Ex-defense chief: Erdogan is 'deliberately Islamicizing' Europe in bid for world domination

In a bid for world domination, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is deliberately flooding Europe with Muslims to “Islamicize” the continent, former defense minister Moshe Ya’alon charged.
“Erdogan is intentionally Islamicizing Europe. People are ignoring it. It’s deliberate Islamization,” he told The Times of Israel.

In a far-reaching interview, the former minister and ex-IDF chief of staff also addressed Donald Trump’s initiative to broker Israeli-Palestinian peace, urging the US president to “not even try” to reach a final status agreement between the two sides.

Today, three different streams of Islamic extremism aspire to global hegemony, said Ya’alon, who announced he will compete for the Israel premiership in the next elections. “Iranian Shiite Islam, the Sunni Islamic caliphate and the Muslim Brotherhood, led by Erdogan.”
The Turkish president for years allowed jihadists from across the world to come to Syria and Iraq and return to their countries as skilled fighters, the former minister charged. He cited the Greek defense minister as complaining to him last year about Turkey promoting illegal immigration to his country from Arab and Muslim states. The Greek official told Ya’alon about a young Moroccan, who on his way to Germany, arrived in Greece on a rubber boat after having flown to Turkey. Apparently, the man had paid only $50 for the ticket from Marrakech to Istanbul.

“That was a subsidized flight. Who subsidized it? They’re being pushed to Europe,” Ya’alon said. The authorities in Athens gave Turkish intelligence a list of 1,224 Turks who were being smuggled to Europe, but Ankara denied any involvement, Ya’alon cited the Greek minister as saying.

“Erdogan is acting like a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and he wants to Islamicize Europe,” Ya’alon said. “So when the Europeans demanded he stop this stream [of refugees], what did he ask them? To allow Turks to go to Europe without visas. And what did he tell Turks living in Europe three weeks ago? To increase their birth rates! That’s the Islamization of Europe.”

In a rally in March, for instance, Erdogan urged his compatriots in Europe to have “not just three but five children.”
In addition, Turkey is funding mosques and Islamic cultural centers all over Europe, especially in the Balkans, the former defense minister said. “He wants hegemony also in Europe.”
Ya’alon — who had a falling out with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last year, after which he quit the government and the Knesset — said the new US administration appears to be much closer to Israel’s position than that of Barack Obama.

Ya’alon — who said former US secretary of State John Kerry was “messianic” and “obsessive” due to his belief he could broker an Israeli-Palestinian peace — was careful not to criticize Trump or his team. But he also did not hide his opinion that any attempt to broker Israeli-Palestinian peace was bound to fail — even if it was done by Trump.
“If someone in the White House believes that he can bring about a permanent agreement, that’s a guaranteed recipe for failure,” said Ya’alon, who grew in the Labor movement but in the 1990s became more hawkish and eventually joined the Likud party.

Breitbart Jerusalem Editor-in-Chief Aaron Klein lambasted the unadulterated anti-Israel bias of the “fake news media” on Sunday during the Israel Day Concert in Central Park, saying, “The time has come for Israel to troll the world with the truth … because the fake news media won’t do that.”

Attendees braved the at times pouring rain to hear Klein, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton, Israel’s U.N. Ambassador Danny Danon, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, Consul General of Israel in New York Dani Dayan, President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) Morton Klein, and others discuss their vision for Israel and the world. Sunday’s Israel Day concert was the 23rd annual event and took place shortly after thousands of people participated in the annual Israel Day Parade.

“I have to say the worst part of my job is actually to be associated, on any level, with the rest of the news media; the totally fake news media,” Klein told the audience. He added, “I think some members of the fake news media will at some point be listening to this, so let me just give them a little 101 on Israel: First of all, what is it with this fake news term ‘East Jerusalem’? What is it? It doesn’t exist. There is no such city as ‘East Jerusalem.’ There is one city, it’s called Jerusalem.”
Klein previously reported that the term East Jerusalem “is largely utilized to claim that Israel is occupying ‘East Jerusalem’ and that the city section should become part of a future Palestinian state.” He has noted that “Jews maintained a historic presence in Jerusalem, including in the eastern sections, until they were forced to leave the Old City en masse in 1948. Jordan illegally occupied and annexed the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem from 1948 until Israel captured the lands in a defensive war in 1967.”

Klein continued, “Another fake news term that I’m really getting sick of is ‘peace partner.’ Mahmoud Abbas is the partner for peace we’re being told repeatedly left and right. Did you hear his speech three weeks ago when he was at the White House and he pretty much lied to Donald Trump’s face and said that he, Mahmoud Abbas, was educating children and grandchildren and Palestinians in general, in peace?”
Klein went through just a few examples of how non-peaceful the Palestinians are.
He pointed out that several days before, Breitbart Jerusalem published numerous articles about anti-Israel incitement in official Palestinian Authority media outlets. Abbas also rejected a request by the Trump administration, and repeated calls by lawmakers in the past, to end “pay-for-slay” payments that reward Palestinian terrorists and their families with money for carrying out crimes against Israelis.
The Palestinian Authority has reportedly paid these terrorists and their families $1.12 billion (NIS 4 billion) over the past four years.
The day before Trump’s meeting with Abbas in D.C., a television show broadcast on official Palestinian Authority TV interviewed a “hero” terrorist and called for a return to the “days of the Intifada” and violence against Israelis.
Klein asserted that only Israel will guarantee the rights of all religions to access and pray at their holy sites.

It’s the mysterious slaying no one in the mainstream media or Congress wants to talk about, but nearly 50,000 Americans are now urging President Trump to press for an official investigation into the unsolved murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich.
Tens of thousands of Americans have signed a White House petition calling for the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the case. The petition, which was created May 19, currently has almost half the signatures required – with a goal of 100,000 by June 18 – to receive a response from the White House.
WND asked 125 members of Congress to weigh in on the unsolved murder, but not a single U.S. representative has agreed to address the case.
Rich, 27, worked as the voter expansion data director at the DNC for two years. He had just accepted a job with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign before he was murdered in Washington, D.C., on July 10, 2016, near his apartment in an affluent neighborhood. He was shot twice in the back, and his wallet, credit cards, watch and phone were left in his possession. Still, the Metropolitan Police Department has described it as a “botched robbery.”
Rich’s story has been largely ignored by establishment media. Those who have called attention to the suspicious circumstances surrounding the murder have been branded “conspiracy theorists,” including Fox News host Sean Hannity.

The head of a private investigative team in Washington, D.C., insists that Metropolitan Police Department officials have been instructed by Mayor Muriel Bowser to withhold evidence pertaining to Rich’s case from the public and obstruct the investigation for political purposes.
“The police have shut down all full operations,” Jack Burkman, head of the Profiling Project investigative team, told WND. “The police are not cooperating with us or anyone, which is sad. This has become a very systematic and deliberate effort by the D.C. police and the mayor to end the Seth Rich investigation.”
In a statement to WND, the MPD disputed Burkman’s allegations, declaring the department will not “entertain conspiracy theories and does not engage with conspiracy theorists.”
As WND reported, a manager at Lou’s City Bar, the last known location where Rich was seen before his murder, claims police never interviewed the bar’s staff or requested evidence, such as footage from security cameras. And police never questioned Rich’s DNC co-workers.

Burkman, who is offering a $105,000 reward for anyone with information about Rich’s murderer(s), revealed that a burglar broke into an FBI vehicle and stole weapons – including a .40 caliber Glock-22 handgun and a Rock River Arms Rifle – hours before Rich was shot multiple times just two miles north of the weapons theft. Burkman has filed a lawsuit suing the MPD for ballistics reports that would indicate whether the two crimes are in any way connected. The text of Burkman’s lawsuit, filed May 31 in the District of Columbia Superior Court, can be read here.

Rod Wheeler, a private investigator hired by the family, said that there was evidence Seth Rich had contacted WikiLeaks and that law enforcement were covering this up. MSM is not covering this murder, instead pushing it to the side, so it is now up to us.
The facts do not add up, law enforcement stopped covering the crime, and now it is time for us to fight for justice. Seth Rich deserves this.