the enormity of the truth.

When the righteous march past the praetorian guard media carrying pitchforks, feathers and buckets of brutally obvious truth;  yes, even the ‘CONservative’ professional media guardians will have to admit they can’t defend the protected class from this one.  Their own need for relevance will mean they’ll eventually admit, the baby is damn ugly.
If a little corner of the internet can lay out the raw data, and all of that data only points in one direction, yes, the total “they” (media, congress, and our President) all know this same stuff you have been reading.  More importantly, as uncomfortable as admissions might be, they know it is real and they know what it means.
If we can put it together, so can they.
So too can Robert Mueller.  He knows.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller knows how Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew Weissman,  Jeannie Rhee, Aaron Zebley and all of the other participants got put on his team.  He knows how, and he knows why.   Mueller might not want to admit he knows, because that means accepting the scale corruption within his beloved institutions.  It also means accepting his friends James Comey, Andrew McCabe, James Baker, Sally Yates and Loretta Lynch are corrupt political agents.
Perhaps Mueller too is a political agent; regardless, he knows what we know; and we know that he knows what we know.
Robert Mueller knows he can no longer do the ‘willfully blind‘ schtick toward FBI Chief Legal Counsel James Baker because the truth is too transparent.  He’d look silly trying. Even if Mueller tried to defend him, he’d have a hard time burying the truth to do so.  There’s just too much of it visible.

Mueller knows why his assembled team used deception to gain all of the Transition team emails; when he walks into the room of lawyers he knows they can’t talk about it, lawyers never do, but he knows.  And they know he knows. It’s all corrupt. It’s all coming out. The entire cabal know there’s too much already known to be able to spin or hide it all.
Right now they are spending 90% (or more) of their time discussing damage control and how to sell their way out of this mess.  The energy they are now spending trying to show a “Russian Conspiracy” is smaller than nil.  Some team members are still trying to give angles of “if we do this”, and “if we do that”, etc.  You know the routine, a good defense is a good offense.  However, even in their offensive exit proposals, their time is constructing a plausible escape.  We know that; he knows that; and he knows we know that.
What are they left with?
That’s it.
Positioning for the best exit, doing the least amount of damage to themselves and other professional swamp dwellers in the process.  That’s their current energy expenditure; figuring out the exit strategy.

The House Judiciary Committee (Bob Goodlatte) is soon to get details.   That’s the rightful place where ultimately the best decisions will be made. Chairman Goodlatte and his Senate counterpart Chairman Grassley, know this is their moment.  Neither of them smoke cigars.
House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes will also get the details from Inspector General Michael Horowitz.  He’s just about appropriately pissed-off-enough to do some real damage to all those people who besmirched his character back in March and April 2017. The larger DC intelligence community is scared-to-death of Devin Nunes.
Ignore Senate Intel Chairman Richard Burr.  He will keep his mouth shut and try to avoid cameras now – when possible.  He’s a UniParty defender, and he does smoke cigars. ie: he’s as corrupt as they come and swims in the deep swamp with the Decepticons.  Burr’s Corinthian Wing-back will remain empty; his current preference will be to read about what he’s supposed to say from the Washington Post or New York Times bi-lines.
Additionally, one of the larger reasons to feel confidence is from Trey Gowdy (aka Rooster head) being given the Chairmanship of the House Oversight Committee.  His placement there will explain everything y’all need to know about his recent rather stunning increases in personal wealth.  Go look it up, you’ll see.   Gowdy was purchased by the Uniparty as the replacement for Jason Chaffetz, who was the replacement for Darryl Issa.
Rooster-head’s job is now to lead the Chaff and Countermeasures routine. That’s why his personal wealth jumped so significantly. (Again, go look it up.)  That’s also why his first official duty was to undermine Devin Nunes yesterday in the Washington Post.
Gowdy is on the other side.  The UniParty purchased him.  Don’t forget Gowdy is the House version of Ted Cruz so he was always predisposed in that direction. Never forget that. Look at everything Gowdy does as intended to distract you from anything that matters and it will all make sense to you – Clear Eyes.  Rooster proved his worthiness for the UniParty while leading the Benghazi “Special Committee” to clear Clinton.
Thankfully the White Hats have set this up to allow Rooster-Head to crow poetically, yet not be in a position to do any substantive damage.  [Though he might try to get some republicans wiped out in the 2018 election.  So, watch out for that.]
As long as there’s no calling for a “Special Committee” the White Hats are in good shape.  Beware of anyone who starts demanding that in the next month.  Don’t fall for that trick. Also avoid anything to do with issues headed to the House Oversight Committee; it’s UniParty Command HQ.

Keep an eye on Jim Jordan.  He’s a White Hat.  He’s turned down the indulgences from the UniParty.  As a ninja cynic I’ve got to admit he’s one of few good and decent people in DC.  Rare breed.  DC hates him. That’s good.
Sometime this month, after the initial Inspector General Michael Horowitz release, House Judiciary Chair Bob Goodlatte and Senate Judiciary Chair Chuck Grassley will likely call for a Special Counsel to investigate the upper-level management of the FBI and DOJ.  Support that approach.  The SC can quickly put a Grand Jury together and start presenting the IG investigative evidence, as well as enforceable subpoenas for witnesses.
There’s a boat-load of different issues here:
  • The unlawful exoneration of Hillary Clinton by political operatives in the DOJ/FBI.
  • The unlawful use of the FISA court for political spy operations by the DOJ/FBI.
  • The unlawful use of the Dept of Justice National Security Division.  For weaponized political benefit.
  • The unlawful use of the FBI Counterintelligence Division. For weaponized political benefit.
  • The unlawful use of a Special Counsel (Mueller) investigation to hide the conspiracy.
I could go on, but you get the picture.  The corruption is so deep it’s almost unfathomable; almost beyond comprehension.  Almost.  The enormity of it is also part of the defense strategy for the participants within it.
All of that minutia is part of the Special Counsel argument that will surface in the next 30 days.  While that Special Counsel argument is ongoing, Nunes, Goodlatte and Grassley can use the Judiciary and Intelligence Committees to present to the world everything you’ve already read HERE.
And lastly, the main source of my confidence that all of this will come out…. 

The Russian Collusion Narrative Was, As FBI Agent Peter Strzok Explained: “An Insurance Policy”…

Let us be clear on what the “insurance policy” was.  The insurance policy was, in totality, the entire fraudulent Russian Conspiracy Narrative; and all of the accompanying –and subsequent– FBI and DOJ collaborative actions that were taken, under the auspices of an FBI counterintelligence operation, in order to generate an entirely false premise. The goal of using the “insurance policy” was to destroy, and possibly impeach, President Trump.

All of it.

As the Inspector General investigation continues: ♦FBI Agent Peter Strzok has been reassigned to the HR department.  ♦FBI Lawyer Lisa Page, personal legal aide to FBI Asst. Director, Andrew “Andy” McCabe, has been returned to the DOJ side. ♦FBI Chief Legal Counsel James Baker has been relieved of his duties by FBI Director Christopher Wray. ♦FBI Asst Director Andrew McCabe has announced his intent to retire in March.
All of these FBI personnel moves are a preliminary outcomes of the still ongoing Office of Inspector General (OIG) investigation.   All of this has been reported.  None of these moves are speculative.  However, this is just one side of the Trump operation, the FBI investigative Counterintelligence Division side.
The legal side of the Trump operation, stems from the National Security Division of the DOJ.  A FISA application is submitted from the DOJ-NSD side for use by the FBI Counterintelligence team.  That’s the side the current New York Times Papadopoulos storyis intended to protect. CTH anticipated that maneuver was coming; that’s why we wrote an outline about the DOJ-NSD collaboration two days before the NYT silly defense article.

In October 2016, immediately after the DOJ lawyers formatted the FBI information (Steele Dossier etc.) for the FISA application, the head of the NSD, Asst. Attorney General John P Carlin, left his job.  During his exit John Carlin informed the FISA court the DOJ-NSD frequently provided false information to the court to gain FISA warrants – Read Here.
The New York Times never wrote about the admission by the Obama DOJ to the FISA court.  The court itself declassified their opinion of the DOJ conduct, in May of 2017, and that’s the way the public discovered the 2016 admissions by the DOJ National Security Division.
The 2016 FBI counterintelligence operation was surveillance on the Trump Campaign and was thinly disguised under the fraudulent auspices of a DOJ National Security Division FISA warrant; the justification was later sold as a defense of U.S. democracy from Russia, which permitted wiretaps, surveillance and the ammunition to build a false narrative.

…“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office that there’s no way he gets elected – but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”…

The false ‘Russian Conspiracy’ narrative was the insurance policy.  If Hillary Clinton won, the insurance policy would never have been used, Russia would never have been accused of interfering in the election, and all prior activity just disappears.  It’s that simple.

Via John Solomon of The Hill:
Republicans on key congressional committees say they have uncovered new irregularities and contradictions inside the FBI’s probe of Hillary Clinton’s email server.
For the first time, investigators say they have secured written evidence that the FBI believed there was evidence that some laws were broken when the former secretary of State and her top aides transmitted classified information through her insecure private email server, lawmakers and investigators told The Hill.
That evidence includes passages in FBI documents stating the “sheer volume” of classified information that flowed through Clinton’s insecure emails was proof of criminality as well as an admission of false statements by one key witness in the case, the investigators said.
The name of the witness is redacted from the FBI documents but lawmakers said he was an employee of a computer firm that helped maintain her personal server after she left office as America’s top diplomat and who belatedly admitted he had permanently erased an archive of her messages in 2015 after they had been subpoenaed by Congress.

New documents released by Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee in mid-December reveal Comey made more edits to Hillary’s draft statement.
One very shocking revelation is that “hostile actors” likely gained access to Hillary Clinton’s private email which of course contained classified information. 

Fox News reported on new Comey edits:
The edits also showed that references to specific potential violations of statutes on “gross negligence” of classified information and “misdemeanor handling” were removed.
The original also said it was “reasonably likely” that “hostile actors” gained access to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email account. That was later changed to say that scenario was merely “possible.”
The final statement also removed a reference to the “sheer volume” of classified information discussed on email.
“While the precise dates of the edits and identities of the editors are not apparent from the documents, the edits appear to change the tone and substance of Director Comey’s statement in at least three respects,” Johnson wrote Thursday.

In what could be a major black eye for the deep state and yet another nail in the Clinton legacy coffin, The Hill's John Solomon reports that Republicans on key congressional committees say they have uncovered new irregularities and contradictions inside the FBI’s probe of Hillary Clinton’s email server.

"This was an effort to pre-bake the cake, pre-bake the outcome,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), a House Judiciary Committee member who attended the McCabe briefing before the holidays.
“Hillary Clinton obviously benefited from people taking actions to ensure she wasn’t held accountable.”
In what appears to be clear evidence confirming previous fears of favoritism and prejudice within the FBI,lawmakers and investigators told Solomon at The Hill that, for the first time, investigators say they have secured written evidence that the FBI believed there was evidence that some laws were broken when the former secretary of State and her top aides transmitted classified information through her insecure private email server.

That evidence includes passages in FBI documents stating the “sheer volume” of classified information that flowed through Clinton’s insecure emails was proof of criminality as well as an admission of false statements by one key witness in the case, the investigators said.
The name of the witness is redacted from the FBI documents but lawmakers said he was an employee of a computer firm that helped maintain her personal server after she left office as America’s top diplomat and who belatedly admitted he had permanently erased an archive of her messages in 2015 after they had been subpoenaed by Congress.
The investigators also confirmed that the FBI began drafting a statement exonerating Clinton of any crimes while evidence responsive to subpoenas was still outstanding and before agents had interviewed more than a dozen key witnesses.
Those witnesses included Clinton and the computer firm employee who permanently erased her email archives just days after the emails were subpoenaed by Congress, the investigators said.

Notably, lawmakers on the House Judiciary Committee who attended a Dec. 21 closed-door briefing by FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe say the bureau official confirmed that the investigation and charging decisions were controlled by a small group in Washington headquarters rather the normal process of allowing field offices to investigate possible criminality in their localities.
The top Democrat on the panel even acknowledged the FBI’s handling of the case was unique, but, of course, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y) argued Republicans are politicizing their own panel’s work.
Rep. Gaetz said he has growing questions about the role the Obama Justice Department played in the case.
A House GOP lawmaker told The Hill his staff also has identified at least a dozen interviews that were conducted after the drafting effort began, including of some figures who would have key information about intent or possible destruction of evidence.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley's (R-Iowa) staff has a higher number: 17 witnesses including Clinton were interviewed after the decision was already made.
“Making a conclusion before you interview key fact witnesses and the subject herself violates the very premise of good investigation. You don't lock into a theory until you have the facts. Here the evidence that isn't public yet shows they locked into the theory and then edited out the facts that contradicted it,” the GOP lawmaker said, speaking only on condition of anonymity because the documents are not yet authorized for release.
The longtime Senate chairman went to the Senate floor before the holidays to raise another concern:the FBI did not pursue criminal charges when Clinton’s email archives were permanently deleted from her private server days after a subpoena for them was issued by a congressional committee investigating the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi.
The deletion occurred on the same day Clinton’s former chief of staff and her lawyer had a call with the computer firm that handled the erasure using an anti-recovery software called BleachBit, Grassley said.