Russia Pounds Rebel Positions in Syria’s Idlib

Russian airstrikes on Syria’s last major rebel bastion Saturday were the “most violent” in a month since Damascus and its ally Moscow started threatening it with an imminent attack around a month ago, a monitor said.

Nearly 60 Russian air raids hit Idlib province near the Turkish border in less than three hours, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said.
The Russian strikes and regime barrel bombing on south and southeastern areas of the province killed at least four civilians including two children, the Britain-based monitor said.
The raids targeted jihadist and rebel positions, some of which were empty and others in use, Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman said.
It was the “most violent” bombardment since August 10, when fierce bombardment killed at least 53 civilians, including 28 children, in Idlib and the neighboring province of Aleppo, he said.
Idlib and nearby areas are largely controlled by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, an alliance led by Al-Qaeda’s former Syrian affiliate, as well as rival rebels.
On Friday, Russian air strikes killed four hardline rebels and a shepherd in Idlib province, the Observatory said.
The spike in violence came after Russia, fellow regime ally Iran, and rebel backer Turkey on Friday failed to immediately agree on a solution to avert an imminent government offensive.
President Bashar Assad’s regime has upped its rhetoric on retaking control of Idlib and surrounding areas over the past month.
The threats come after government forces seized back areas around the capital Damascus and in the south from rebels and jihadists earlier this year.
More than 350,000 people have been killed and millions displaced since Syria’s civil war started in 2011 with the brutal repression of anti-Assad protests.

Syrian helicopters kicked-off the offensive this morning by targeting militant positions in Hama and Idlib provinces. The air attack was backed by shelling from Syrian Army rocket and howitzer units.
Here is video of one such helicopter attack:
Russian airpower is also taking part in the attack alongside Syrian helicopters and artillery forces by bombing positions and movements of Nusra Front terrorists in the towns of Khan Sheikhun, Al-Latamanah, Ghernaz, Skik, Tel Skek and surrounding villages and hamlets. 
Sources added that the ground assault, when it does come, will take place on several fronts at once. The immense air and artillery bombardment currently taking place is being done to soften up insurgent positions for infantry and armored storming forces.
Syria’s permanent representative to the UN Security Council has confirmed Damascus’ willingness to secure safe passage for civilians in Idlib, if terrorist groups allow them to leave.

While this is taking place, A #USAF RC-135 got too close to the Russian Navy exercises zone near the Syrian Coast and it was "forced to retreat."
(HT Note: It's things like THIS that open the door to a direct confrontation between the US and Russia which would explode like mad once a single mistake takes place.   We are literally on the doorstep of actual military fighting between the US and Russia, right now, TODAY.)  
America’s top general on Saturday said he was involved in “routine dialogue” with the White House about military options should Syria ignore U.S. warnings against using chemical weapons in an expected assault on the enclave of Idlib.
Marine General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said no decision had been made by the United States to employ military force in response to a future chemical attack in Syria.
“But we are in a dialogue, a routine dialogue, with the president to make sure he knows where we are with regard to planning in the event that chemical weapons are used,” he told a small group of reporters during a trip to India. Dunford later added: “He expects us to have military options and we have provided updates to him on the development of those military options.”
This story will be updated throughout today.  Updates to appear below.  

The Russian Defense Ministry says terrorists in the rebel-held Syrian city of Idlib have almost completed their preparations for a provocation involving chemical weapons.
The US is ready to put forward its own plan to effectively fight terrorism in Syria and it is not going to cooperate with Russia on the issue, the Pentagon said in a statement.
"US military officials believe there is a more effective way to do counter-terrorism operations than major conventional operations in Idlib. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said the United States was not talking about cooperating, but about using US capabilities to spot the terrorists — even in an urban environment — and take them out with a minimum of civilian casualties," the US Department of Defense said, citing Gen. Joseph Dunford.

Russian and Syrian air forces launched over 100 airstrikes in the last 24 hours, hitting jihadist trenches, bases, and hideouts in the process.
Among the several sites targeted by the Syrian and Russian air forces were the towns of Khan Sheikhoun, Taman’ah, Sukeek, Kafr Zita, Al-Lataminah, Zakat, Alayweh, Ma’arat Al-Nu’man, Jisr Al-Shughour, Qal’at Al-Madiq, and Ma’arat Al-Nu’man.
The Syrian and Russian forces will continue their heavy bombardment throughout the night and early into tomorrow, as their ground troops make their final preparations before launching a ground assault.