Goon John Brennan & Corrupt Samantha Power Issue Veiled Threats After Disgraced FBI Deputy Andrew McCabe Firing… 

This reminds me of “The Godfather” — John Brennan was President Obama’s Luca Brasi, one of his most trusted enforcers.
“Able to handle himself in any fight, he had a dark reputation among the underworld as a savage killer.”

The depraved and the immoral claim the moral high ground.

Samantha Power issued a veiled threat at President Trump after former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe was fired: “Not A Good Idea To Piss Off John Brennan.”
These criminals actively and illegally conspired to steal the 2016 election.
Seeking to retain his position as CIA director under Hillary, Brennan teamed up with British spies and Estonian spies to cripple Trump’s candidacy. He used their phony intelligence as a pretext for a multi-agency investigation into Trump, which led the FBI to probe a computer server connected to Trump Tower and gave cover to [then-National Security Advisor] Susan Rice, among other Hillary supporters, to spy on Trump and his people. (more here)

In a just world, Obama and his quisling admin would be indicted for treason. The whole motley crew.
Samantha Power, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, has unmasked an “unprecedented” number of top intel folk during her final year with the Barack Obama administration. Criminal abuse of power. These top Obama Dems “weaponized” classified intelligence information against President Trump. No one is being held accountable, and Congress has done no oversight.
If you recall, during the presidential election, I ran a number of stories on the breach of Obama’s passport at the Department of State. Brennan was the CEO of TAC – and also a consultant to the 2008 Obama campaign – when his company was accused of breaching the passport files of Obama prompting an investigation by the State Department (more here). You will also recall that the key witness in the presidential passport tampering case was murdered — shot in the head, in his car, in front of his church. The case remains unsolved.

There’s something rather remarkable about watching/reading expressions of political violence from key democrat ideologues atop the Marxist left-wing of the party.
Every time we see this reaction, I immediately try to reconnect with those who I’ve previously forewarned but were not yet at a place where they could accept.  As disturbing as these unhinged expressions might be, there are benefits…. their alliance gets smaller.

John Brennan was a career CIA official who voted for the communist party in 1980.  He was also a 2008 Obama adviser when he was caught hacking into State Department passport records.  After the 2012 Benghazi attack, Brennan was moved into the position of CIA Director to cover and tamp-down any issues that might arise (he made everyone sign NDA’s).  As CIA Director Brennan was also caught hacking Senate computers to monitor the Senate Intelligence Committee. He apologized.
Perhaps more disturbing was Samantha Power’s response.

Samantha Power is the wife of Obama’s initial regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein.  After spending Obama’s first term as a foreign policy adviser, and key architect behind collapsing the nation of Libya (R2P), President Obama rewarded Power with the post of U.N. Ambassador.  Throughout election year 2016 Samantha Power, via her State Department office, was unmasking names from the DOJ/FBI conspiracy team’s FISA(702) searches, and FISA(Title-1) surveillance results.  After discovery, she claimed in 2017 someone else was using her database access.
Brennan and Power represent the Chicago-Marxist/Weather-Underground/Saul Alinksy/ radically violent and activist left…  These are the apex predators who are cocktail party hypocrites and architects of: Revolution Communism (RevCom), Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Dream Defenders and AntiFA.

For the past two years, the long-running narrative, at least that promulgated by the mainstream media which continues to "explain away" Hillary Clinton's loss to Donald Trump, is that Americans had fallen for a massive, long-running fake news scam (in part aided and abetted by the likes of Facebook), which boosted Trump's popularity at the expense of Hillary's as part of some giant "Russian collusion" conspiracy theory between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin (which Mueller was supposed to uncover, but has instead shifted to investigating obstruction, seemingly unable to find anything).
But what if that entire narrative is dead wrong: what if Americans have become so skeptical in the government process and structure, they never needed a "fake news" boost to vote for an establishment outsider?
According to a new poll, that's precisely the case because a supermajority of Americans believes the faction of unelected officials, known as the deep state, is orchestrating policy in Washington, D.C. and effectively running the nation.
The Monmouth University Polling Institute found that no less than 74% of Americans believe in a "deep state" when it is described as a collection of unelected officials running policyOnly 21% do not believe this kind of group exists.
As a result of countless "conspiracy theories" being proven as facts in recent years, chief among which the Edwards Snowden revelations which exposed the NSA as nothing short of "big brother", and the Wikileaks disclosures which revealed how the Democratic Party colluded against Bernie Sanders to promote Clinton's candidacy and countless more such examples, fully 8-in-10 believe that the U.S. government currently monitors or spies on the activities of American citizens, including a majority (53%) who say this activity is widespread and another 29% who say such monitoring happens but is not widespread. Just 14% say this monitoring does not happen at all. Shockinly, there were no substantial partisan differences in these results.

What is even more surprising, is that the poll found than 7 out of 10 Americans polled in each political group, not just Republicans but Democrats and independents as well, believe in a deep state. 
31% of Republicans and 33% of independents say they believe a deep state “definitely exists,” while 19% of Democrats believe this.
"We usually expect opinions on the operation of government to shift depending on which party is in charge,” Monmouth University Polling Institute Director Patrick Murray said in a statement. “But there’s an ominous feeling by Democrats and Republicans alike that a ‘Deep State’ of unelected operatives are pulling the levers of power.”
While there is general partisan agreement on concerns about government overreach, there are some notable differences in the level of concern by two very different demographic metrics: race and membership in the National Rifle Association.
“Anxiety about a possible ‘Deep State’ is prevalent in both parties, but each has key constituent groups who express even greater concerns about the potential for government overreach. This includes racial and ethnic groups who still experience the effects of historical prejudice as well as gun owners who fear their constitutional rights are being threatened,” said Murray. “Can those fears be allayed or will they intensify and spread? Or is this just the new normal? This is something we will have to keep tracking.”

“This is a worrisome finding. The strength of our government relies on public faith in protecting our freedoms, which is not particularly robust. And it’s not a Democratic or Republican issue. These concerns span the political spectrum,” said Murray.