Cable Slides As Civil War Looms: "17.4 Million Voted For Brexit & Are Being Denied It"

Theresa May is meeting with EU leaders in Brussels, "working extremely hard," according to her spokesperson, as a standoff between the UK PM and the EU over a Brexit delay has put the prospect of a cliff-edge departure back in play for British companies.

This has put pressure on cable this morning...

May asked the EU for a three-month delay of the Brexit deadline to June 30. While she makes her case to EU leaders at a summit today, European Council President Donald Tusk has already said such a short extension would only be possible if the U.K. Parliament agrees to enact the existing divorce deal - which it’s twice rejected - by the current exit day of March 29.

17.4 million people voted for Brexit and are being denied it. That sounds like a recipe for civil war to me and the British rulers should remember what happened as a result of the last one.
Now, I am wholly against Theresa May’s Brexit deal on the simple basis that it isn’t Brexit at all. It is Brexit in name only. I may have been the first to give it a name, BRINO. I may have been the first to state also that I would rather be IN the EU and carry on the fight than OUT of the EU on Mrs May’s terms.
I am wholly against the British government on everything else too. I seek a general election and the sweeping of this gang that couldn’t shoot straight off the stage altogether. But I can’t associate with Bonapartism. And little Johnny Bercow is a “Poundland” Napoleon who isn’t even as nice as he looks. Watch out, sparks are about to fly!

The EU is poised to agree to Theresa May’s request to delay Brexit, a leaked draft document shows. But it says the extension is possible only until May 22, as the UK “doesn’t intend to hold elections to the EU parliament.”
The delay itself will only take effect if the UK parliament approves the ill-fated May Brexit plan next week, the document states. The divorce agreement with the EU has already been rejected by British MPs twice.
While the UK requested the extension of the Brexit process until June 30, the EU is ready to provide a delay that is half as generous – until May 22.

“Given that the United Kingdom does not intend to hold elections to the European Parliament, no extension is possible beyond that date,” the leaked document reads.
If May’s plan yet again fails to pass in the House of Commons next week, it would almost certainly mean a ‘no-deal’ scenario for the whole Brexit affair. 
French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday said the ongoing situation cannot drag on “indefinitely” and that the “choice of the British people” has to be respected.
“If British MPs reject the deal once again, there will be no deal,” Macron said during the Brexit delay summit in Brussels. “We cannot pretend after three years that the British people did not vote to leave.”