Kushner: Economy and 'redrawing of borders' the focal points of Trump peace plan

US President Donald Trump’s senior adviser Jared Kushner said in an interview Monday that the administration’s much-awaited Israeli-Palestinian peace plan will focus on “redrawing of boundaries and resolving final status issues.”
Kushner spoke with Sky News Arabic in comments overlaid with an Arabic translation. His original English-language quotes were not immediately available.
Kushner said that since “very little has changed over the last 25 years,” the administration’s team had worked to “formulate realistic solutions for the issues of 2019, which will improve quality of life.

“We want to bring peace, not fear. We want to ensure there is free flow of people and of goods. We must create new opportunities.”
Kushner also called for unified rule over the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, which are currently split between the internationally recognized Palestinian Authority and the Hamas terror group, respectively.
“We want to see the Palestinians united under one leadership, the Palestinians want a non-corrupt government that cares for their own interests,” he said.
The Trump administration has closely guarded details of its peace proposal, which Kushner said in the interview was necessary to ensure its chance of success.
“When we learned about previous rounds of negotiations, we discovered that many of the details came out before they were ready, which pushed the statesmen to flee from the plan,” he said.
Kusher said last week that details of the US plan would be released after Israeli elections on April 9.

Likud and the New Right entered into a mudslinging match Monday evening, after US President Donald Trump’s senior adviser Jared Kushner gave an interview on the administration’s upcoming peace plan — with each party issuing stark warnings that the other would enable the establishment of a Palestinian state.
Kushner, in an interview with Sky News Arabic, said the administration’s long-awaited Israeli-Palestinian peace plan will focus on “redrawing of boundaries and resolving final status issues.”
The statements set off a combative back and forth between the coalition’s New Right, headed by Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud, with the two parties jostling to boost their right-wing credibility.

“There’s a clear and immediate danger in front of us: the establishment of a Palestinian state,” Bennett said in response to the Kushner interview.
“What Kushner said proves what we already knew — the day after the elections the Americans will push the Netanyahu-Lapid-Gantz government to allow for the establishment of a Palestinian state… and for the division of Jerusalem,” Bennett said in a statement.
“There’s only one way to prevent this: a strong and powerful New Right party which will boost Netanyahu but put pressure on him against Palestine,” he said.