The Coming Storm

“We lie down in our shame, and our confusion covereth us: for we have sinned against the LORD our God, we and our fathers, from our youth even unto this day, and have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God.” Jeremiah 3:25. The nation of Israel was in trouble. They had ignored God and sinned against Him for generations. Can other nations learn from the mistakes Israel made? Nations today are of the same mindset as Israel all those millennia ago. Humanity as a whole has learned nothing. God is still being ignored, even forsaken. Today’s societies have dishonored God, His creation is nothing more than a disgrace, and we hide ourselves in our shame. God’s patience is surely waning and His judgment is upon us.
When a nation or a people contrive amongst themselves, against wisdom, to systematically remove the God of all creation from the sphere of common knowledge, consequences will follow. God may well take a step back so that those deceived individuals who have rejected Him are given a glimpse of what it would be like living without Him and His blessings. Of course God never really leaves as desertion is not included in our Father’s attributes. But to make a point, our God might begin a series of actions to help bring back into focus that which has been dulled by many decades of disobeying God and His precepts.
Turmoil is very evident of late. It seems that now, more than in any period of our history, we live daily with much disorder and confusion in our midst. But sitting just off the horizon is “The Coming Storm” which will make today’s turmoil’s seem more like child’s play. What am I talking about? Brewing in the under belly of humanity is a massive amount of pent up anger and frustration. There is an implosion coming.
Currently, deep seated emotions are running amuck – seemingly uncontrollable. There’s an attitude among many today that leans toward a basic survival instinct which blends well with an animalistic nature. There is a driving force behind this nonhuman concept and it is moving to the surface of every civilization like a volcano ready to spew out its molten lava. We are surrounded by unimaginable, supernatural violence. More and more the violent attacks on members of our society seem to be taking on an animalistic personality. What we are seeing is just the beginning of people “feeding” off one another, both emotionally and literally.
That Coming Storm which is currently brewing will be preceded by very terrifying events, events which will disrupt the natural ebb and flow that nations depend on for a balanced society. Those events will include, but are not limited to, massive and frequent earthquakes, ever increasing famines, mind boggling pervasive diseases, uncontrollable wildfires, extreme droughts, and one that will catch many Americans off guard is the coming economic collapse which will shake American greed and her self-indulged materialism to its core. Most people won’t heed warnings of a cataclysmic nature until the cataclysm is upon them. We read in our Bibles that the last days will be wrought with catastrophic events. Since most of earth’s population considers the Bible a fairytale, they give no credence to its warnings of future events. The Bible has never missed regarding the prophecies found within its pages, and it never will.
Many people believe we are moving into a new era of human history. Not so. This world’s civilizations are firmly planted on a teetering precipice that has been our lot for decades. Every nation on earth is currently on a collision course with an inhuman and immovable malevolent force. Evil will not only persist in these last days, but we will become astonished at how rapidly the digression into full on wickedness occurs. People will begin to worship whatever idol they can conjure up in hopes of curtailing the violence. Sadly, returning to the One true God will not be part of most of the last days inhabitants endeavors.
Storms are brewing, storms of wickedness, immorality, major civil unrest, there is an incredible amount of thievery, as well as other corruptions including murder all taking place at a phenomenal pace. This is what comes of nations that turn away from their Creator. All of these consequences are avoidable, but they are inevitable when corruption and sinfulness becomes the norm.