Israel plans to share recently obtained intelligence ‎on covert Iranian nuclear activity, as well as on ‎its efforts to arm its Lebanese proxy Hezbollah, ‎with several countries worldwide in an effort to ‎drive them to act against the Islamic republic.‎

Israel Hayom learned Saturday that Israel will first ‎and foremost share the information with the other ‎signatories to the 2015 accord, namely Britain, ‎France, Germany, Russia and China, as well as with ‎the International Atomic Energy Agency.‎

This means to show them that while they insist on ‎backing the deal and look for ways to circumvent the ‎issues that arose in the wake of the U.S.'s decision ‎to withdraw from the deal in May, Iran continues to ‎deceive them and the U.N. by secretly pursuing ‎nuclear weapons.‎

The decision to reveal the information at the U.N. ‎General Assembly was made after the data was ‎carefully scrutinized by the IDF and the Mossad, ‎Israel's national intelligence agency, to ensure making it public would not compromise sensitive sources.‎

A senior political source said that Netanyahu sought ‎to have his U.N. address incriminate Iran "across ‎the board," which led to the decision to include ‎the intelligence pertaining to Hezbollah's weapon ‎production efforts. ‎

Israeli military intelligence has been closely ‎monitoring the Shiite terrorist group's efforts for ‎the past year, and has already shared it with ‎several Western intelligence agencies, he said. ‎
Iranian officials dismissed Netanyahu's claims at ‎the U.N., with Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif ‎denouncing the allegations as an "obscene charge" ‎and calling the Israeli prime minister "liar who ‎would not stop lying." ‎

A source in Netanyahu's entourage to the U.N. General ‎Assembly said that Thursday's speech has unsettled ‎the Iranians, who have been backed into a corner on ‎the issue.‎

Another source said that Netanyahu himself stressed ‎that he would not have gone forward with the ‎revelations without the support of the Israeli ‎intelligence community. ‎

Describing the speech as a "call for action," ‎Netanyahu also noted that the fact that Iranian ‎officials "criticized the addressed, they didn't ‎deny [the allegations], which says everything."‎