[We didn't think the deep state was going to back down did we? It's OK - they are going to get everything that they long for: a global government, the people of the world under control, Christians will mysteriously disappear, etc... They just need to be patient]

You know there’s something wrong with our so-called “self-government” when “public servants” are vindictive as all get-out.
But that pretty much sums up the entire Obama Administration, doesn’t it?
And even more than a year out of power, these vindictive little creeps are still acting like the mob.
Cross them in the morning, and you’ll be sleeping with the fishes by dinner time.

Now, who can blame President Trump for tweeting out his delight over that lying leaker Andrew McCabe getting the boot?
McCabe, along with Comey, and the entire Obama “Justice” Department and intel community did everything humanly possible to destroy Trump’s presidency from day one.
I’d tweet out my delight too, quite frankly.
But the response from these assholes is stunning.

When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America…America will triumph over you. https://t.co/uKppoDbduj
— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) March 17, 2018

Methinks the former CIA Director protests too much.
And let’s be honest here. The people who are trying to take down Trump have a track record of lying – including John Brennan.
And when the full extent of the Obama criminal organization becomes known, I think Trump’s gloating tweet will pale in comparison.
But it was Samantha Power’s response to Brennan acting like a partisan hack that really surprised me.

Not a good idea to piss off John Brennan. https://t.co/VLg94OLL2R
— Samantha Power (@SamanthaJPower) March 17, 2018

A former Obama official saying “It’s not a good idea for the President to piss off a former Director of the CIA” doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in the administration’s claims that its agencies were non-political… https://t.co/EygfflHztF
— James Hasson (@JamesHasson20) March 17, 2018

Intel officials and politicos (current and former) in our society should not be feared or held in awe. They (are supposed to) serve us. #publicservants https://t.co/80jAEFy750
— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) March 17, 2018

These people governed exactly this way.
The difference is when they were in power, they tried to hide just how vindictive and awful they were.
Okay, to be fair, they didn’t hide it well.
But now the masks have dropped off.
And why exactly is that?
Well, if I had to guess they know that the proverbial shit is about to hit the fan.
And like cornered animals, they’re getting vicious.
They tried to rig an election and destroy a candidate. And when they failed, they actually tried to undermine the duly-elected President of the United States.
I think Rush Limbaugh is right. They expected Trump to be gone by last summer.
And they failed.
Instead their vindictive little plan is blowing up in their faces like a trick cigar.

Because the Democrats in Congress demanded that the Inspector General investigate the FBI and DOJ for destroying Hillary’s chances of becoming President.
In other words, they brought this on themselves.
And when the IG reports drop, those cornered animals are going to be exposed for the corrupt, criminal enterprise that they are.

Lefties are in deep, deep denial.  They accuse Trump of the silliest stuff imaginable while exalting Barama and Hillary.  Comey and McCabe and Strzok are honorable men, and the Mueller investigation will put Trump in jail.  There's no talking with them because they just insult and sneer.  I know; I've tried.
They have built their own universe outside the universe of the real, and they say we who oppose them live outside the universe of the real and have built ourown universe.  It's astonishing, and the longer it goes on, the more likely they are to lash out with violence when forced to face facts they don't want to face.
We can't let them get away with that anymore.
No lefty would ever do what Nixon did in 1960 when he found out that JFK "won" the election by voter fraud.  He didn't think the nation could handle a stink of that nature and magnitude, so he let it go.  The national good took precedence over his personal ambition.

Recall that when Al Gore had the chance to do something similar, he went to court to force acceptance of his fraudulent votes.
In 1974, Nixon followed advice that cut him off forever from his life's work and resigned the presidency rather than put the country through the agony of impeachment.  His own guys advised him to let go, and he did.  The national good again took precedence over personal ambition.
When Bill Clinton had the chance to do something similar, he refused.  He let the nation fall apart; it was more important to brazen it out.  Nobody on his side advised him to go.
This time around, the left faces someone who holds it accountable.  PaceNixon, Donald Trump is confident that America can survive a faceoff and may even want it, so he is taking on the left.  Tens of millions of us have waited for a champion to do just that.  Our adversary is nasty and pitiless.  These people cheat, lie, and kill, and they don't care about the country.  They tout honor they don't have and accuse us of having none.
We are facing evil and its fruits.

We can't just let it go anymore.  There is no place left for us to retreat to.  For decades, we've let them get away with their rowdy, insulting, destructive behavior.  We've pretended they meant well when we knew they did not.  We've allowed them to get away with their lies because it was so unpleasant fighting all the time.
We can't do that anymore.  It's time to draw lines in the sand and fight back.  Put them in prison and keep them there for crimes, rather than slap their wrists and pretend they're harmless.  Forcibly shut them up when they try to forcibly shut us up.  Meet their obnoxious behavior with our own obnoxious behavior.
This is what they've pushed toward for 50 years, and it's time to give it back to them.  They have taken over the closest thing we have to a national police force – the FBI – and corrupted it at its core, using police powers not to protect America or U.S. citizens, but to go after political foes.  This is the very definition of tyranny.
Trump, via Sessions, has initiated our comeback at long last.  We must stand with our president, turn out at rallies, show up at the voting booth.  We're down to the short hairs.  There's no "give" left.
It's our America or theirs.