A Disturbing Trend: Does Anybody Care?
By Jan Markell

Interest in Israel is waning. Does anybody care?
In recent weeks, several publications have put out alarming stories that evangelical support for Israel is sinking -- and especially among young people.The periodicals state that a new survey reveals that there is confusion about, or indifference to, the world's only Jewish state.

It is really a two-pronged phenomenon. There is a decline in the interest in end-times (eschatology) and a decline in interest and support for God's Covenant land and people by those who identify as a part of the today's church.

The Christian Post states, "Seventy-seven percent of evangelicals, ages 65 and older, say they support the existence, security and prosperity of Israel, according to a Life Way Researchsurvey. But only 58 percent of evangelicals ages 18 to 34 say the same.

The various articles indicate that young people are focused on social justice now. There is a perception that the Palestinians are "downtrodden, persecuted, and mistreated," and therefore, sympathy is towards them. Israel is the "occupier."

Adding to the survey were Joel Rosenberg and Chosen People Ministries. Rosenberg stated, "Unless the church gives younger believers a healthy, balanced, solidly biblical understanding of God's love and plan for Israel, overall evangelical support for the Jewish state could very well plummet over the next decade as Millennials represent an ever-larger percentage of the overall church body."

Christianity Today says that at best, young evangelicals are "indifferent about Israel." With such a non-stop barrage of anti-Israel propaganda, how can young minds sort through fiction to find the facts?

All of this is happening as new and young members of the U.S. Congress, including one radical Muslim from Minnesota -- Rep. Ilhan Omar -- are taking a strong anti-Israel stand. Their anti-Semitism is not even subtle. How many younger people will Rep. Omar, Rep. Tlaib, and Rep. Ocasio-Cortez influence in the wrong direction?