Rocket sirens heard in Israeli towns on Gaza border

The Times of Israel is liveblogging Sunday’s events as they happen.

PM holding operational consultations from abroad

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is reportedly holding operational consultations with IDF commanders, while currently abroad in France.
His office has not yet said whether the prime misntier plans to cut his trip short.
He is currently scheduled to meet with French President Emanuel Macron tomorrow at 10 a.m. local time, before rerunning to Israel.

Five Palestinians said killed in airstrikes

The Gaza Strip’s Hamas-run health ministry updates the number of people killed in clashes with the IDF to five, including a battalion commander in the terror group’s military wing.
Seven other people are said wounded in gunfights with Israeli troops and raids by Israeli aircraft.

More rocket sirens heard in south

More rocket sirens blare in southern Israel’s Eshkol region, amid clashes between the Israeli military and the Hamas terror group in Gaza.
There are no immediate reports of injuries or damage.
Eshkol residents report hearing sounds of explosions.

Israeli special forces faced ambush during operation in Gaza — reports

The Israeli airstrikes in Gaza are a response to an incident that occurred within the Strip, when IDF special forces encountered an ambush, according to Hebrew media reports.
There were no immediate reports of Israeli injuries.

Liberman at Defense Ministry headquarters

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman is at the Defense Ministry headquarters in Tel Aviv, currently carrying out operational deliberations with IDF commanders, his office says.

IDF investigating rocket sirens

The IDF confirms that rocket sirens have been sounded in the Eshkol region bordering the Gaza Strip.
It says it is investigating the cause of the sirens.

Palestinian reports: 4 killed in Israel airstrikes

Palestinian media is reporting that at least four people were killed in Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip.
At least one of those reported dead is said to be a senior Hamas military commander.

Rocket sirens heard in Israeli towns on Gaza border

Rocket sirens sound in southern Israel, sending thousands of Israelis to bomb shelters, amid clashes between Israel and the Hamas terror group.
The alarms are heard in the Eshkol region, east of southern Gaza.

Southern residents ordered to stay indoors

Residents of communities that border the Gaza Strip and several other towns in Israel’s south have been ordered to stay indoors by the IDF’s Homefront Command, amid reported Israeli airstrikes on Hamas targets.
Israeli drones bombed a number of targets near the city of Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip on Sunday night, killing two people, including a senior Hamas commander, according to Palestinian media reports.

Southern Israelis told to stay near bomb shelters amid reports of Gaza clashes

Residents of southern Israel are instructed to remain close to bomb shelters or other protected spaces following reports of clashes between the IDF and the Hamas terror group in the Gaza Strip.
“In accordance with army instructions: You should remain close to a protected space, or the most protected space possible,” residents of the Eshkol region of southern Israel are told in a text message.
The Eshkol region has been one of the hardest hit areas in the sporadic rocket and mortar attacks by Hamas and other terror groups in the Strip in recent months.

Israeli drones said to launch strikes in Gaza

Israeli drones conduct a series of raids in the southern Gaza Strip, Palestinian media report.
The nature of the strikes is not immediately known.
The air raids are said to target sites near the Gaza city of Khan Younis.
The Israeli military refuses to comment on the reports.