The only thing we learn from history is that people don't learn from history. 

“Hitler Youth” student gun control march invades Washington, follows in the footsteps of Nazis who disarmed the Jews before the Holocaust

The “Hitler Youth” invasion of Washington D.C. took place today as young fascists-in-training were corralled into the nation’s capitol to demand that government authoritarians strip away the civil liberties of all law-abiding Americans in the name of “gun control.”

Just like Hitler Youth enthusiasts, these fascists-in-training are told they’re “saving lives” for “a better future,” and that the only thing standing in their way is a bunch of violent gun owners who want to murder every baby in sight. (The irony of all these left-wingers actually condoning the abortion murder of babies, of course, is completely missed in all this.)

What none of these children are being told, of course, is that Hitler took away gun rights from the Jews before exterminating six million of them in the Holocaust. It’s so much easier to commit genocide, Hitler discovered, when the people you’re tying to murder can’t fight back. Echoing the madness of the Third Reich, the propagandist-in-chief of today’s lunatic Left anti-gun movement is David Hogg, a profanity-laced, foulmouthed student who is seething with anger and seems forever on the verge of outright calling for all gun owners to be exterminated by the government.

In a recent interview, shown below, foul-mouthed Hogg, a student at the Parkland school shooting in Florida, says that gun owners and the NRA are “pathetic f##kers who want to keep killing our children” and adds, “They could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn’t take action, because they all still see those dollar signs.”

David Hogg’s profanity-laced rant was so obnoxious, arrogant and deranged that YouTube systematically censored all the profanity-laced David Hogg videos in order to protect his public image. (Yes, YouTube is now running interference for David Hogg, making sure his public image is squeaky clean while he ravages gun owners with the most deranged, foul-mouth language imaginable.)

Hogg, who has arisen as the chief propagandist in the left-wing fascist “Hitler Youth” army, is completely opposed to adding security to public schools, even though a recent school shooting was stopped in 60 seconds by an armed security resource officer. It seems like Hogg might actually wants more children to be murdered so that he can get more air time on CNN to push his radical, fascist-like Third Reich call for disarming all the people he personally hates (and wants to destroy).

Don’t forget that David Hogg was featured in a photo tweet by his sister, Lauren Hogg, promoting new Nazi-like armbands to demand gun confiscation from the American people. “David Hogg And His Sister Create Nazi-Like Armbands To Promote Gun Control,” reports

Lauren Hogg, the younger sister of David Hogg and surprisingly not verified on Twitter, has created special armbands for gun control advocates to wear to school, the March For Our Lives demonstration, and anywhere else you think you can wear it and not get embarrassed. The band, of course, is to be worn on your arm, and the symbol in the middle resembles a peace sign. But does it really?
If the Hogg armband for gun control looks familiar, it should:

David Hogg physically resembles Adolf Hitler in fist-pounding salutes, angry speech patterns and more

In today’s rally, David Hogg became a full-fledged propaganda politician-in-training, reading from an obviously scripted speech, full of flowery words and high ideals that covered over his real goal: The complete disarmament of all law-abiding Americans.
Hogg is actually calling for a “revolution” against gun owners, reports ABC News.
What kind of revolution? A violent revolution, of course. “Hogg ended his his speech with the black power salute,” reports The Gateway Pundit.

Once you give up your guns, of course, that’s when tyrannical regimes start cranking up the ovens and waging mass arrests of enemies of the state. Hogg, of course, is too young and ignorant to realize any of this, but he is proclaimed to have almost saint-like status by the anti-gun left-wing media, which despises individual liberties, truth, logic and reason. The very fact that their No. 1 spokesperson for gun control is an 18-year-old angry fascist-in-training tells you just how weak their position really is. (Seriously, this lunatic is the best they can drum up?)

If you look at the people in history who supported gun rights for individuals, you find a fascinating cross-section of humanitarians and freedom-loving world leaders who changed the world for the better. They include Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi (yes, he supported self-defense) and even Martin Luther King, Jr., as gun rights helped black men arm themselves against racist violence that often targeted them.

The tyrants who supported gun control — like David Hogg — include Kim Jong Il, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Barack Obama. All these people sought to strip away individual liberties and enslave their citizens under government control. Taking away their guns was, of course, the first step toward accomplishing that.
It’s important to note that in every single case of tyrannical governments demanding gun confiscation and the mass disarmament of the citizens, the justification given was “public safety.” Once the guns were stripped away, the genocide soon followed.

Apparently, they don’t teach history in public schools anymore. Or perhaps David Hogg received an “F” in history class. Either way, people like Hogg are malicious, dangerous crybullies who have been witnessed throughout history pushing aggressive rhetoric in a run-up to mass genocide and mass murder at the hands of government. Even today, Hogg essentially demands that government use guns to take away firearms from all Americans, thus proving that he’s actually “pro gun violence” as long as that threat of violence is monopolized by the government itself. (Hint: All the “anti-gun” politicians protect themselves with armed security personnel, proving they are pro-gun as long as they control the guns.)

This is the mindset of all totalitarian mass murderers, and David Hogg appears to be unwittingly marching down that same path, in lockstep with the tyrants of world history who ended up with blood on their hands, murdering over 262 million innocent people in just the last century or so. As this “Democide” chart shows, governments murdered over 262 million people in the 20th century, and nearly all these murders were preceded by the exact kind of gun control now being demanded by David Hogg and his cohorts:

FLASHBACK: Hitler Also Used Children to Promote Gun Control

Today’s gun control and confiscation rally was nothing new. Nazis and leftists have been using children for decades in their attempts to take guns away from law abiding citizens.

Here’s a history lesson for young adults in America – Hitler’s regime took away guns from people in Germany and then herded those they did not like into boxcars and shipped them to concentration camps where they were enslaved, beaten, raped and murdered. The victims didn’t fire a shot in self-defense because their guns were taken away.

“These boys and girls enter our organizations [at] ten years of age, and often for the first time get a little fresh air; after four years of the Young Folk they go on to the Hitler Youth, where we have them for another four years . . . And even if they are still not complete National Socialists, they go to Labor Service and are smoothed out there for another six, seven months . . . And whatever class consciousness or social status might still be left . . . the Wehrmacht [German armed forces] will take care of that.”
Adolf Hitler (1938)

Hitler knew how important it was to indoctrinate the young to the Nazi cause early in their lives. Today’s liberals are no different.

Hitler’s Nazis also knew that the registry, confiscation and outlawing of guns was necessary to control the masses and to prevent individuals from standing up against the state. According to the National Review –
The perennial gun-control debate in America did not begin here. The same arguments for and against were made in the 1920s in the chaos of Germany’s Weimar Republic, which opted for gun registration. Law-abiding persons complied with the law, but the Communists and Nazis committing acts of political violence did not.
In 1931, Weimar authorities discovered plans for a Nazi takeover in which Jews would be denied food and persons refusing to surrender their guns within 24 hours would be executed. They were written by Werner Best, a future Gestapo official. In reaction to such threats, the government authorized the registration of all firearms and the confiscation thereof, if required for “public safety.” The interior minister warned that the records must not fall into the hands of any extremist group.
In 1933, the ultimate extremist group, led by Adolf Hitler, seized power and used the records to identify, disarm, and attack political opponents and Jews. Constitutional rights were suspended, and mass searches for and seizures of guns and dissident publications ensued. Police revoked gun licenses of Social Democrats and others who were not “politically reliable.”

Next Jews and enemies of the state were shipped to concentration camps and murdered.  It’s reported that when Hitler signed gun control legislation he surrounded himself with children as a backdrop –

When former President Barack Obama signed executive orders on gun control he too surrounded himself with children – (AP picture from the Guardian)

Leftists and Nazis can’t take away guns from law abiding citizens without using children as a backdrop! Today’s rally using children was another grotesque display reminescent of Nazi Germany.