Man killed in rocket attack on Ashkelon a Palestinian, 48, from Hebron area

The Times of Israel is liveblogging Tuesday’s events as they unfold.

Norway says rocket barrage from Gaza ‘unacceptable’ and ‘must stop’

The Norwegian government has expressed concern at the massive flareup in violence in and around the Gaza Strip, and says it is working with Egypt and the UN to restore calm to the Palestinian territory.
In a a tweet, the Foreign Ministry says the hundreds of rockets launched at Israeli communities is “unacceptable & must stop,” and says restraint “must be shown by all & civilians protected.”

Rocket sirens sound in Eshkol area near Gaza

Incoming rocket sirens sound in the Esshkol region of southern Israel.
There are no immediate reports of injuries or damage in the area.

Mortar shell explodes outside kibbutz near Gaza

A mortar shell explodes outside a kibbutz in the Sha’ar Hanegev region in southern Israel, causing neither injury nor damage, moments after sirens sound throughout the area, the local government says.
The name of the community hit by the attack is withheld in order to prevent terrorists in Gaza from using the information to adjust their aim.