Hamas says weighing expanding rocket range: 'Ashkelon is the beginning' - Times Of IsraelLiveblogging with frequent updates

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8min ago

Number of people hurt in Ashkelon rocket hit up to 7

Medics update the number of people injured in the rocket attack that struck an apartment building in the city of Ashkelon to seven, including a woman in her 60s who was found unconscious and seriously injured.
The woman was found unresponsive in one of the apartments, suffering from injuries throughout her body caused by shrapnel from the rocket, medics say.
A 40-year-old man initially said to be lightly injured is now considered to be in moderate condition, according to the Magen David Adom ambulance service.
In addition, two women in their 20s are lightly wounded by glass shards. Two men in their 40s and a women in her 90s are suffering from smoke inhalation after a fire breaks out at the scene.
Three people are also treated for panic attacks brought on by the rocket strike, medics say.
The victims are taken to Ashkelon’s Barzilai Hospital for treatment.

PA ‘hopes’ efforts to stop escalation will be fruitful

More from the PA on its efforts to deescalate: Fatah Central Central Committee Member Hussein al-Sheikh tells Palestine TV, the official PA television that Abbas has phoned all relevant regional and international parties to put a stop to “the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people the Gaza Strip.”
The Palestinians “hope that in the coming hours these communications and efforts will be fruitful in stopping this Israeli aggression.”

Hamas issues footage of anti-tank missile strike on Israeli bus

Hamas has published a video depicting its attack on a bus near the border that seriously injured a soldier earlier today.
The Hamas cell that carried out the attack appears to stock the bus and its passengers as well as a group of Israeli soldiers for some time before firing an anti-tank missile at the vehicle.