Syria vows to recover Golan Heights in light of Trump's words 

 The Syrian government vowed to take back the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights as its allies and enemies alike condemned US President Donald Trump on Friday for moving to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the territory seized in war.

Trump's statement on Thursday marked a dramatic shift in US policy over the status of a disputed area that Israel captured from Syria in the 1967 Middle East conflict and annexed in 1981 - a move not recognized internationally.

Against this backdrop of hostility towards the US move, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Beirut where he took aim at Israel's main regional foes - Hezbollah and its backer Iran - and declared the success of US sanctions against them.

Trump's declaration is the latest US step to fuel anger in the region, both in states that are hostile to Israel and others that have relations with it and are allied to the United States.

It follows the US recognition in December 2017 of Jerusalem as Israel's capital - a decision that also stirred international criticism as the city's disputed status remains at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Russia, an ally of President Bashar al-Assad with forces in Syria, said Trump's comments risked seriously destabilizing the region, and it voiced hope the statement was just declaratory.

Iran, Assad's main regional ally and which also has forces in Syria, condemned the statement as illegal and unacceptable.

"The personal decisions of Trump...will lead to crisis in the region," Iran's foreign ministry spokesman said.

Turkey, a US ally and an adversary of Damascus, also said the move had brought the Middle East to the edge of a new crisis and the legitimization of the occupation of the Golan Heights could not be allowed.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked Trump for his gesture "at a time when Iran seeks to use Syria as a platform to destroy Israel." It could help Netanyahu in the midst of a tough re-election battle, analysts said.

The Syrian government said the Golan was an "indivisible" part of Syrian territory and recovering it "via all means guaranteed by international law is still a priority."

It said United States with its "stupidity and arrogance" had no right to decide the fate of the area and any move to recognize Israeli sovereignty over it was "an illegal action with no impact."