Consequences of M7.5 earthquake in Papua New Guinea: 31 dead, 300 injured, 400,000 people suffering, remote mountain areas not visited yet in pictures and video

Two days ago, a M7.5 earthquake hit central Papua New Guinea. Meanwhile, pictures and videos have made their ways from the deep jungle to Social Medias. Officials are still counting and will visit hard-to-reach mountain areas to assess the consequences of a natural disaster today. But in the meantime, the powerful and dangerous earthquake killed 31 people and injured at least 300. At least 400,000 people are suffering from damages or destructions in 4 different provinces. Widespread power outages, destroyed infrastructure and buildings are reported near the epicenter of the quake.

13 dead were found in the capital of the province of Southern Highlands Mendy and 18 in the districts of Kutuku and Bosawe. On February 27, a government helicopter will fly through hard-to-reach mountain areas to assess the consequences of a natural disaster. Work was stopped at the Oak-Tedi mine and the Hidex gas processing plant operated by ExxonMobil to assess damages.

Consequences of M7.5 earthquake in Papua New Guinea in February 2018, Consequences of M7.5 earthquake in Papua New Guinea in February 2018 pictures, Consequences of M7.5 earthquake in Papua New Guinea in February 2018 videos

Consequences of M7.5 earthquake in Papua New Guinea in February 2018, Consequences of M7.5 earthquake in Papua New Guinea in February 2018 pictures, Consequences of M7.5 earthquake in Papua New Guinea in February 2018 videos

Consequences of M7.5 earthquake in Papua New Guinea in February 2018, Consequences of M7.5 earthquake in Papua New Guinea in February 2018 pictures, Consequences of M7.5 earthquake in Papua New Guinea in February 2018 videos

A shallow M6.1 earthquake hit near the South Magnetic Pole and Antarctica on February 27, 2018.

A M6.1 earthquake hit near the south magnetic pole on February 27 2018, M6.1 earthquake hits south magnetic pole february 28 2018