Russia Vows Imminent Response To Diplomat Expulsion "The US Only Understands Force"

Update: RIA Novosti reports an unnamed foreign ministry official protested the decision by EU, NATO nations to expel envoys, and  confirmed that Russia will respond to each country expelling diplomats, warning that the "expulsions won't go unanswered."

“Unfriendly” action won’t be left unanswered.
U.K.’s allies are “blindly following” principle of Euro-Atlantic unity at theexpense of common sense.
Additionally, Russia's ambassador to Washington, Anatoly Antonov, said that, with regard to the US response, "US only understand force."
"I mentioned in my statement in the State Department that I consider these actions counterproductive," Antonov said.
"I said that the United States took a very bad step by cutting what very little still remains in terms of Russian-American relations."

President Trump has reportedly ordered the expulsion of 60 Russians from the United States on Monday, including 12 people identified as Russian intelligence officers who have been stationed at the United Nations in New York, in response to Russia’s alleged poisoning of a former Russian spy in Britain.

As The New York Times reports, the expulsion order, announced by administration officials, also closes the Russian consulate in Seattle.

The Russians and their families have seven days to leave the United States,according to officials.
The expulsions are the toughest action taken against the Kremlin by President Trump, who has been criticized for not being firm enough with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.
In a call with reporters, senior White House officials said that the move was toroot out Russians actively engaging in intelligence operations against the country, and to show that the United States would stand with NATO allies.
The officials said that the closure of the consulate in Seattle was ordered because of its proximity to a U.S. naval base.

The expulsion of 60 diplomats is the most sweeping since the Reagan administration ordered 55 diplomats out of the country in 1986.
As The Washington Post reports, a senior administration official, who was only authorized to discuss the actions on the condition of anonymity, commented:

"This was a reckless attempt by the government to murder a British citizens and his daughter on British soil with a nerve agent,"
"It cannot go unanswered."

Last week EU leaders declared in a statement that it was “highly likely” there was “no plausible alternative explanation” other than Russia being to blame.
Today, EU Council President Tusk  announces that 14 EU nations will expel Russian diplomats...

Russia Says EU Shows ‘Perverted’ U.K. Solidarity
The Kremlin is not impressed with the EU. The countries planning to expel Russian diplomats in support of the U.K. are “like loyal subjects giving political support to London,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Facebook.
Russia Warns of Tit-for-Tat Retaliation
Russia warned that it won’t take any expulsions lying down. The Kremlin hasn’t had any official information on reported U.S. plans to expel diplomats and will act reciprocally if such actions take place, Vladimir Putin’s spokesman told reporters on a conference call.

For now the Ruble is the most affected...