Hamas says weighing expanding rocket range: 'Ashkelon is the beginning'

Palestinians say Israeli aircraft hit ‘hotel’ in Gaza city used by Hamas

Israeli aircraft have fired a number of missiles at the al-Amal Hotel in Gaza City, the Hamas-linked al-Risala daily reports.
According to Hadashot news the building is used by Hamas for various administrative purposes as well as training work.

Hamas says weighing expanding rocket range: ‘Ashkelon is the beginning’

Hamas’s Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades Spokesman Abu Obedia on Twitter: “The resistance factions’ joint command center is holding a serious conversation about expanding its range of fire. Ashkelon is the beginning.
“Approximately one million Zionists will be within the range of our missiles if the enemy’s decision is to continue its aggression.”

Attacks from Gaza have injured 22 Israelis today — medical officials

Attacks from the Gaza Strip have injured 22 Israelis, one of them severely, according to medical officials.
An IDF soldier was seriously wounded in an anti-tank missile strike that hit the bus he was sitting in near the Gaza border.
The other 21 sustained light injuries from shrapnel caused by rockets and mortar shells or were hurt while running to bomb shelters for cover, medical officials say.
Nineteen of the injured people were sent to Ashkelon’s Barzilai Hospital. The other three were treated at Beersheba’s Soroka Medical Center, the hospitals say.
Dozens of people also received treatment after they suffered panic attacks brought on by the rocket and mortar strikes.

Abbas working to ‘stop Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip’

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is in contact with regional and international officials to “stop Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip,” his office says.

20 arrive at Ashkelon hospital for treatment after rocket hits city

A spokesman for the Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon says doctors at the hospital are currently treating 20 Israelis after a rocket hit the city earlier this evening.
Thirteen of the victims suffer from post traumatic stress and seven suffer from injuries caused by shrapnel.

World Jewish Congress calls on international community to demand Hamas cease rocket fire

World Jewish Congress head Ron Lauder calls on the international community to condemn Hamas rocket fire at Israel.
“These cowardly acts of terror must stop immediately. We call on the international community to unilaterally condemn these attacks and urge Hamas to halt these hostilities before more lives are claimed,” he says in a statement.

Rocket sirens wail throughout southern Israel, as fighting enters 7th hour

Red Alert sirens sound across communities along the Gaza border, including Sderot and those in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council.
There are no immediate reports of injuries or damage.

COGAT head to Gazans: Hamas has crossed a red line

Israel’s liaison to the Palestinians says Hamas has crossed a “red line” in its indiscriminate rocket fire at Israeli towns.
“The State of Israel will dial up its response against [Hamas],” writes COGAT head Kamil Abu Rukun.
He then addresses residents of Gaza directly. “Look carefully at the pictures from Operation Protective Edge in 2014 – a picture is worth a thousand words,” he says, appearing to warn that a similar Israeli response to what was seen in 2014 is forthcoming.

PA official: We hold Israel responsible for Gaza violence

A top aide to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas says the PA holds Israel responsible for the rapidly escalating violence in and around the Gaza Strip.
“We hold Israel, the occupying power, fully responsible for the deterioration of the situation in Gaza,” Saeb Erekat tweets.
“We reiterate our demand for international protection. We call upon the Int. Community to do everything needed in order to prevent a new massacre in Gaza, Palestine,” he continues.