Vladimir Putin says he is ready for a new Cuban Missile crisis if Donald Trump wants one

  • Putin is ready for Cuban Missile-style crisis if Trump is foolish enough to want it
  • Said his missiles could reach the US faster that theirs could hit Moscow
  • Comes after he hit out at America over its withdrawal from key arms control pact
  • Warned Russia will target weapons at US should it deploy new missiles in Europe
  • The 66-year-old also said Russia will deploy a new hypersonic missile for its navy
  • Putin made remarks during his annual state of the nation address this morning

Vladimir Putin has said that Russia is militarily ready for a Cuban Missile-style crisis - if Donald Trump is is 'foolish' enough to want one - and that his missiles could reach the US faster that theirs could hit Moscow. 
Putin has said he does not want an arms race with the United States, but that he would have no choice but to act if Washington deployed new missiles in Europe, some of which he says would be able to strike Moscow within ten to 12 minutes.
The Cuban Missile Crisis erupted in 1962 when Moscow responded to a U.S. missile deployment in Turkey by sending ballistic missiles to Cuba, sparking a standoff that brought the world to the brink of nuclear war.
More than five decades on, tensions are rising again over Russian fears that the United States might deploy intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Europe as a landmark Cold war-era arms control treaty unravels.