The US Military-Industrial Complex's Worst Nightmare: The S-300 May Destroy & Expose The F-35

The tragic episode that caused the death of 15 Russian air force personnel has had immediate repercussions on the situation in Syria and the Middle East. On September 24, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu informed allies and opponents that the delivery of the S-300 air-defense systems to the Syrian Arab Republic had been approved by President Vladimir Putin. The delivery had been delayed and then suspended as a result of Israeli pressure back in 2013.
In one sense, the delivery of S-300 batteries to Syria is cause for concern more for Washington than for Tel Aviv. Israel has several F-35 and has claimed to have used them in Syria to strike alleged Iranian weapons transfers to Hezbollah.
 With the S-300 systems deployed in an updated version and incorporated into the Russian command, control and communications (C3) system, there is a serious risk (for Washington) that Israel, now incapable of changing the course of events in Syria, could attempt a desperate maneuver.

It is no secret that Greece purchased S-300s from Russia years ago, and that NATO and Israel have trained numerous times against the Russian air-defense system. Senior IDF officials have often insisted that they are capable taking out the S-300s, having apparently discovered their weaknesses.
Tel Aviv’s warning that it will attack and destroy the S-300 battery should not be taken as an idle threat. It is enough to look at the recent downing of Russia’s Il-20 surveillance aircraft to understand how reckless a desperate Israel is prepared to be. Moreover, more than one IDF commander has over the years reiterated that a Syrian S-300 would be considered a legitimate target if threatening Israeli aircraft.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem ANNOUNCED at the United Nations General Assembly’s 73th session, that all unwelcome foreign forces must leave Syria immediately. 
“All foreign forces not invited by the legitimate government must withdraw under no preconditions,” Muallem said. 
Al-Moallem blasted governments which have denied Syria its right to fight terrorism and protect its own people ‘on its own soil and within its boundaries,’ forging an illegal coalition led by the United States with the stated claim of fighting terrorism. “But this Coalition has fought everything but terrorism…Instead; it has proved that its goals are almost the same as those of terrorist groups, mainly fostering chaos, death and destruction."
“The Coalition, has entirely flattened Raqqa city, destroyed infrastructure and basic service institutions and committed atrocities against civilians, all designated war crimes according to international law. The Coalition has provided direct military support for terrorists in the fight against the Syrian army.” The Syrian Foreign Minister said.

US Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said a naval blockade of Russia was an option for limiting Russia’s role on the global energy market, Washington Examiner quoted him as saying.
"The United States has that ability, with our Navy, to make sure the sea lanes are open, and, if necessary, to blockade ... to make sure that their energy does not go to market," Zinke was quoted as saying during an industry event in Pittsburgh hosted by the Consumer Energy Alliance.
According to the paper, the minister said that the use of the hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, technology gave Washington an advantage over Russia and Iran because its reduced Washington’s dependence on foreign hydrocarbons.
At the same time, Zinke said the Russian economy strongly relied on oil and gas revenues.
"I believe the reason they are in the Middle East is they want to broker energy just like they do in eastern Europe, the southern belly of Europe," he said.

According to the Interior Secretary, Washington was also considering economic measures to put pressure on Russia and Iran in order to squeeze them out of the global energy market.
"The economic option on Iran and Russia is, more or less, leveraging and replacing fuels," Zinke said. "We can do that because ... the United States is the largest producer of oil and gas.".


Russia warned on Sunday (30 September)  that a naval blockade by the United States, as proposed by its Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, would be a declaration of war, according to international standards.

"As well as a stupid statement, it is a threat that, if fulfilled, would become a declaration of war, as stipulated by international standards" said Russian Senator Alexei Pushkov.

The legislator advised Zinke that in some cases it was better to use chewing gum, instead of saying something.

Pushkov reacted to recent statements by Zinke, who considered that the American Navy can assume the control of the maritime traffic and block the Russian tankers, if needed.

Russia's economy is based on the sale of crude oil and its participation in conflicts like that of Syria seek to sell hydrocarbons there, estimated Zinke, whose country entered that country without Damascus' consent and under the pretext of fighting terrorism.

Unlike the United States, whose presence in Syria is illegal, Russia was called by the Syrian government to cooperate with its combat aviation to fight terrorist groups.

Washington, on the other hand, is accused by the Syrian government of financing, equipping and training extremist formations that confront the government army.