Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Tuesday evening, ahead of his visit to Russia, "I will go to Moscow tomorrow to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin."

"At the center of our talks is the Iranian establishment in Syria. We are acting against it, we are attacking its bases and we will continue to act against it - and I will talk to the president about that," Netanyahu said.

"We will continue to act until we remove the Iranians from Syria, because Iran threatens to destroy Israel and we will not give it a base close to our border," the prime minister added.

The meeting between Putin and Netanyahu was originally supposed to take place last week, but was postponed by a week in light of Netanyahu's desire to personally bring the right-wing parties together.

Netanyahu's visit will be the first official meeting since Syrian anti-aircraft missiles shot down a Russian spy plane in mid-September while attempting to strike Israeli planes that attacked Syria. Russia blamed Israel for the incident.